Ari said, ‘Your destiny at a higher level than that has not yet been decided.’

McGregor frowned. ‘I don’t understand. This is a Brikanti ship. I don’t know anything about your government, your empire – whatever – but surely we’re under your protection.’

‘I’m afraid it is more complicated than that.’ Ari gestured. ‘Look around.’

And when Beth looked away from the bright surface of the planet she saw an array of brilliant, unwinking stars against the dark background of space.

Lex McGregor whistled. ‘Wow. Space habitats. I see toruses, cylinders, platforms – mirrors, antennas …’ He clenched a fist. ‘We’ve barely been allowed near a window. I never even noticed all this junk before.’

‘Junk?’ Ari smiled. ‘I have been told that, where you come from, space is much less populated, comparatively. We find that difficult to understand. With kernel-drive ships it is easy to haul vast loads into orbit, or to ship materials in from such sources as Luna or the Tears of Ymir.’

‘But, Ari, they – umm, we – are more wary of kernels than you are. Kernel drives aren’t allowed on the Earth. Nowhere closer than the far side of the moon, where Penny Kalinski and her sister once worked. Of course, when the final war came, all bets were off.’

‘But I point out that the hardware you see in space around us represents the various forces who have taken an interest in you.’

Beth said, ‘You mean the Romans, the Xin?’

‘I do.’ Ari studied her, his face open, inquisitive. ‘I still know little of your own history. What hints I have heard are fascinating – the differences from our own. For now, you need to understand this. From what I have gathered, your history was rather more complex than ours has been. Fragmented. Essentially our world, and now the worlds beyond Terra, have been dominated by the rise of two powerful empires, Rome and Xin. Though other polities have come and gone, those two great poles of power have competed for control of the great landmasses of Asia and Europa for two thousand years. And for the last thousand years or more they have contended over the territories of the rest of the world also. The only significant exception has been my own federation, the Brikanti. Starting with a Pritanike that stayed independent of Rome, the Brikanti have managed to retain a kind of land empire of their own.’

He studied their faces. ‘Terrible wars have been fought, on this world and elsewhere. Why, the battered face of Luna is a reminder of that. It is said that when the war up there was at its height, and the face of the satellite burned in the sky, a hail of debris, rocks from the great lunar detonations, rained down on Terra. Those accidental rock falls could not be distinguished from purposeful attacks, and a new wave of war was initiated on Terra itself. However, war and competition drove innovation. In many ways, it is clear, my culture is less technologically advanced than yours – but not in others.

‘And we survive, and poor Terra, almost as battered and scarred as Luna, has survived as an abode for humanity. This is because we, the competing powers of Terra, have found ways, if not to cooperate, at least to manage our conflicts. To sublimate them into angry diplomacy.’

McGregor said, ‘Are you saying we are now the subject of this “angry diplomacy”?’

Ari sighed. ‘The whole world saw the Ukelwydd come sailing in with the wreck of a ship of unknown origin. Our crew is riddled with spies for Xin and Rome. Of course it is; it is to be expected. You represent treasure, or perhaps danger, of unknown potential. We Brikanti spotted you first, and showed the initiative to retrieve you, but that is not to say that Xin and Rome are happy for us to keep you to ourselves. And as a result, right now, this ship, and you, are the subject of scrutiny. And as they watch us, they watch each other too.’

McGregor grunted. ‘And everybody is armed to the teeth.’

‘That’s the idea. The fact that there is a native Xin among you, or so we would classify Jiang Youwei, makes the situation that much more complex; all sides feel they have a claim. At some point the trierarchus, as the command authority on the spot, will need to decide whether it is worth the risk of trying to transport you to Brikanti territory on the ground, or else to give you up to either Rome or Xin – or even to cast you adrift in your Tatania and let them fight it out over you. For we Brikanti, you see, are a small and nimble power who strive to stay safe by not being trodden on by either of our world’s lumbering giants …’

Penny Kalinski joined them now, entering through the door at the back of the cabin. Swimming easily in the absence of gravity, she looked comfortable in a loose-fitting Brikanti costume of tunic and trousers. She was carrying a slate, and sipping something from a covered pottery mug. ‘Watered-down mead,’ she said to Beth. ‘Pleasant stuff.’

Beth had to smile. ‘You look as if you fit in here, Penny.’

‘Well, what can you do but make the best of it? I doubt we’re going home any time soon. Even if “home” still exists, in any meaningful sense. So what’s going on? I heard we were due to pass over Britain; I wanted to come and see.’

Lex McGregor did a double take, turned to the panorama of the world below, and frowned at what he saw. ‘Really? That’s Britain? What the hell?’

Beth, a stranger to Earth, had comparatively little preconception about what she expected to see, looking down on Britain / Pritanike. She saw a kind of archipelago, a scatter of islands off the shore of a greater continent to the east. There was a greyish urban tangle laid over the green-brown of the countryside on the eastern coast of the larger of the islands, nearest the continent; she saw the glitter of glass and metal, arrow-straight roads. And in the mountainous country of an island to the far north she saw tremendous rectangular workings that looked as if they might rival the minefields of the lunar maria.

Lex said grimly, ‘I was born in England. The southern counties, Angleterre. I have seen my home country from space many times. But I do not recognise that. Half of it’s missing altogether.’

Penny touched his shoulder. ‘History’s been different here, Lex. Rome in the west never fell, apparently. Here, they industrialised centuries before we did. With the consequences you’d expect.’

‘Greenhouse gases. Deforestation. Sea-level rises?’

‘That’s it. It will all have gone a lot further and a lot earlier than in our timeline. We had the great twenty-first century crisis of the climate Jolts, the heavy-handed repair work of the Heroic Generation. Maybe here, as it unfolded more slowly, they understood it all less – maybe they cared less – and just adapted to it. I think we can expect to see the coastlines transformed all around the world. Lowlands lost, like south and east England here.’

McGregor squinted. ‘That big urban sprawl in northern England looks like it’s centred on York.’

‘That is Eboraki,’ said Ari. ‘The capital of an independent Pritanike since the days of Queen Kartimandia herself, she who defied Rome. It has always been a city of war. Later, in the early days of contact between my own ancestral people and the Brikanti, for some years Eboraki was held by us. It was a Scand city, not a Brikanti one.’

Penny grinned. ‘But all that’s a long time ago. Forgive and forget?’

‘At least we Brikanti and Scand loathe each other less than we loathe the Romans and the Xin. Now Eboraki is the capital of a world empire – though we have no emperors.’

Lex said, ‘The development on the scraps of high ground to the south of the Thames, beyond the Isle of Dogs. That might be some version of London.’

‘That is Lund,’ Ari said. ‘The most obvious gateway to Europa, and the Roman provinces. The town was a petty community before contact with the Romans; there was no particular purpose for it. After Kartimandia it became a trading hub with the Empire, and the nearest to a Roman city in Pritanike. But it was always dwarfed by Eboraki.’

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