
When Ruha woke, all the khowwans had broken camp. The tents were gone, the fires out, and the waterskins filled. Guarded by a thousand warriors and clustered into fifteen tribal groups, the women and children were already riding northward along Elah'zad's western ridge. In the dawn's tawny light, their gray figures were mere shadows, but the widow could see by their slow pace and lethargic movements that they were not leaving cheerfully.

On the eastern ridge, the scene was different. Two thousand warriors sat anxiously on their camels, their keffiyehs flapping in the cool morning breeze and their jocular voices echoing across the valley. The silhouettes of lances and spears danced against the yellow orb of the rising sun, and Ruha could tell that the prospect of battle had put the warriors in high spirits.

Lander came and kneeled next to Ruha. "You're awake," he said, offering her some water. "Good. I thought I'd have to lash you to a camel."

Ruha declined the water, then looked around and saw that she lay on the grass next to the lake, covered by a sleeping carpet. Behind her, a half-dozen men were folding the khreima that, she assumed, had covered her until a few moments ago.

"What happened?" Ruha asked. Her hand automatically rose to see if her veil needed adjustment. "The last thing I remember is walking into the House of the Moon."

"Let's just say you and Eldath have a lot more in common than you realize," Lander said, slipping a hand under her arm. "I'll explain later. Right now, we'd better hurry. The sheikhs are riding on the Zhentarim, and if we don't want to be left behind, we'd better hurry."

The Harper helped the bewildered widow to her feet, then led her up the hill to where a young warrior was holding their camels. They joined Sa'ar and Utaiba on the ridge, and within minutes the Bedine army was riding into the sun.

As they rode, Lander explained all that had passed in the House of the Moon. At first Ruha refused to accept that Eldath had spoken through her, but she gradually grew accustomed to the idea. Soon the notion gave her a giddy sense of excitement. Even after she and Lander had entered Elah'zad with Qoha'dar's spellbook, she had not truly believed that the gods favored her magic. After Eldath's manifestation, however, she could not doubt that fact. At least temporarily, she was no longer an outcast.

Yet the widow was far from happy about all Lander told her. The sheikhs' concerns over her relationship with the Harper angered Ruha, for she abhorred having her emotions and private life scrutinized by any man. The widow realized that her resentment was due largely to the strong feelings she did have for Lander, but she did not think that what passed between her and the Harper was the concern of the sheikhs. Neither did she believe that her dead husband's spirit would be offended by her actions; Ruha was certain that there were many things Ajaman had held more dear than her in his life.

Neither the sheikhs nor Ajaman's spirit seemed concerned over the fact that Lander and Ruha were riding at each other's side. The pair traveled behind the sheikhs most of the time, periodically joining them when the leaders felt the need of Lander's advice or wanted to ask Ruha some question regarding magic.

At the end of the second day of riding, the scouts reported that the Zhentarim were camped just ten miles away, at the Well of the Cloven Rock. The sheikhs called a halt and told their men to prepare for an attack the next day. Because they had stopped in a region of small knolls, it was impossible to find a defensible campsite for the entire army. The sheikhs finally decided to let each tribe set up its own camp atop a separate hill, though Lander objected to this plan because the hills they selected were separated by as much as three hundred yards.

The Bedine ignored their advisor and built their camps as they pleased, posting their sentries in a wide perimeter around the entire area. The Harper and the widow went with Sa'ar's tribe and laid out their sleeping carpets in separate khreimas. While the men eagerly debated battle-plans, Ruha and Lander sat together at the edge of the group, the widow studying Qoha'dar's spellbook and the Harper quietly sharpening his sword. Occasionally Ruha would catch a curious warrior watching her study. In such instances, she took great pleasure in the fact that she no longer had anything to hide.

When dusk fell and it grew too dark to read or sharpen swords, the widow and Harper put away their preparations. Rather self-consciously, for Sa'ar's sharp eyes were turned in their direction, they said good night and went to their separate khreimas. Ruha would have liked to go with Lander to discuss the coming battle, but that would not have escaped the warriors' attentions, and she suspected that they would take it as a bad omen.

Most of the Bedine stayed up late into the night, discussing the camels they would ride into battle and arguing over whether it was better to kill a man with a down or side slash. Judging from their swaggering tones and their easy manner, they were as confident of victory tomorrow as they were of At'ar's rising.

By morning the tone was different. An alarmed messenger rushed up the hill, calling for Sheikh Sa'ar and waking everyone in the camp. Ruha quickly covered her face and pulled her jellaba over her shoulders, then stuck her head out the door of her khreima.

The gray hues of first light were just creeping over the knoll. Groggy warriors were climbing out of their khreimas, scimitars and bows in hand. Sa'ar himself, as well as Lander, were already standing outside their tents, strapping their scabbard belts onto their waists.

"What is it?" Sa'ar demanded. "Are the Zhentarim on the move?"

The messenger shook his head and pointed eastward, toward the hill upon which Haushi's tribe was camped. More than a quarter-mile away, the knoll was one of the most distant that the Bedine had selected for a campsite. Still, it was close enough for Ruha to see that a half-dozen vultures were circling its summit, their ravenous heads gazing at some grisly scene below.

"Sheikh Utaiba asks that you join him there," the messenger explained. "And he asks that you bring the Harper and the witch along."

Before Sa'ar could turn to summon her, Ruha climbed out of her tent. "I'm ready," she said.

Ruha, Lander, and Sa'ar walked to the knoll. As they climbed to its summit, they were joined by the sheikhs of the other tribes.

The hill was capped by tangle-branched frankincense trees with gnarled trunks and spiny leaves. A few scrub bushes, stripped bare by hungry camels, also dotted the stony ground, but it was otherwise barren of vegetation.

It was not the Ruwaldi custom to arrange their khreimas in a circle, as was the case with most other tribes. Instead, they pitched their tents in a series of parallel rows, the mouths facing each other across narrow corridors of open ground. The Ruwald claimed that, because their arrangement was more orderly, it was more secure.

What Ruha saw now suggested otherwise. Before each Ruwaldi tent, six heads were set out in neat rows. Though N'asr's children had already plucked out the eyes and tore the ends of the noses away, enough of each man's face remained for the young witch to see they had died in their sleep. Their jaws were not set in determination. Neither were their mouths agape in horror. Sometimes the heads' lips were turned down in drowsy frowns, sometimes they were smirking at some dream, but their expressions remained uniformly sedate.

Ruha was not the only one to notice this disconcerting serenity. "In the name of Eldath!" Sa'ar gasped, slowing running his eyes up the row of tents. "How could the Zhentarim kill them all in their sleep? Wouldn't at least one man wake and scream before the steel was drawn across his throat?"

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