I couldn’t wait for a shower and bed.  Thanks to the weird happiness burst, I didn’t feel twitchy or edgy, so there was no need to spar before I crashed.  However, thanks to our afternoon binger, we hadn’t practiced either.

Everyone moved a bit slower than normal to get inside.  Someone must have called ahead and reserved the rooms because it didn’t take long for Michelle and Emmitt to hand out room keys.  When Michelle handed a card with the same room number on it to both Carlos and Luke, I didn’t complain.  I had promised.

Bethi and I walked together up the stairs then down the hall.  She was very quiet and not radiating too much of anything.  In fact, everyone in the group seemed emotionally subdued.

Luke reached around us to open the door.

“Does anyone need the bathroom before I shower?” I asked.

“Yes,” Bethi said, making a beeline for it.

It didn’t take her long to step out and give both Luke and Carlos a chance at the bathroom.  Once everyone finished, I closed myself in and started the shower.  Who knew what was in my hair after being chased through the woods and knocked to the ground.  I wasn’t a fan of anything with more legs than I had.  The thought made me grin as I recalled werewolves had four legs.  Then, I frowned as I remembered how Carlos had shifted from four legs to a very naked two.  I shook the thought away, stripped, and stepped into the shower.

The hot water felt good, but I didn’t linger.  I wanted sleep.

After I dried myself, I found a clean pair of shorts in my bag.  I was pretty sure they weren’t mine.  At least, I didn’t remember buying them.  They looked the right size though, so I pulled them on followed by a clean tank top.

When I opened the door, the room was already dark.  After the bright light in the bathroom, I couldn’t see much but was able to discern that one bed had two lumps and the other just one.  I carefully shuffled to the bed with one lump, lifted the covers, and slid in.

Exhaling slowly, I let myself relax.

*    *    *    *

An arm over my waist prevented me from rolling over like I wanted to.  So I threw it off and repositioned myself on my other side.  The weight settled back on my waist and pulled me toward a heat source that warmed my face.  I scooted closer until my nose touched skin then sighed and went under once more.

*    *    *    *

The almost silent click of a door closing nudged me to consciousness.  I wasn’t ready to wake up yet.  My head hurt a little, and I still felt so tired.  I snuggled in closer to Bethi, then froze as I registered every little detail about my snuggle buddy.

My hand was on the chiseled ribcage of my bedmate.  Chiseled didn’t quite describe Bethi.  My nose pressed against a sparsely haired chest.  I couldn’t picture Bethi sleeping with me topless, let alone having chest hair.  And the fingers of a strong, large hand stroked my back.

Anger rode in on top of my panic-pony.

“Is anyone else in the room with us?” I asked, without moving.

The hand on my back stilled.

“Why are you asking?”

“Because I don’t want to hurt anyone else when I go after you.”

“Bethi thought you might feel that way.  She and Luke just left.”

He didn’t move or try to defend his position.  I lifted my head and met his gaze.  His darkly lashed chocolate eyes held me for a moment before I noted the rest of his face.  His strong jawline...the slight curve of his lower lip...the dimple in his chin...his corded throat...his chiseled, bare chest.  I swallowed hard and didn’t check any lower.  Instead, I met his gaze again.

“Good morning, Isabelle,” he said softly, like it was an endearment or a declaration.

It made my heart flutter, and I had to look away.  Focusing on his bare chest didn’t help.  It was perfect.  Tanned skin dusted with dark hair.  Who was I kidding?  I liked where I was.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

“Good morning, Carlos.”

His arm tightened fractionally around my waist.

“Why, exactly, aren’t you on your half of the bed?”

“I am.”

I lifted my head again.  He lay on his side, on the very edge of the bed.

“This doesn’t mean anything,” I said, trying to move away.

“Not a thing.  Go back to sleep.”

His fingers started tracing paths on my back.  I wanted to sigh again and settle in for some more sleep, but I couldn’t. I’d only ever been this close to Ethan.  And Ethan had known and respected the boundaries I’d set to keep him safe.  My boundaries kept everyone safe.  Look at what had happened the night before.  A few drinks and I was pushing happy like the newest drug on the street.  The affirmation of my need to isolate myself hurt as much as the memory of Ethan.

“Carlos, I can’t do this.  I can’t deal with what you want.  It hurts.  Don’t you understand?  It was supposed to be Ethan.”

His fingers twitched against my skin, then curled into a fist.

“Because you loved him or because you thought you owed him?”

For the first time, Carlos sounded angry.

I tried to pull back and look at him, but his arms tightened around me.

“It doesn’t matter.  I’m telling you, I can’t deal with any of this right now.  Let go.”

All he did was pull me closer.  His body shook.

“Bite me.”

“Excuse me?”

“If you want me to let you go, bite me.”

Last night, he’d asked me to run.  I had and ended up on the ground with a big, naked Carlos hovering over me.  Biting was definitely not a good idea.  I could imagine where it would lead.  And my very vivid imagination killed what little anger I had still clinging to my backbone.

“I’ll scream if you don’t let go,” I said.  I inwardly cringed.  Way to sound like a scared little girl.

He made a noise.  It was a cross between an angry growl and a groan of frustration.  His shaking continued.

He was freaking me out, and I didn’t know what to do about it.  He had no emotions to pull and was obviously stronger.  I was out of my depth with him.

“Please.”  It was a desperate last attempt before I really did start yelling my head off.

He exhaled slowly then lifted one of his arms.  I scrambled out of bed and rushed to lock myself into the bathroom.  The cold of the tile barely registered as, with a quiet thump, I leaned my forehead against the door and released a shaky breath.

After taking a few seconds to calm down, I turned to the sink and started to brush my teeth.  I took my time, singing the alphabet in my head three times before spitting.  How long would it take for him to leave?  The problem with not sensing his emotions was that I didn’t know if he was out there waiting for me.

I used the toilet, washed my hands, and brushed and braided my hair.  Hoping sufficient time had passed, I gingerly opened the door just enough to peek out.  The room was empty.

Bethi wasn’t going to get another chance for a sleepover after abandoning me like that.

I stalked out of the bathroom and bolted the door to the room before changing for the day.

*    *    *    *

Following my nose, I found the breakfast area on the main floor near the lobby.  All the tables, save one, were empty.  Carlos sat alone, slowly eating his breakfast of eggs, bacon, and yogurt.

He didn’t look up when I entered, and I hated the swift guilt that hit me.  I had nothing to feel guilty about.  He’d taken advantage.  He knew I was off limits.  I’d made it clear.  Yet, he continued to be annoyingly intense.

I stomped over to the counter, scooped some eggs onto a plate, grabbed a milk, then purposely ignored him and went to the table near the window.

Since finishing high school, I often found myself alone, watching the world when I wasn’t so angry at it.  At times like those, I would pick up the phone and call Ethan.

We’d tried working together after I’d graduated, but the emotions from him and everyone else in the bar had been too much for me.  He’d come up with the cage idea after the first time I’d quit.  I’d tried again, working for a few hours then fighting.  It’d been great.  But I’d started drawing too much attention, and Ethan had worried.  Thus, I’d found myself in the white-collar employment pool, only working at the bar when I needed a fight.  Still, I’d known Ethan was only a phone call away whenever I needed to talk.

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