She felt Max's hand on her shoulder. "Iz, are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm going to sleep," she said. She was looking forward to going back into the master bedroom. The feeling she had gotten there had been good… the opposite of the feeling she had gotten in the infirmary.

She started toward the front of the house.

"Wait, we'll all go," Max said, following her.

When they reached the fireplace, Isabel found herself putting more logs on the fire.

"Isabel, what are you doing?" Max asked. "We're going to sleep."

"Oh, just a habit," she said.

Max gave her a strange look. Of course, it couldn't have been a habit. They didn't have a fireplace at home. Still, to her it had felt like a natural thing to do, like something she had done before.

Silly, she thought. I must be tired.

Isabel collected her things and was about to go when Max said, "I don't think we should sleep alone."

"Right, that's how the teenagers always get it in the movies. They separate and then, WHAM," Maria said.

"First of all," Isabel said, "this is not some stupid movie. And second, we've been sharing a single motel room for how many days now? Well, extra rooms won't cost us anything tonight. I'm sleeping alone."

"I was thinking we could all pair up," Max said.

Maria sighed and shook her head.

"Kyle could bunk with you. I just think it would be safer if none of us were alone," Max said to Isabel. "Okay?" he asked, turning to Kyle.

Kyle looked uncomfortable and said, "Sure." Then noticed the look on Isabel's face and said, "Look, Max is right. I'll sleep on the floor."

"No," Isabel said firmly. "I'm sleeping alone tonight, for the first time in two weeks. I'm sorry if that bothers you Max, but this isn't something we're going to vote on."

Isabel turned and headed up the stairs.

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