“Another lie,” said Rigg. “They didn’t have to come stealthily, they could have done it openly. They chose to be deceptive.”

“What are you talking about?” asked Umbo.

“There are more than a hundred mice on the flyer,” said Rigg. “Since they were traveling ‘with’ us, I suppose they thought that would qualify them to go through the Wall.”

“Where are they?” asked Param.

“There are two in your hair,” said Rigg.

Param shrieked and combed through her hair with her fingers; the mice leapt out onto the seat back and then out of sight behind the chairs.

“In all our clothes,” said Rigg. “I’d appreciate it if they’d all assemble here in plain sight.”

Within moments, a swarm of mice was visible, tightly packed on the floor, perched on chair backs, and at the controls of the flyer.

“The flyer is not to obey any commands from the mice,” said Rigg.

“Understood,” said the voice of the ship’s computer.

“Have they given you any commands?” asked Rigg.

“They chose the point where the flyer should land,” said the ship’s voice.

“Silbom’s left . . .” began Umbo.

“This is way beyond Silbom,” said Olivenko.

“I didn’t hear them command anything,” said Loaf.

“They click their teeth, they tap their toes,” said the ship’s voice. “They slide and brush against surfaces, they sigh and gasp. It is a language as complete as any other. They taught me centuries ago.”

“Were they prepared to crash the flyer?” asked Rigg.

“Yes,” said the ship’s voice. “If you made any attempt to kill them, I was to make a fatal impact into the ground.”

“So I’m not in charge of you at all,” said Rigg.

“You had not yet commanded me not to obey the mice.”

“Very smart group,” said Rigg. “Much smarter than we are, with so many here.”

“Not really,” said Loaf. “They can handle more tasks and recall more data, when there are this many. But they aren’t any wiser, necessarily. It depends on how you define ‘smart.’”

“After all the times we’ve been lied to,” said Umbo, “I can’t believe I was believing mice.”

“They’re so cute,” said Param bitterly.

“Fatally,” said Umbo.

“I’m afraid our rodent companions have the odd notion that because they created us, after a fashion, they can do with us whatever they want,” said Rigg.

The mice sat rigid, regarding him steadily.

“It’s the mistake a lot of parents make about their children,” Olivenko added.

“I give an order that must survive my death. No mice will be allowed to pass through the Wall, ever.”

“Understood,” said the ship’s voice.

“And agreed to?” asked Rigg.

“Your commands cannot survive your death,” said the ship’s voice. “But we agree with the desirability of this command and we will continue to respect it.”

“The jewels confer authority only on persons of human shape,” said Rigg. “Is that rule agreed to?”

“Yes,” said the ship’s computer.

“They think you’re a bigot,” said Loaf.

“I think they’ve proven themselves to regard the killing of humans as one of their rights,” said Rigg. “That puts them in a different category.”

“They’re saying all kinds of soothing things,” said Loaf. “But I don’t believe them, and so it’s hardly worth telling you what they’re saying.”

The mice all turned as one to face Loaf.

“I think you just pissed them off,” said Umbo.

“Do you want the flyer to proceed to the landing place the mice selected?” asked the ship’s voice.

“Yes,” said Rigg. “I’m assuming that many thousands of mice are already waiting there, expecting to cross into Larfold. We might as well have a conversation with this squad of would-be colonists as a whole.”

“They don’t have to listen to you,” said Loaf. “That’s what they just said to me.”

“And we don’t have to listen to them,” said Rigg. “We also don’t have to take any of them with us into the past.”

“They think they know how to attach to your timefield as you shift,” said Loaf. “They tried it out when you went back to get Param.”

“I wonder if that’s true,” said Rigg.

“They’re practically screaming that it’s very, very true,” said Loaf.

“Just what they’d do if it were a lie,” said Olivenko.

“Suppose one mouse always lies, and one always tells the truth,” said Loaf.

“Ask one if he’s a liar, and then ask the other one if the first one told the truth,” said Param. “That’s an old one.”

“The trouble is,” said Rigg, “they might both be liars. In fact, I’m pretty sure that we can’t believe anything they say.”

“I think there are too many of them,” said Olivenko. “They have a lot of redundancy. I think a little mouse-stomping would thin the herd.”

Mice skittered away from him.

“It’s our one advantage,” said Olivenko. “We can break their little skulls under our feet.”

“Or between our fingers,” said Umbo. “Much less elaborate than sliding a slab of metal into Param’s throat while she’s time-slicing.”

“I don’t think we need to declare war quite yet,” said Rigg. “Besides, from the paths I’m seeing, there are several dozen who are not out in the open here. They’re all deep inside the machinery of the flyer. I think that regardless of who actually commands the flyer, this vehicle will crash if the mice feel threatened.”

“Good guess, they say,” said Loaf.

“And we can’t jump back in time,” pointed out Umbo, “since we’d materialize in midair before the flyer got here, and plummet to the ground.”

“Thanks for pointing out our powerlessness,” said Param.

“They call it a stalemate,” said Loaf.

“Not really,” said Rigg. “Not while we might save the world, and they might not. We need each other. But let’s say that I’m open to discussion when we reach the Wall.”

“I’m not,” said Umbo. Rigg saw that Umbo immediately regretted his defiant tone. He held up his hands as if to erase what he had just said.

“Then it’s a good thing I’m going to do all the talking,” said Rigg with a grin.

“What are you going to say?” asked Param.

“Anything I say to you,” said Rigg, “they can hear.”

“I can hear whatever they say to each other,” said Loaf.

“Everything? Their click-and-tap-and-sigh language, too?”

“Now that I know it’s a language,” said Loaf.

“They have no level of communication too soft for you to hear, even with the facemask?” asked Rigg.

Loaf nodded at the question. “I have no way of knowing,” he admitted. “That may be what they wish me to believe.”

“Such a quandary,” said Rigg. “How to establish trust with a nation that has already attacked us and murdered some of us.”

“We’ve killed a few of them, too,” said Param.

“Only when they put themselves underfoot,” said Umbo.

“You call them a nation?” said Olivenko.

“That’s what they are, don’t you think?” asked Rigg. “A foreign country. An inscrutable culture. They regard us with such contempt that they don’t think they have any obligation to tell us the truth or keep their word to us.”

“They’re assuring me that they’ll keep their word, they don’t break promises,” said Loaf.

“How odd,” said Rigg. “And here I thought they were supposed to be human.”

“All right,” said Loaf, “now they’re saying that they can’t trust us, either.”

“Because we’ve killed so many of them, and broken our word to them, and lied to them constantly,” said Rigg.

“They say that the only reason you didn’t lie is that you didn’t take them seriously enough to think that they were worth deceiving.”

“A fair assessment,” said Rigg. “Also, they could overhear everything we said to each other, which makes lying harder for us than it is for them.” Then Rigg broke into the ancient language of the Stashik River plain, the one that had been spoken by the Empire of O, while the Sessamids were still dung-burning tent-dwellers.

Until this moment, Rigg had never known why Father thought it was so important for him to become fluent in a dead language. But now, having been through the Wall, the others understood him very quickly. But these mice, having never been through the Wall, and having never studied a dead language spoken only in another wallfold, understood not a word.

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