While Gabby talked to Rachel and the man-boy, I scanned ahead, looking for the man they meant Gabby to meet. He was hard to miss. As over groomed as a poodle, he stood near a table. I glanced at Gabby. She wouldn’t be interested in that. Would she? She had remarked on my smell and seemed to like me better right after I groomed.

Gabby’s step hitched the slightest bit as she noticed the man. Was that a sign of interest? Jealousy balled in my stomach. The man’s smile changed as he caught sight of Gabby.

I could feel my hackles rising and tried to calm down. A light touch, Gabby’s hand on my back, soothed me, and I managed to walk to the table without growling.

“Scott, this is Gabby,” Peter said.

“A pretty name you don’t hear often,” Scott said, pulling out a chair for her.

His smooth words annoyed me. Gabby hesitated to sit in the chair he offered. Good girl.

“Would you mind if we switched spots, Scott?” she asked. “That way our dog won’t be so close to people walking by. He’s very friendly, but big. I don’t want anyone to be intimidated by him.”

“No problem,” he said, pulling out his own chair for her.

I moved with her; and as she sat, I lay between her chair and Scott’s, making sure to push his chair further away. And, there I stayed through all Scott’s annoying attempts to hit on Gabby. He wasn’t obvious about it, just small little remarks like the comment about her name. I did my best to ignore it. After all, I was between them, and his words couldn’t actually touch her.

Yet, the longer I stayed at her feet, the more I resented the man at the table. It should have been me.

“Why not have a drink with us, Gabby?” Scott asked.

Gabby shifted slightly in her chair. “I’m a bit younger than the rest of you.”

“Really? How old are you?”

“Eighteen. I’m not much of a soda drinker either, so water works. How much longer until you graduate?”

I almost picked my head up. Why had she asked that? Was she actually interested?

“It depends on how far I want to go. Peter told me he declared his major freshman year and has never changed. I, on the other hand, have changed twice. I like what I’m learning now, so I hope I won’t change it again, but you never know. What about you?”

“I’m going for massage therapy. So, I won’t be here as long as the rest of you.”

“Massage therapy? I hear they ask for volunteers to come in for those classes. If you ever need someone to practice on, let me know. I’d be happy to come in.”

The man reached across the table, and I tensed, ready to jump up, but the arrival of their food saved him. I nudged Gabby’s bare leg with my nose. When she glanced down at me, I showed her my teeth. That was all the warning I was going to give her. If Scott touched her, he’d feel my bite.

“I think you’ll both be in some of the anatomy classes next semester, Gabby,” Peter said, drawing her attention. “If you want a study group, you should let Rachel and I know. I’ve already been through them. And since you’re graduating in spring, I know you have, too.”

“Thank you, Peter, but I really do study best on my—”

“That’s a great idea,” Scott said. “We should start now so the class won’t be so hard later. What do you think about Tuesday nights?”

I bumped her leg again. She was not studying with him.

“It’s a good idea to get a head start—”

Woman, I thought in warning and bumped her harder.

“But I’m so swamped with classes and homework now that I don’t even have time to take poor Clay for walks.”

She reached out and patted my shoulder. I turned my head to gloat, but saw the man’s gaze dip to Gabby’s shirt and froze. She must have noticed his attention too because she immediately straightened and took a quick bite. That was the only thing that saved him from a beating.

Exhaling slowly, I worked to calm down but the man tried to shove his chair closer. I braced myself, unwilling to give a hairsbreadth. He noticed and glanced down at me. I kept my head down, trying to control my temper.

“What’s your dog’s name?” he asked.

“Clay,” Rachel said.

“Nice name,” Scott said.


“Let’s take him home after this and go out to a new club that opened downtown.”

I wanted to give Gabby what she desired, my good behavior, but he was pushing it. There was no way I’d let her walk away with him without a challenge.

“Rachel?” Gabby said.

My heart froze. What was she asking Rachel? Was Gabby seeking her permission to bring me home?

“I see it,” Rachel said.

“See what?” Peter asked, echoing my thoughts.

“Exhaustion. She’s been studying like crazy.” I lifted my head enough to witness Rachel wave over the waitress and ask for boxes and the check for the two of them. Finally, some sense from that woman.

“And she needs rest, not a night out. Although, I am really glad we came.”

Gabby reached for her purse on the back of the chair, knocking my leash loose. Scott moved to grab her hand. Oh, hell no. I stood, unable to take any more, and everything on the table rattled when my shoulder bumped it. But, I’d successfully blocked Scott from touching her.

Gabby turned away, not looking at either me or Scott. Good. Scott was eyeing me again; I was eyeing his leg.

The waitress returned with the bill and the wrapped up leftovers, breaking the tension. Gabby paid, and Rachel gave up digging in her purse.

“I better drive her home,” Rachel said, looking at Peter as she stood. “You have my number. Give me a call if you want to do something next weekend.”

Gabby stood too, turning her back on Scott to step toward Rachel.

“Rachel, you can stay with Peter. I don’t mind taking Gabby home,” he said.

I bet he wouldn’t mind.

With her back to him, Gabby didn’t catch Scott reaching to stop her. I sprang forward and propelled her out of the way with my head. She looked down at me, but before I could nod toward the car, Rachel spoke up.

“No, Scott. I think we’re done for tonight.” She waved to Peter then grabbed Gabby’s hand.

As the two started to walk away, seeming to completely forget about me, Scott shoved his money at the waitress and stood, his intent clear. I darted in front of him and crouched low. The man’s singular focus on Gabby cost him. He tripped over me and fell to the ground. I stood and ran after Gabby, who was looking over her shoulder at us. I nudged her back to keep her moving. The man wouldn’t stay down long. Both women moved at a pre-jog walk.

“I’m sorry,” Rachel said, once we were almost to the car. “You told me, but I didn’t really get it. Even the men sitting around us were eyeing you.”

They were? I glanced back, but everything looked normal. I’d been so focused on Scott, I hadn’t noticed anything else.

“No big deal,” Gabby said. “You should see me in some of my classes. ‘No’ is the most common word in my vocabulary. Scott’s reaction was worse than most because he already considered me his date. If you say ‘no’ consistently and to everyone, it doesn’t get so bad.”

I looked up at her and studied her sad face. She dealt with men like that all the time? Suddenly her standoff attitude toward just about everyone made a lot more sense.

She handed Rachel the keys. “You really can drive.”

Rachel took them and opened the door for me as Gabby walked around to the passenger side. I hopped over the seats to get to the back, then lay down so I could watch out the front—and be closer to Gabby.

Halfway home, Rachel stopped at a gas station.

“Tonight’s an ice cream night. Be right back.” She jumped out and hurried inside.

Gabby dropped her head back against the seat and sighed. I lifted my nose, trying to scent her mood. Melancholy. What part of tonight had made her sad? I doubted it was my interference; and although I’d bared my teeth in warning, I’d behaved as she’d asked. For the most part.

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