Smeby stepped out from the limousine and studied Kendrick with an expression of mild amusement. Then he gestured to the two gunmen, who dragged Kendrick forward and bundled him into the rear of the vehicle.

Another car slipped by and kept on going. Kendrick found his voice and yelled out, hoping to attract someone's attention. His voice sounded dull and flat inside the limousine.

Then he felt the muzzle of a gun pressed against his neck and he grew still.

"These weapons are extremely quiet." Smeby leant over from a front seat. "Nobody would hear it."

The gunmen sat on either side of Kendrick. "There's no point in killing me," he said.

"I wasn't talking about killing you," Smeby replied. "I was talking about blowing your kneecaps off."

Kendrick tried not to show his fear. "You could have given me a call if you wanted to see me this badly."

"If we'd asked you to come to the Arlington to meet with us, would you really have come?"

No, thought Kendrick, looking away


The limousine drove into an underground parking area beneath the hotel. Kendrick was dismayed to see that there was no one else around here either, no one to witness what was happening to him. The gunmen marched him to an elevator, keeping a firm grip on each of his shoulders. Their guns were pressed up against his head and neck respectively. Then they rode up in silence, along with Smeby, and a few moments later were back in the same suite as before.

Kendrick wasn't in the least surprised to see Max Draeger waiting there for him. Candice stood by the window, dressed in a dark wool trouser suit.

"Mr Gallmon," said Draeger. "I'm not going to waste any time before getting to the point. You're here simply for your own protection."

Kendrick gaped at him. "What?"

"Caroline Vincenzo has been snatched in order to persuade you to do as Los Muertos wish. I can't allow that to happen."

"Fuck you."

Draeger nodded to Smeby. The two gunmen dragged Kendrick backwards, forcing him awkwardly into a seat, still aiming their pistol at him. Smeby stepped forward and punched Kendrick, hard, in the stomach.

"Hardenbrooke – tell me about him. Everything you haven't said already."

Kendrick sucked in air, swallowed and shook his head. "What happened to the friendly style of chat we had out there in the jungle?"

Draeger stepped forward, his expression intense. "There isn't the time for niceties any more. I could shoot you full of drugs that would have you telling me all I want to know, but I'd rather let you tell me for yourself. It's your choice."

"For Christ's sake, he hasn't said anything to me."

Draeger shook his head. "I don't think you understand the danger you're in, Mr Gallmon. There are agents of Los Muertos already in this city, and I might be the only friend you have."

"I don't find that likely." Kendrick's hands were clammy with sweat. A dull nausea throbbed in the pit of his stomach and in the back of his throat.

Draeger stepped a little closer. "I thought you might have connections with Los Muertos."

Kendrick laughed, a harsh, nervous bark. "Are you fucking crazy?"

"They don't have your best interests at heart."

"And you do?"

"Los Muertos merely want to kill you. They don't offer you something in return for information."

"All right," said Kendrick. "How about getting these two away from me?"

Draeger cocked his head. "You're telling me that you're prepared to cooperate? Fully?"

"Fully, yes."

Draeger studied Kendrick coolly for what felt like a long time. "If you're lying, my employees are going to hurt you very, very badly. You won't be in any condition to walk, let alone enjoy a space flight. I want you to remember that before we continue."

"I understand that. I just… I don't want what the others want."

Kendrick knew that he could never bring himself to tell Draeger anything. But buying time was all he could think of. There has to be a way out of here.

It was an effort to meet Draeger's gaze, but after a few moments the other man's attention shifted to the two gunmen. Kendrick heard them step away from him.

"Wait downstairs," Draeger told them.

"Sir." Smeby stepped forward, "I'm not sure-"

"Do what you're told, Marlin. My rules."

"Sir, I must seriously fucking protest-"

Draeger snapped him a look, and Smeby shut up and stepped back. But Kendrick registered the cold anger in the ex-mercenary's face.

Kendrick was seated facing towards the windows, and the door was behind him. He took careful note of where everyone was positioned in the room. Draeger himself stood near the middle of the room; Candice and Smeby stood at almost opposite ends of it, facing towards him.

He heard the door snick shut as the gunmen departed.

"I went looking for Caroline," Kendrick told Draeger, "and found that somebody had taken her out of her home by force. You're saying that was Los Muertos?"

Draeger nodded. "I suspect the only reason they have abducted her is to try and lure you into some idiot attempt at rescuing her."

"Look, I've already seen one other Labrat die in the past couple of days, and do you know who I blame? You. None of this would be happening if it hadn't been for you."

"Under the circumstances, the only reasonable precaution is to have you return to Angkor Wat with us and work with us there from a safe base of operations."

Kendrick nodded carefully and stood up. Smeby's gaze followed him, but he did not move. "I guess that's it, then," Kendrick said. "You're sure this is the best way?"

"I'm glad you've decided to cooperate." Draeger cast him an appraising look.

"I was… I…" Kendrick bent over, gripping the side of his head and gritting his teeth. "Oh fuck, no," he gasped.

"What is it?" asked Draeger. Kendrick could hear the suspicion in his voice.

"Seizure," said Kendrick. "Help me. I can't…" He sagged, his knees touching the floor, then let out a bellow of animal pain and covered his face with his hands.

"Get him up," he heard Draeger say.

Kendrick glanced between his fingers to see Smeby approach, reaching towards Kendrick's shoulder to yank him back upright.

Through the windows, Kendrick briefly saw that the earlier rain had given way to harsh, bleak sunlight.

He moved with unnatural speed, stabbing upwards with the fingers of one hand held rigid, aiming for Smeby's throat. Smeby saw it coming but not soon enough. Kendrick caught him under the chin and the other man stumbled back against a coffee table.

Smeby yelled in anger and pain as he hit the floor. A coffee urn that had been resting on the table toppled over onto the carpet. Kendrick moved quickly, aiming a vicious kick at Smeby's head. Smeby gave a brief uk sound and lay still.

Kendrick himself sprawled as something hard slammed into his back. As he hit the floor he rolled, knowing instantly that his attacker was Candice. She followed his movements, hammering at him with her fists. As she caught him on the jaw, his teeth clicked together and he tasted blood.

He managed to block her next punch by slamming a foot into her stomach, but she twisted away and pulled herself upright with blinding speed. Augmented too.

Kendrick noticed Draeger speaking quietly into his databand. What followed happened so fast that Kendrick was still remembering lost fragments of it over the next several hours.

While he'd been looking towards Draeger Candice had darted towards him before he could get up again. Grabbing his head, she dug her thumbs and fingers into his eyes.

Kendrick screamed and struggled as she wrapped him in a deadly embrace, pinning his arms to his sides and pressing him down with a knee in his back. He squirmed desperately, but she held him in a vice-like grip. Panic drove him to lash backwards with his foot.

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