Actually neither of us found life in the city really burdensome. As members of the affluent minority we were insulated from much of the crazy stuff, sheltered at home in our maxsecure hilltop condo, protected by screens and filter mazes when we took the commuter pods across into Manhattan, guarded in our offices by more of the same. Whenever we yearned for an on-foot eyes-to-eyes nit-to-grit confront with urban reality we could have it, and when not there were watchful servocircuits to keep us from harm.

We passed the smoke back and forth, languidly letting fingers caress fingers at each interchange. She seemed perfect to me just then, my wife, my love, my other self, witty and graceful, mysterious and exotic, high forehead, blue-black hair, full-moon face — but a moon eclipsed, a moon empurpled by shadow; the perfect lotus woman of the sutras, skin fine and tender, eyes brilliant and beautiful as a fawn’s, well defined and red at the corners, breasts hard and full and uplifted, neck elegant, nose straight and gracious. Yoni like an open lotus bud, voice as low and melodious as the kokila bird’s, my prize, my love, my companion, my alien bride. Within twelve hours I would set myself on the path toward losing her, which perhaps is why I studied her with such intensity this snowy evening, and yet I knew nothing of what would happen, nothing, I knew nothing. Only I must have known.

Deliriously stoned, we sprawled snugly on the rough-skinned nubby yellow and red couch in front of our big window. The moon was full, a chilly white beacon splashing the city with ice-pure light. Snowflakes glittered beautifully on swirling updrafts outside. Our view was of the shining towers of downtown Brooklyn just across the harbor. Far-off exotic Brooklyn, darkest Brooklyn, Brooklyn red in fang and claw. What was going on over there tonight in the jungle of low grubby streets behind the glistening waterfront faзade of high rises? What maimings, what garrotings, what gunplay, what profits and what losses? While we nestled our weedy heads in warm happy privacy, the less privileged were experiencing the true New York in that melancholy borough. Bands of marauding seven-year-olds were braving the fierce snow to harass weary homegoing widows on Flatbush Avenue, and boys armed with needle torches were gleefully cutting the bars on the lion cages in Prospect Park Zoo, and rival gangs of barely pubescent prostitutes, bare-thighed in gaudy thermal undershirts and aluminum coronets, were holding their vicious nightly territorial face-offs at Grand Army Plaza. Here’s to you, good old New York. Here’s to you, Mayor DiLaurenzio, benign and sanguine unexpected leader. And here’s to you, Sundara, my love. This, too, is the true New York, the handsome young rich ones safe in their warm towers, the creators and devisers and shapers, the favorites of the gods. If we were not here it would not be New York but only a large and malevolent encampment of suffering maladjusted poor, casualties of the urban holocaust; crime and grime by themselves do not a New York make. There must also be glamour, and, for better, for worse, Sundara and I were part of that.

Zeus flung noisy handfuls of hail at our impervious window. We laughed. My hands slipped down over Sundara’s smooth small hard-nippled flawless breasts, and with my toe I flicked the stud of our recorder, and from the speakers came her deep musical voice. A taped reading from the Kama Sutra. “Chapter Seven. The various ways to hit a woman and the accompanying sounds. Sexual intercourse can be compared to a lover’s quarrel, because of the little annoyances so easily caused by love and the tendency on the part of two passionate individuals to change swiftly from love to anger. In the intensity of passion one often hits the lover on the body, and the parts of the body where these blows of love should be dealt are the shoulders — the head — the space between the breasts, the back — the jaghana — the sides. There are also four ways of hitting the loved one: with the back of the hand — with the fingers slightly contracted — with the fist — with the palm of the hand. These blows are painful and the person hit often emits a cry of pain. There are eight sounds of pleasurable anguish which correspond to the different kinds of blows. These are sounds: hinn — phoutt — phatt — soutt — platt—”

And as I touched her skin, as her skin touched mine, she smiled and whispered in unison with her own taped voice, her tone a bare sixth deeper now, "Hinn … phoutt … soutt … platt …"


I was at my office by half past eight the next morning and Haig Mardikian phoned exactly at nine.

“Do you really get fifty an hour?” he asked.

“I try to.”

“I’ve got an interesting job for you, but the party in question can’t go fifty.”

“Who’s the party? What’s the job?”

“Paul Quinn. Needs a data-sampling director and campaign strategist.”

“Quinn’s running for mayor?”

“He figures it’ll be easy to knock off DiLaurenzio in the primary, and the Republicans don’t have anybody, so the moment is right to make his move.”

“It sure is,” I said. “The job is full time?”

“Very part time most of the year, then full time from the fall of ‘96 through to Election Day ‘97. Can you clear your long-range schedule for us?”

“This isn’t just consulting work, Haig. It means going into politics.”


“What do I need it for?”

“Nobody needs anything except a little food and water now and then. The rest is preferences.”

“I hate the political thing, Haig, especially local politics. I’ve seen enough of it just doing free-lance projections. You have to eat so much crap. You have to compromise yourself in so many ugly ways. You have to be willing to expose yourself to so much—”

“We’re not asking you to be the candidate, boy. Only to help plan the campaign.”

“Only. You want a year out of my life, and—”

“What makes you think Quinn will settle just for a year?”

“You make this terribly enticing.”

Haig said after a bit, “There are powerful possibilities in it.”


“Not maybe. There are.”

“I know what you mean. Still, power’s not everything.”

“Are you available, Lew?”

I let him dangle a moment. Or he let me dangle. Finally I said, “For you the price is forty.”

“Quinn can go twenty-five now, thirty-five once the contributions start rolling in.”

“And then a retroactive thirty-five for me?”

“Twenty-five now, thirty-five when we can afford it,” Mardikian said. “No retroactive.”

“Why should I take a pay cut? Less money for dirtier work?”

“For Quinn. For this goddamned city, Lew. He’s the only man who can—”

“Sure. But am I the only man who can help him do it?”

“You’re the best we can get. No, that sounds wrong. You’re the best, Lew. Period. No con job.”

“What’s the staff going to be like?”

“All control centered in five key figures. You’d be one. I’d be another.”

“As campaign manager?”

“Right. Missakian is coordinator of communications and media relations. Ephrikian is borough liaison.”

“What does that mean?”

“Patronage man. And the finance coordinator is a guy named Bob Lombroso, currently very big on Wall Street, who—”

“Lombroso? Is that Italian? No. Wait. What a stroke of genius! You managed to find a Wall Street Puerto to be your moneyman.”

“He’s a Jew,” said Mardikian with a little dry laugh. “Lombroso is an old Jewish name, he tells me. We have a terrific team — Lombroso, Ephrikian, Missakian, Mardikian, and Nichols. You’re our token WASP.”

“How do you know I’m coming in with you, Haig?”

“I never doubted that you would.”

“How do you know ?”

“You think you’re the only one who can see the future?”

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