Shanelle wished those words had no effect on her. They shouldn’t have, with all she knew about him now. But his wanting her that much was a powerful stimulant to her own senses. If only he wasn’t so damn desirable himself, so stirring just to look at. And being told she was necessary- Stars, that was almost as good as being told she was loved.

Martha’s voice cut into her thoughts. “I hope that silence doesn’t mean you’re actually thinking about it, Shani.”

Before Shanelle could reply, Falon’s voice became husky with persuasion. “Turn the computer off and send the android away, kerima. Join with me now and take what is yours without fear. I will do no more than follow as you direct. I will not even touch you.”

To have him again without the fear? Just the thought of it set her pulses racing. But she mentally stomped on the sensation. It was no longer just the fear of his lack of control, his strength, his size. It was a hell of a lot more, now that she knew he was a warrior, a slaveholding warrior.

She had waited too long to answer, for he added, “You may even tie my hands if that will help to ease your mind.”

She snorted. “That might have worked earlier, warrior, but not now. Thanks, but no thanks.”

“Atta girl,” Martha crowed. “Just keep your socks on and keep using your head instead of your libido, and maybe he might finally get the message.” But Martha couldn’t resist pointing out, “Besides, you don’t have anything to tie him with that those mighty arms couldn’t bust out of. He knows that or he wouldn’t have made the offer.”

Martha was right, of course, but Shanelle had already figured that out for herself. And she was furious with herself for still feeling anything at all for Falon. She’d known she shouldn’t be alone with him again. Now she knew why.

I could hold him,” Corth said suddenly, making Shanelle groan.

Martha was more vocal with a snort and a derisive “The warrior wants you gone, peabrain, not participating. And isn’t it time you-”

Shanelle had closed her eyes for only a second in dread, knowing full well that Martha was bound to get Falon angry yet. And that second was all it took for Falon to take the step that brought him closer to the table near them, and smash his fist down on the link unit, destroying it completely.

Shanelle’s eyes snapped open in horror at the sound, knowing what he’d done before she saw it. Pure instinct propelled her at Falon, and she threw her arms around his neck and held onto him tight.

“Martha, don’t-please!” Shanelle pleaded desperately, expecting Falon to disappear at any moment to Stars knew where. “You know mother has dozens of those link units, so no harm was done.”

“Yet,” Falon added ominously. “Where is her heart, woman? What must I do to destroy her?”

Once more Shanelle groaned, this time quite loudly, but she also squeezed his neck a little harder. This was a different type of fear she was in the grips of, and she honestly didn’t understand it. All she knew was that she had to make him understand before Martha lost patience with him and he was gone, never to be seen again.

“You can’t hurt Martha, Falon. She belongs to my mother. She’s also my mother’s best friend. If you hurt her, my mother would be devastated. I couldn’t forgive you for that. My father wouldn’t forgive you either, and my mother would try to kill you. All of that for what? Because she angers you? Martha angers everyone sooner or later. That’s just the way she is.”

“So she is another one I cannot be rid of without causing you upset?”

He didn’t sound too angry now, and when his cheek nuzzled hers, she realized why. She was pressed tightly to him and he was very appreciative of that fact. But he wasn’t holding her there. He was proving he meant what he said about not touching her. But she was touching him, and a jolt of pure sexual pleasure went through her so suddenly, she shivered with it. Damn him! How could he keep doing that to her when she hated everything about him? But the attraction was still there. She couldn’t deny it. She just wasn’t about to let it get to her again. Besides, joining with him again, no matter how much the idea pulled at her, would only encourage him, making this impossible situation even worse than it already was.

She unwrapped herself from his body to stare at him with what she hoped was an unrevealing expression. His own expression was telling. The man did want her. His light blue eyes fairly blazed with it, and another jolt of pure sexual hunger went through her, more powerful than the last, so powerful she could think of nothing else.

Before she could do something stupid, like give in to that silent entreaty, the audiovisual console in the corner started chiming. Shanelle turned toward it and gave it permission to speak, grateful for the distraction even though she knew full well who was calling.

And sure enough, the console lit up with a view of the Rover’s Control Room, and Martha’s voice blasted out. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t dump him in the middle of a pride of wild fembairi.”

Shanelle wanted Falon out of her life, not dead. The mere thought of it flustered her so much, all she could answer was, “Because-because… just because.”

“Well, we can’t get more illuminating than that, can we?” Martha came back dryly.

“Couldn’t you just forget about this, Martha? Falon is going to leave now-”

“You’re damn right he is, and right now.”

“No!” Shanelle shouted and swung around. But Transferring was instantaneous. Falon was already gone. “Where did you send him?”

“Relax, kiddo,” Martha said, sounding much more like herself now that she’d got even. “He’s back in his own room, where I should have put him before your sleep was disturbed. I can’t have him thinking I won’t follow through on what I promise, can I?”

Shanelle glared furiously at the console, the fright she had just experienced taking refuge in anger. “You didn’t have to play I’m-tougher-than-you-are! You could have left him alone. Dammit, I was in control of the situation for once, so why did you deliberately provoke him?”

If Martha could shrug with blatant unconcern, she’d be doing it now. “Just doing my job.”

It was impossible to argue with a Mock II, so Shanelle turned to further vent her anger in a different direction. “And how come you just sat there the whole time, Corth? Didn’t I tell him to leave? Shouldn’t you have at least made an effort to assist him in going?”

“He had yet to see to your anger, Shani, which only he could do as the cause of it. And when he did, I did not hear you tell him to leave again. Nor did he touch you other than to relieve your pain. It was you who was touching him.”

“When did you start analyzing situations before you act?” she grumbled with less heat.

“Martha has explained to me that sometimes a no does not mean a no after a woman has had her socks knocked off, because there is too much uncertainty in true feelings.”


“Well, he was asking so farden many questions, what was I supposed to tell him? That you hate the guy’s guts, when that warrior has you practically panting every time you see him? And besides, you don’t really want Corth tangling with him. Your Falon’s pride might not withstand it. Much better if he gets shown up by something he can’t fight against.”

Shanelle hated it when there turned out to be perfect soundness to Martha’s madness. “I’m going back to bed. I don’t even want to think about how angry that warrior is going to be the next time I see him, nor do I want to dwell any longer on how helpful you two have been. Maybe you should have sent Falon back to his room before I woke up, because now I just have one more thing to worry about.”

“Well, you don’t expect me to do everything right, do you?”

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