"See for yourself," Kellan replied, gesturing toward the open crate. "Simdecks, players, interface cables, blank chips-it's all Hong Kong-grade electronics, not even top-of-the-line Novatech or Mitsuhama stuff."

Orion gripped the edge of the open crate, peering inside with a look of disbelief visible even in the dim light. He cursed under his breath, then stalked off with deliberate purpose in his stride, jumping down from the back of the truck. Kellan quickly followed, in case he was going to Lothan to complain about her.

She saw G-Dogg escort "Mr. Johnson" inside. Their employer was alone, and dressed much the same as the first time Kellan saw him, in dark, nondescript clothing that shouted class and influence. He approached Lothan and the two of them began talking in low tones. Orion pulled up short when he saw the troll mage speaking with Mr. Johnson. There was a dark scowl on the elf's face. He folded his arms and waited as Lothan and the other man concluded their business.

Kellan went to stand with Liada and G-Dogg. Silver Max still sat in the cab of the truck. Kellan couldn't make out what Lothan and Mr. Johnson were saying to each other, but it seemed clear that the other man was happy with what he was hearing. Lothan gestured somewhat grandly toward the truck, but the Johnson waved a dismissal, making it clear that he felt no need to inspect their prize.

"Lothan's probably telling him how he pulled it off all by himself," Liada whispered.

"As long as the cred's good," G-Dogg replied.

Kellan looked away from Lothan when she saw movement in her peripheral vision. The Street Deacon entered the garage, walking toward the truck. The street samurai reached the cab and stopped dead in his tracks, staring at Lothan and their Mr. Johnson. Kellan swore that the man's face blanched as pale as the white skull tattoo he wore. His hands flexed as if grasping for something unseen.

"What's with the Deacon?" she asked quietly, and G-Dogg glanced in that direction. The Street Deacon quickly regained his composure and made his way slowly toward the back of the truck, his eyes on Mr. Johnson the whole time.

"Beats the frag out of me," the ork shrugged. "Who knows what's ever up with him?" He turned his attention back to Lothan and Mr. Johnson. Mr. Johnson took out a handful of credsticks and handed them to the troll, who inspected them and seemed satisfied. They shook hands, and Mr. Johnson walked away as Lothan came over to Kellan, G-Dogg and Liada.

"So?" the ork asked. Kellan noticed that Lothan seemed particularly pleased with himself.

"Payment, as agreed," he pronounced, flourishing the credsticks. "Plus a bonus. Mr. Johnson has said that he has no further need of the cargo, so long as Ares is deprived of it, so we are free to dispose of it as we see fit. That should net us a tidy little sum."

"What is it?" Liada asked.

"Electronics, entertainment centers, stuff like that," Kellan said before Lothan could reply, earning her a withering glare from the troll that asked how she knew this information. Kellan did her best to not quail in front of it.

"Not bad," G-Dogg said, ignoring the exchange of looks. "I know some people who'd be interested and would give us a decent price."

The mention of further profit distracted Lothan from glaring at Kellan. "Arrange it," he said to the ork. "We should be all right keeping the swag here for a while, but I want to make sure that we haven't scored a lure that will bring Ares security down on us." Then he headed over toward the cab of the truck to fill in the others.

"Well," G-Dogg said to Kellan and Liada. "I've got to make some calls, then I think a little celebration is in order. The night isn't over yet, we're still alive and, for the moment, we're flush with nuyen. What do you say to hitting Dante's Inferno or Penumbra?"

"Sounds good to me," Liada replied, glancing at Kellan.

"Wizard," she agreed, though she wasn't feeling as good as G-Dogg obviously was about the whole thing.

"Let's invite Max," G-Dogg said, and he and Liada followed Lothan toward the truck. Kellan looked around for Orion and saw that he had stopped Mr. Johnson by the side door of the garage. She wanted to catch the elf before he buzzed, so she decided to interrupt.

": promised us those weapons, Brickman," Orion was saying as Kellan approached. At a glance from Mr. Johnson, Orion broke off as Kellan got closer.

"Um: hey," she said, glancing from one man to the other. "We were going to go out, have a few," she said to Orion. "Just wanted to tell you that you're welcome to come with."

"My business here isn't finished," the elf said coldly, glaring at the other man.

"Oh, okay." Kellan backed away, then turned and walked toward the truck as quickly as possible without running. G-Dogg, Max and Liada were waiting for her next to the cab.

"What's with that?" G-Dogg asked her, nodding in the direction of Orion and the man he called Brickman. The two men continued to talk, then Brickman gestured politely toward the door and Orion walked out ahead of him, his back stiff with anger.

"Dunno," Kellan said slowly, watching them go.

"Well, the Deacon is going to take first shift watching our haul," Liada said, "and Lothan already took off. It's late for a guy his age," she continued with a vicious little smirk. "But he handed over our cut of the cred. Here's yours," and she handed Kellan a credstick.

Kellan took the nuyen with a surge of pride. It felt good to get a cut of the take in addition to the lessons from Lothan. She felt like she really had contributed to the success of the run, and getting paid made it official: she was a shadowrunner in the big time!

"Thanks," Kellan said. "You earned it," Liada replied with a smile. "So what are we waiting for?" G-Dogg asked the others with a grin. "Let's party!"


Dante's Inferno was not only one of the finest nightclubs in the entire Seattle Metroplex, but also the largest and most impressive nightclub Kellan had ever seen, dwarfing even the industrial splendor and glitz of Underworld 93. G-Dogg led Kellan, Liada and Silver Max up to the front of the usual long line of wannabes waiting to get in, ignoring the jeers of those who considered themselves better candidates for admission. Neolux signs proclaimed the club's name in ten-foot-high flaming letters, announcing nine circles of action! inside. A massive troll, looking dapper in a tailored black tux, guarded the door.

"Newt, my man," G-Dogg said to the troll, who stood behind the velvet rope across the entrance of the club. "Zappinin'?"

The troll smiled broadly, showing blunt lower tusks and one gold-capped tooth.

"Hey, G-Dogg," he rumbled in an improbably low bass. "Same ol' same ol', you know? How 'bout you?"

G-Dogg produced his credstick with a flourish and a wicked smile. "Score!" he said. "Business is good and I'm lookin' to share the wealth." The two meta-humans exchanged what appeared to be a stylized handshake, but the gesture actually allowed G-Dogg to unobtrusively slide his credstick into the reader Newt wore around his wrist, mostly hidden under his jacket. There was a barely perceptible beep, nearly drowned out by the music pounding inside the club, and the troll rubbed his hand across his chin, glancing briefly down at his wrist and then smiling broadly.

"Always a pleasure doin' business with you, Dogg," he said, reaching for the rope. Then he nodded at Kellan. "Who's the new kid?"

"Newt, this is Kellan. Kellan, this is Newt, the second-best bouncer in all of Seattle, right after me." G-Dogg winked at Kellan as he said it.

"Nice to meetcha," the troll said proffering a huge hand that entirely engulfed Kellan's as she shook it.

"Likewise," she said.

"You ever get tired of hangin' with this ugly trog and want to see where the real action in the plex is, you come talk to me, 'kay?"

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