
“So this is all about scratching a robot itch?” Biron Maserd asked, when Hari explained the proposition. Along with Horis Antic, the two men sat on a hilltop overlooking the scummy shore of what had once been Lake Michigan.

“They all do whatever they think is best for us,” the nobleman surmised. “But then it seems they want somehow to have it feel as if we’ve given our approval! “

Hari nodded. By now the other two understood the fundamental basis for robot behavior-that the Three Laws of Robotics were so thoroughly inscribed in their positronic brains, they could not be ignored. But long ago, Daneel Olivaw and another ancient robot had discovered a loophole, letting them overrule the old “Calvinian Laws” whenever it could be justified as in humanity’s long-range interest. Yet, the old laws remained, like an instinct that could never be completely purged, like a hunger that craves satisfying, or an itch that must be scratched.

“That was why Daneel’s group leaked enough information for Horis to get all excited and arrange our departure from Trantor,” Hari explained. “Whether or not Daneel actually knew about it or not, some of his followers decided it was time to get rid of the archives. They knew it was only a matter of time until some chaos world found them. And even if chaos is forestalled by the empire’s collapse, the archives would remain a danger. They decided to eliminate the old data botties. But the commandments inscribed upon them made it painful to do so.”

“Unless the commands were overridden by someone they considered authoritative. That’s you, Seldon.” Maserd nodded. “I notice that our host here”-he jerked a thumb toward Gornon Vlimt-”didn’t interfere with the destruction of the archives, even though he’s from a different sect. I can only assume he approved, but had further use for you when that was done.”

“That’s right. Kers would have then taken me home… and found some way to ensure that you and Horis kept silent. Since you two are already friendly-not supporters of chaos-a small touch of amnesia, or simply a compulsion not to speak about these matters, would probably have sufficed.”

Horis Antic shivered, apparently disliking the thought of even that much interference with his memory or volition. “So this further use that Gornon wants to make of you, Professor, it involves throwing youfar ahead in time?”

Horis seemed to have trouble grasping the concept.

“What good could that possibly do anybody?”

“I’m not sure. Gornon’s group of heretics is much subtler and more farseeing than the Calvinians I encountered on Trantor. They don’t know very much yet about Daneel’s plans…” Hari chewed his lip for a moment before continuing. “About the ultimate solution that is supposed to end the threat of chaos forever. What’s more, Gornon’s group is tired of fighting Daneel and losing every battle. They respect him and are willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

“But they want to have a backup option, in case it turns out to be something they ultimately hate.”

“So they kidnapped you to gain leverage over Daneel?”

Hari shook his head.

“My absence won’t set him back at all. I served my last useful function when I gave permission to destroy the archives. I’m now a free man-perhaps for the first time in my life-at liberty to choose whatever course I want. Even to go hurtling into the future on a whim.”

Horis Antic pounded a fist in one hand. “You can’t seriously be thinking of accepting this offer! Whatever lies inside that broken containment dome scared our ancestors half to death. Gornon says it did terrible harm before they managed to seal it off. Even if you believe that crazy story-0f a primitive man cast forward ten thousand years-how can you sanely risk your life, letting them try it on you?”

“With the boldness of an old man who has very little time left,” Hari answered, half to himself. “What else have I to live for?” he asked in a somewhat stronger voice. “Curiosity is my sole remaining motivation, Horis. I want to see whether the equations worked. I want to see for myself what Daneel has in mind for us.”

Silence reigned for a while, as the three watched scintillations glow and pop above a weird horizon. None of them could associate this scene of devastation with the Earth they had observed in the archives-visions of a world more alive than any other in the known cosmos.

“You sound as if you’ve already made up your mind,” Maserd said. “Then why are you discussing it with us? Why are we here at all?”

“Gornon explained that to me.” Hari turned to gesture toward the humanoid robot, but he was gone now, having departed on some errand. Perhaps back to thePride of Rhodia.…or else into the glowing interior of the containment dome, to commence preparations for Hari’s journey.

“Gornon says it’s folly for anyone to make decisions in isolated ones and twos. People who do so can talk themselves into anything. They need the perspective-and criticism-that other minds can provide. Even robots have learned this the hard way.” Hari gestured toward the poisoned Earth.

“This is especially relevant,” he continued, “because Gornon’s group doesn’t just want me to observe the situation in five hundred years. They want me to serve as some kind of judge.”

Maserd leaned forward. “You mentioned that. But I don’t understand. What difference can you make?”

Hari found it stifling, having to breathe through a respirator mask. It muffled hearing and made his speech sound funny…or maybe it was the weird atmosphere. “All these robots-those who survived the civil wars long ago-are a bit quirky. They are immortal, but that doesn’t mean they can’t change, growing more intuitive-even somewhat emotional-rather than strictly logical, as the years pass. Even those who follow Daneel have oddities and differences among them. They are compelled by the Zeroth Law, but that does not ensure perpetual agreement.

“There may come a time when human resolve will playa role, as it did in the destruction of the archives…only on a much vaster scale.”

Hari raised a hand, gesturing toward the Milky Way overhead.

“Imagine it’s five hundred years from now. Daneel’s preparations are complete. He’s ready to unveil something portentous, possibly wonderful, to serve as humanity’s next great state of being. One that will be immune to chaos, and yet allow us some room to grow. A sweeping away of the old, in favor of something better.

“Gornon tells me this prospect is disturbing to many robots, who find it both enticing and terrifying. Even the Zeroth Law might prove inadequate in that case. Many robots will refuse to slay the old version of humanity in order to give birth to the new.”

Maserd sat up straight.

“They want you on the scene, five centuries from now, to let them off the hook! By then, your name will be even more renowned. You’ll be known asthe archetype master-the human with the greatest volition and insight in twenty thousand years. If all the different factions of robots like Daneel’s plan, your stated approval will make it easy for them to proceed. But on the other hand, if a large number of them feel uncomfortable…or even hate it…your objections could result in the leader robot-this Daneel Olivaw you mentioned-being deposed.”

Hari felt impressed. Maserd’s native political skill offered him insight into matters that might have intimidated other men.

“And what if it’s somewhere in between?” Horis asked. “Might your very presence trigger a new robot civil war?”

“Good point,” Hari admitted. “It’s possible, but I doubt it. Gornon’s faction says they want my honest opinion after I look at the future. But I doubt they’ll give me a pulpit to preach from, unless they already know and agree with what I’m about to say. In any event-”

Harsh laughter interrupted before Hari could continue.

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