Adrenaline might be the answer.  I’d watched myself and others do amazing things in my dreams because of it.  Although, there were times it didn’t work.  The phrase “Flight or Fight” should really be “Flight, Fight, or Freeze.”  So many times the surrealism of the situation shuts down a person’s brain even though the body was pumped full of that magic juice.

Fingers waggled in front of my eyes, and I realized I’d been drifting in my own thoughts.  Dani stood in front of me with an amused smile, one that didn’t reach her eyes.

“I got you some caffeine pills and a Monster, but rent-a-cop over there is watching us.  So how about you tell us what’s got you so messed up.  And don’t say ‘no sleep’, we got that.”

Dani’s eyes pulled me in, encouraging me to let someone help.  I’d tried talking to my mom about the dreams, but her answer had been to try sleeping pills.  She didn’t really hear the problem within my dreams even though she listened to my whole explanation.  Since I already questioned my sanity, I hadn’t wanted her to start questioning it too so I let it drop.  Last thing I wanted was a padded room and an IV cocktail.  No, better keep my crazies to myself.

“Haunting memories.  Let’s leave it at that,” I said with a smile I didn’t feel.  We were getting too serious, and I needed to break the mood somehow or pretty soon Dani wouldn’t be so willing to help me.  Not even for a kiss.

Cadence cleared her throat.  “Hottie approaching.”

Before I could turn to look, I felt a light tap on my shoulder.

“Pardon, do you know where the loo is?”

Loo?  I turned to look over the owner of the clipped British accent.  Holy, hotness.  Shock and awe filled me.  My heart stuttered out a beat as my mind went blank.  It did that a lot lately.

The man stood well over six feet.  Lean and long, his shoulders filled out his worn, brown leather jacket.  The mall lights glinted off his bronzed, mussed hair and highlighted the amused twinkle in his hazel eyes.  Eyes a girl could lose herself in.  Why couldn’t I have kissed him instead of Dani?  The wayward thought bounced around in my head for a moment as I stared at his dark brown lashes and tried not to sigh.  Or drool.  I reined myself in not wanting to hurt Dani’s feelings.  She still had what I needed.  I blinked at him while trying to think.  His lips twitched as he waited for me.  His gaze skimmed me, not settling anywhere, just taking me in the same as I was doing to him.

A sense of familiarity settled over me, and my stomach did a weird little flip.  I tried to study him with indifference.  Was this someone I knew but my sleep deprived brain had forgotten?  Embarrassing.

I closed my mouth, swallowed hard, hoped I wouldn’t blush, and tried for cool-sarcastic, “Oh my God, an accent.  Take me, I’m yours.”

Dani and Cadence sniggered.  I curved my lips in a smile as I waited for him to go away.  I just wanted to get my stuff and leave.

Something in the man’s expression changed.  He tilted his head and took a slow deep breath.  I thought for a moment he had a witty reply or would say something rude.  Instead, he leaned toward me, his eyes locked on mine, and murmured, “You smell amazing.”

My insides froze and, for the second time in five minutes, adrenaline spiked through my veins. He pulled back, his intense gaze never leaving mine. I struggled to contain my panic and to think clearly.  I did not smell amazing.

His pupils dilated as he continued to watch me.  A smile tugged at his lips.

A small sound escaped me somewhere between a whimper and a throat clearing.  Dani moved beside me.  I knew she was trying to figure out my reaction, but I couldn’t spare her more than a passing thought.

He caught the noise.  Awareness crept into his eyes almost as if he’d emerged from a trance.  His smile faded and he began to look troubled.  It didn’t matter.  I’d witnessed that concentrated look before and knew what he meant, what he was.

I didn’t want to die, but all those dreams had prepared me for what would come next.  Dani and Cadence needed to get out of range.  Now.  Memories of blood and carnage, of the gory ending of past lives, flitted around in my mind.  My heart tripled its rhythm at the remembered pain.

“I need a minute,” I said to Dani and Cadence.  My voice remained calm and steady.  Weary acceptance filled my lungs and radiated throughout.

They nodded and moved a few feet away.  I glanced at the rent-a-cop.  Her attention once again rested on me.  I knew better than to try calling for her help but still felt a small glimmer of hope.  Maybe I was safe.  Maybe the crowd was enough.

He watched me expectantly, his eyes causing my stomach to do erratic flips of joy.  One of their kind always called to me like that.  Messing with my insides, my emotions, pulling me to them like a moth to a flame.  Just like the poor winged creature, it never ended well for me.

“I do not smell amazing,” I said softly, trying to keep anyone from overhearing.  “I smell like I need a shower.  Badly.”

He frowned, held up his hands in a placating manner, and said, “No offense, luv.  I’m just looking for the loo.”

I stared at him for a moment, the wild beat of my heart pounding in my ears as I tried to decide what game he played.  Barely lifting my hand, I pointed to the right near the rent-a-cop wondering how long he’d keep up the pretense.

He nodded his thanks, but didn’t move.  He hesitated.  His eyes swept my face.  He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say more.  Instead, he jammed his hands into his pockets and walked away.

Stunned, I watched him leave.  My mind tried to keep up with what my eyes processed.  One of them was walking away from me.  What did it mean?  It meant I wasn’t dead.  Yet.  I knew what I needed to do.  Wait...wait for it.  He kept walking away.  I felt Dani join me as my eyes remained riveted on the man.  He didn’t glance back, not once, before rounding the corner to the bathrooms.

“Don’t come back here,” I whispered to Dani.

Then, I ran.

*    *    *    *

The overgrown, low border hedges lining the sidewalk of my house loomed ahead.  I hurtled them neatly, not knowing I had it in me.  Palming the key from my pocket, I slid it into the lock of the front door entering the house only seconds after leaping into the yard.  I slammed the door behind me and didn’t bother looking out the window to see if I had been followed.  Either he would break down the door or not.  Looking wouldn’t change the outcome, and I couldn’t waste time.  Not a second.

My bedroom slowed me down a bit as I waded through the ankle-deep clothes swamp.  Snatching the grey duffle from under the bed, I crammed in whatever lay nearby until I couldn’t fit more.  I struggled with the zipper, and the harsh panting of my breath filled the room.

Could he follow my scent even though I had taken the bus most of the way home?  Would it slow him down?

I grabbed the dwindling supply of money I’d stashed away for a car and stuffed it in my bra.

Was I taking too long?

Hands shaking, I hefted the duffle.  Its heavy weight settled on my shoulder anchoring me to the reality of here and now as I left my room.  I needed to catch another bus.  This time it would need to take me much further.

Mom’s note on the refrigerator caught my eye.  I stopped moving and stared at it. My throat tightened.  She wouldn’t understand why I left, and I would never be able to come home.  The grief turned into fear when I thought of what she would do after she realized I was gone.  She would do everything she could to find me again.  Police.  Newspapers.  Radio.  If she called too much attention to herself, to me...I shuddered at the possibilities.

I hastily searched for paper and pen.  I had to give her a reason for disappearing.  The message hurt to write.  My hand shook as I signed it.  Then, I pulled out my cell phone and set it on the kitchen table along with the note.

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