“Remember the party with Nicole? When I touched her, I gave her a huge shock. That happened again last night. I think I can transfer my gift, that thing with guys, to other people. I didn’t know how it happened the first time. But I think I’ve figured it out.

“Last night, these two women at the club had been on their own until Rachel and I—and the groupies I’d collected—joined them. When we made to leave, the women had been so disappointed. They knew the guys would walk away when we did. I felt so bad for them that I went to...I don’t know...pat them, I guess. I’d just meant it as an ‘I’m sorry’ gesture, but then it happened again just like before. A huge shock.”

Her words were slurring. She was exhausted. I wanted her to sleep, but I also wanted to know what the hell a shock had to do with setting up formal Introductions at the Compound.

“Both times I was thinking about how I wished I could help find the person they were meant to be with. And, I think that’s the key. I don’t understand why I can see the lights, but I know it must be all tied together because when I try to use my sight, it hurts. Really bad.”

I could feel Gabby’s gaze on me. She was obviously waiting for a reaction. However, I was still waiting for the reason we were heading north to push her in front of the very men I’d been fighting the last few weeks.

“Oh, yeah. Before I shocked those two, a Forlorn came up behind me and started a conversation. My fish finder still worked then.”

I knew she meant the lights she could see in her head.

“There were more werewolves in the crowd, Clay. The one talking to me said he just wanted a chance to say hi. He was very persistent so I told him I would see them at the Compound for an official Introduction. They left right after that but gave me the impression that if I didn’t show up, they’d come looking for me. I got the feeling they’d been pushed too far.”

They’d been pushed too far? I’d known something like this would happen. One of them had scared her. I wanted to hit something. Damn the Elders. They should have never allowed unsupervised Introductions. What were they thinking?

“Has it been the same werewolves trying to see me or is it always different?”

What did it matter if I was fighting the same werewolves or different ones each time?

She sighed, almost as if I’d spoken aloud, and snaked a hand out from under the blanket to touch my leg.

“It hurts to see you like this, Clay. If I have to put up with an Introduction to keep you safe, then that’s what I’ll do.”

And, again, she melted my anger. This time with just a touch.

“I’m sorry, Clay,” she mumbled sleepily. “I wish I could just get over my need for freedom and Claim you. We both know you’re the one. I just don’t want to lose myself.”

She immediately fell asleep.

I ignored the tear trailing down to my beard.

The Compound was teeming with unMated when we pulled to a stop before the porch. Gabby slept in her seat. She hadn’t stirred once during the long drive.

Men watched as I got out and circled to her side of the car. One made a move to stop me.

“She’s not yours any longer.”

I stopped walking and stared at the man. He had no hope to challenge me but there were many others behind him, still and watching.

“She’s sick,” I said, glancing at them all.

Sam, get out here, now.

A moment later, the door swung open; and Sam strode out. Counting on his presence to keep things peaceful, I ignored everyone and turned back to the car to open Gabby’s door. She didn’t move when I unbuckled her or when I lifted her, blanket and all, from the seat. When I straightened, Sam was right there to close the door.

He studied the dark circles under Gabby’s eyes then looked at me. “What’s wrong?”


His gaze drifted to the men watching us before settling back on her.

“How long has she been like this?”

“Last night. Took her three days to recover last time.” Now that I knew we weren’t here to help her, I didn’t want her to try to go through an Introduction.

“Why did she call this morning?”

I shrugged, unwilling to answer something that should be so obvious given the number of men listening to us.

Sam’s silence spiked my impatience.

“She needs a bed.”

Sam nodded. “Yes. Right. You know the room.”

He remained beside the car, looking at the unMated he’d called to the Compound, as I carried Gabby inside. I could give a damn about the men he’d called.

Those who passed me in the hall glanced at Gabby but let me continue without protest. I reached the room and shifted her weight to open the door. Once inside, I took her straight to the bed, lay her down, then went for a glass of water. She’d be thirsty again when she finally came out of whatever spell she was under.

Returning with the drink, I set it aside and sat beside her, gently smoothing back her hair.

I hated this helplessness. Though she’d explained what she thought had happened, I didn’t know how she wanted me to handle the situation here. Sam would have more questions. What did she want me to tell him, if anything?

Sam came in a few minutes later.

“Thanks for bringing her. I’ll care for her from here.”

Dismissed? Not likely. Angry, I looked up at him.

Sam sighed.

“Having you here will cause problems she’s in no condition to deal with. She’s sleeping. I’ll keep an eye on her. Go get something to eat.”

I didn’t like it, but he was right.

Chapter 18

Several hours later, Sam found me in the room I’d taken for myself.

“She’s asking for you.”

I was up and out the door before he had time to say more. Based on the last time this happened, she shouldn’t be awake yet. Was she really better?

Letting myself into the apartment without knocking, I quietly approached her room. I could hear her moving around. I stopped at the door and leaned against the jamb to study her. She was leaning against the bed and digging through her bag. She moved slowly; and, from the faces she made, her head still ached.

She caught sight of me, reached into her bag, and pulled out her pink bikini.

“Really, Clay? You’re killing me. Where are my jeans?”

Her playfulness, despite her pain, made me smile slightly. She studied my face for a while. She tended to do that whenever I pulled my hair back so she could see me. I loved the attention.

She blinked slowly, and I knew she was still too tired to be up. Sparing her from further searching, I stepped close and, without looking away from her, pulled the jeans she wanted from her bag.

I held them out and tapped my lips, needing confirmation that she really did want to be with me like she’d said in the car.

She smiled widely. “A kiss for the jeans?”

I nodded; but, instead of kissing me, she pulled the jeans from my hand and tossed them on the bed.

Then she further surprised me by stepping closer and placing her hands on my chest. Her fingers branded me through my shirt.

“I don’t need bribes to kiss you, Clay. Come here.”

My heart burst, and I claimed her lips. She opened for me, sweetly and willingly, as she curled her fingers in my shirt. If she thought I’d tried to move away from her, she was mistaken. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. Her lips parted and nibbled at my top lip. She was killing me again. I reached up to cup the back of her head, wanting more. And she gave more. Standing on her toes, she slid her arms around my neck and opened to me further. The feel of her tongue running over my bottom lip almost undid me.

I growled and struggled not to crush her to me. When she used her tongue again, I opened my mouth and captured hers, kissing her like I’d wanted to when she’d first walked out the Introduction room’s door.

Her pulse jumped wildly, and I knew I needed to ease off. It was too much for her right now. But, her lips begged me to stay. With effort, I pulled away. She whimpered, and pride filled me. She wanted me. She’d told the truth. I just needed to be patient a little longer and let her get over her fears. That knowledge eased some of my frustration.

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