Gabby walked into the room, carrying a bag on her shoulder. I only got a fleeting glimpse as she passed, but it was enough to resurrect the feelings of hope. I’d have a family again. She just needed time.

Chapter 4

For the next several weeks, I did what I’d always done. From a distance, I watched what I wanted most.

Gabby woke, left for work early each morning, and returned late each night to eat a rushed dinner then go to bed. The more I studied her, the more she became a puzzle to me. She didn’t interact with people. In fact, she tended to avoid everyone except the elderly.

Why was she so desperate to go to college? Her speech about me being uncomfortable surrounded by people didn’t make sense. I’d thought she meant I would be uncomfortable around all the people she knew since I planned to stay near her. But, she maintained a very withdrawn lifestyle. I didn’t see a problem...unless she planned to change that. Did she want to become more social? Meet people her own age? Men? The thought made me clench my fists.

When does she leave? I sent the thought to Sam as I watched her speak with an elderly man at her first job.

Second to last week of August. I’ll drive her.

I nodded though I knew Sam couldn’t see it. I was tempted to ask if she’d questioned him about me, but whether she did or didn’t wouldn’t change what I planned.

Keep her safe.

I will.

Turning away, I made the trip back north. There were things I’d left behind, papers my father saved for me after my mom’s death. He’d shown me the hidey-hole three times as I grew up, making sure I knew how to find it. In the human world, those papers proved I existed. I’d need them, now.

It took three days to reach the spot and another half-day to get to the Compound and grab some clothes. After I dressed, one of the primary Mated pair’s pups gave me a ride into town and dropped me off at a shopping center.

“Want me to wait?” he asked.

“Nah. I’m wearing fur from here. Thanks for the ride, Paul.”

The boy nodded and left.

I went into the store and found one of those tag machines humans used to label their pets. Grinning, I bought myself a dog tag.

What’s the address of her new place? I sent the thought to Sam.

After his reply, I went to look at the map pinned to the wall near the checkouts. I’d never traveled that far south but figured I’d be there in plenty of time. I had weeks yet.

I left the grocery and walked a ways out of town before I stripped out of my clothes. Using the shirt, I tied everything into a pouch I could carry with my mouth. Then, I shifted. My skin barely tingled as fur covered me. It was getting easier, which was good. Hopefully, I’d be doing a lot of shifting in the next few months.

Picking up my bundle, I set out. Instead of heading toward Gabby’s new address, I detoured and made the long journey to Sam’s once more. I needed to see her again. Now that I knew she existed, I could think of little else.

I arrived well after dark on the third day. No light shone from Sam’s house, and I knew Gabby was most likely sleeping. I settled in behind the neighbor’s house across the street, sleeping between their hedges and a fence. Before dawn, I shook out my fur and left my spot to watch Sam’s place. A light turned on. Through the windows, I watched Gabby move around the house. Seeing her again, feeling the pull she had on me, only made me more sure I was doing the right thing.

I waited for her to leave for work, breathing in her scent one last time before I continued south.

It didn’t take long to reach the address Sam had given me. The house looked small in comparison to Sam’s but nice enough as houses go. I scouted the neighborhood before I settled in to watch the woman who lived there. She wasn’t around much, and the neighbors seemed to mind their own business. It was a generally quiet neighborhood, especially during the day.

Taking advantage of the quiet, I broke into the house to have a look around while the woman was away. I wanted to know more about Gabby’s new roommate. The first room, the kitchen, was clean and uncluttered. The roommate’s bed was made, and the top of her dresser was clogged with every piece of jewelry imaginable. Scarves hung over the posts on each side of her mirror, and several pictures were tucked into the mirror frame. One of a dog caught my attention, and I smiled.

The rest of the house checked out fine. Only her scent perfumed the air. No males. Good.

I studied some of the mail stuck to her fridge, then carefully let myself out to settle in for the wait.

From the hole I’d dug under the neighbor’s shrub, I watched a light turn on early the day Gabby was due. The woman, Rachel—I’d read her name on the mail—started to open the windows. It was still pleasant out, summer not yet ready to leave. After a while, the smell of cleaning products drifted out. The neighborhood slowly woke as she cleaned and sang to some music. I stayed where I was, watching through the fence.

For such a small house, it took some time before she finished and the music turned off. It wasn’t long after that the front door opened.

The neighbors had already left their house so I crawled out from under the shrub and stretched. In the distance, I heard the familiar rumble of Sam’s truck. A tightness grew in my chest. She was almost here. As much as I wanted to see her, I didn’t want her to see me. Not yet.

Quietly, crossing through the yards, I made my way to the end of the block where Sam’s exhaust already clogged the air. I crossed the street then cut between yards, putting another block between Gabby and me. I didn’t want to chance her spotting me. Sitting in the front yard of an empty house, I waited, listening for Sam’s truck again.

I imagined it would take some time to move her things in and for Sam to talk to Rachel to ensure Gabby would be safe there. But it wasn’t long before the truck rumbled to life once again. The distant noise made my pulse jump, and I took a steadying breath. It was almost time. I was nervous as hell about approaching her.

After a moment, Sam’s truck passed. He nodded to me, and I nodded back.

Take care of her. It wasn’t a command from an Elder, just a request from someone who cared.

I will.

I sat in the shade, impatiently waiting for the right amount of time to pass. I wanted her to settle in, to feel comfortable.

A car zipped past me, and I did a double take at the passenger. Gabby.

Damn it.

I caught a glimpse of Rachel’s animated face before they sped out of view. Where were they going? Sam had barely left. What was Gabby doing? Rachel had seemed excited about something. What? A sick feeling settled into my gut. What if Rachel had taken Gabby somewhere she could meet other men? Human women seemed to do that a lot.

I pulled my lips back in a silent snarl. I could try to follow them but knew I’d lose their trail with all the traffic in town. So I turned and made my way back to the house.

For three hours, I paced their backyard before I heard a car slow near the house. I darted behind the shed and waited.

The sound of Gabby’s voice as she laughed at something Rachel said made my insides twist. Then I heard Rachel say something about sunbathing. Gabby agreed and followed Rachel inside. I frowned. They weren’t leaving again, were they? Nothing was going as planned.

The building frustration fled as I realized what I’d just heard. Gabby didn’t talk to women her own age. In the weeks I’d watched her, she’d avoided them. Why was she talking to Rachel? Something about Rachel was different. But what?

A few minutes after they’d disappeared inside, Rachel reappeared with towels in her arms. The breeze blew her scent toward me, and I lifted my nose. Excitement added a hint of sweetness to it. I watched her shake out the towels and lay them on the deck.

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