"Oh, yes, my lord." Her eyes shone like jewels. "I wish that with all my heart. It is my ultimate goal and I am prepared to work very hard to achieve it."

"A worthy objective and I assure you I share your goal."

"Simon, you cannot know how happy it makes me to hear you say that."

"Now, then. I have given this problem some thought. It seems to me you would do well to consider that one method of, shall we say, enhancing our unusual metaphysical relationship, would be to extend it into the physical realm as swiftly as possible."

Emily stared at him. "Extend it into the physical realm, my lord?"

"Precisely. It seems logical, does it not, that the physical and the metaphysical must be closely connected?"


"What happens on one plane must surely affect what happens on another. Don't you agree?"

Emily frowned in concentration. "You think that the events on the metaphysical level may be shadows of what happens on the physical plane? It is a fascinating notion. And you are quite right, my lord. There is a certain logic to it."

"With that theory in mind, I propose that you consider the merits of allowing me to perform my husbandly duties tonight."

"Oh, but, Simon, I could not possibly—"

He held up a palm to silence her. "Not for your sake, but for mine."

"Your sake?" She looked stunned by the concept.

"Precisely. If I am right, then the end result can only be in both our best interests. Our powers of transcendental communication will be vastly increased. I am just as eager to strengthen our metaphysical union as you are, Emily."

Emily's beautiful eyes filled with a heart-wrenching expression of deep feminine longing. Her hands were clasped so tightly that her knuckles had gone white. Her soft mouth trembled. "Simon, do you really believe that would be the result?"

Simon decided no woman had ever looked at him with such honest need. His whole body reacted to it with violent force. Desire swirled in his veins like a potent drug. Memories of the night he had brought her to her first shivering climax burned in his brain. She was his and soon all that feminine heat and passion would belong irrevocably to him.

"Yes, Emily, I believe that would be the result." Simon realized his voice was growing husky, his words thickening. "I assure you I have no objections to such an experiment, my dear. Shall we try it and see what happens?"

"Oh, Simon." Emily flew around the edge of the desk and hurled herself into his arms. "My lord, you are so generous, so noble. I cannot believe I have been so lucky as to marry you."

Simon smiled into the red curls that peeked out from under the lacy white cap. Anticipation made him throb with desire. "It is I who am the lucky one, Emily."

"No, no, I am the fortunate one. I probably do not deserve a wonderful husband such as you, not after the way I ruined myself five years ago, but I have got you and I am so very grateful. It must be destiny."

"Very likely." He kissed her brow and gently removed her cap and spectacles. Her hair tumbled like fire around her shoulders. Then he kissed her eyelids. Her lashes fluttered like small butterflies.

"Simon?" She looked up at him, clutching at the lapels of his black brocade dressing gown.

"Hush, love. We've done enough talking for tonight. The time has come for us to learn to communicate in other ways." His mouth closed over her parted lips and he heard the soft little moan that caught in her throat.

Simon groaned softly as he let his tongue slide into the warmth of Emily's mouth. The hunger in him was so strong now that he could not think clearly. He vaguely realized that he ought to take his bride by the hand and lead her upstairs, but somehow her bedchamber seemed much too far away. He wanted her now. He had never wanted a woman with such intensity. He was on fire with his need.

And she wanted him. He could feel it. The sweet desire Emily was experiencing was causing her to tremble in Simon's arms. She was shaking with it and the knowledge that she was weak with longing for him made him feel incredibly powerful.

He unfastened her wrapper and slipped it off her shoulders. Emily made no demur as the garment pooled at her feet. Simon looked down and saw the small, dark circles of her erect nipples pushing against the fine muslin of the nightdress.

"You want me," he whispered against her throat.

"More than anything else in the world. I love you, Simon." She wound her arms around his neck and shyly kissed his jaw. "I shall be a good wife to you, I swear it."

"Yes, you will, elf. You most definitely will."

He eased her down onto the carpet in front of the fire. She went willingly, clinging to him and burying her flushed face against his dressing gown. Simon could hear the small catch in her breath as she shivered again.

"Are you cold?" he asked, stretching out beside her.

"No." She looked up at him quickly and then veiled her eyes behind her lashes. "No, the fire is quite warm. I am not cold, but I seem to be somewhat nervous, for some reason."

He smiled and slid his hand up under the hem of her nightdress. Then he bent his head and kissed the base of her throat. "It is a very understandable reaction, under the circumstances."

"Do you think so?" Her gaze was anxious.

"It is just that you are not accustomed to this type of communication on the physical plane."

"Are you?"

Simon was jolted by the question and even more startled by his response. "No," he heard himself say thickly. It had never been like this before in his life. The need had never been so raw and uncontrollable. "No, this is new to me, my sweet."

Her answering smile was tremulous. "Then we shall explore this strange realm together, voyagers on a mysterious journey."

"Indeed we shall," he vowed.

His fingers shook slightly as he undid the ties of the nightdress and slowly tugged it free of her body. He drew a deep breath as he propped himself on one elbow and stared down at the treasure he had uncovered. He was awed by the graceful, womanly curve of her small breasts, fascinated by the sensual flare of her hips, mesmerized by the sleek shape of her legs.

"Emily, you are lovely." He reached out to trace the rosy circle that crowned one creamy breast. Then he caught the nipple between thumb and forefinger and rolled it gently back and forth. It felt ripe and full, like a luscious berry about to burst. Unable to resist, Simon bent his head and captured the small fruit between his teeth.

Emily gasped aloud and arched herself against his mouth. Her fingers clenched wildly in his hair. "Simon."

He was aware of the tension singing through her and he gloried in it. His own body was clamoring in frantic response. His hand crept down over her hip, seeking the tight, red curls between her legs. When he found the hot, flowing honey he thought he would go mad. The raging hunger was consuming him now. His entire body was on fire.

"Simon, I feel so strange."

Dazed, he raised his head and saw the new, languid sensuality in her face. Catching hold of her hand, he guided it beneath his dressing gown. "I know, love. So do I. Touch me, Emily." He shrugged out of his dressing gown. "Touch me." He pushed her palm firmly against his engorged manhood.

Emily's eyes widened in shock and wonder. "Simon, are you all right?"

"No, but you will soon put me right." He kissed her lips reassuringly but he did not allow her to pull her hand away. "That feels so good, my sweet. Ah, yes, curl your fingers around me. Hold me." He moved himself slowly between her fingers, torturing himself until he thought he would go up in flames.

When she stopped trying to withdraw her fingers and instead seemed to grow intrigued by his body's response, Simon released his grip on her hand. Then he touched the silken skin of her thighs, tracing a random pattern that ended at the plump petals that guarded her secrets. Slowly he eased one finger inside the small, tight opening. At the same time he found the little nubbin of sensitive feminine flesh with his thumb.

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