Liz allowed herself to relax a notch. Maybe Kyle was right: There seemed to be no way that the Special Unit or anyone else could have tracked them… was there?

"Liz, do you see that?" Max said.

"What?" Liz said, leaning forward and scanning the road. She had twenty-twenty vision, but Max's was better thanks to the genetic engineering that had created him.

A few seconds later she saw what Max meant: It was another black, late-model SUV

"What is it?" Michael asked.

"There's a black SUV in front of us, up ahead," Max said calmly.

It didn't make any sense to Liz. "How did they get in front of us without us seeing them?"

"They didn't. It's another black SUV," Max said.

"Anywhere to turn off?" Michael asked.

"No," Max said, shaking his head.

Liz looked around. There was nothing but road and trees ahead of them. That, and some hills in the distance. "We could wait until dark to try to lose them," Max said. "We'll have a better chance at night."

"If they're willing to wait," Michael said.

"For now, they don't seem to be in a rush," Max said.

Liz couldn't believe it. This was no coincidence. Somehow,

the Special Unit had found them. Less than two weeks into their trip, less than two weeks after they had barely escaped from Roswell with their lives.

"Our friend is back, behind us," Michael said.

That's it, Liz thought. They're boxing us in.

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