He was talking circles, and I had no idea what to make of it.

“What are you talking about?” I said.

“I couldn’t Claim you because you had to Claim me.”

My annoyance disappeared in a poof.

“Past tense?  ‘You had to Claim me.’  Why are you talking like I’ve already—”  Panic set in.  “No.”  I pulled away from his touch.  He remained on his back, watching me.

“Winifred extends her congratulations.”

“I don’t want her congratulations or her cookies.”  There wasn’t any anger behind the words, just panic.  I’d just attached myself to these people.  Part of me was happy.  Though it wasn’t my plan, and I truly wasn’t ready for the relationship these werewolves had described, Claiming Thomas did secure my place here.  Plus, Thomas was amazing.  I scowled, realizing his contentment and happiness was influencing my thoughts.

What if Winifred found out about what I could do?  She wouldn’t if I stopped using my ability.  Claimed, I should have a certain level of protection—I hoped.

I recalled Mary’s words about Claiming and what usually comes next.  I swallowed hard.

“Will you still keep your promise?” I asked.

“Which promise is that?”

“You won’t take more than I’m ready to give?”

“I swear.”

Unless I knew how to undo a Claim—information I doubted Thomas would share—I was stuck here.  I considered him for a moment.  Was this such a bad place to be?  I sighed heavily then curled against his side and laid my head on his shoulder.

“What will your pack say?” I asked as he wrapped an arm around me.

“Should I tell them now and see?”

“No,” I said quickly.  “I think we can still use the reprieve of their absence.”

He kissed my temple again.

“No more talking.  You need sleep.”

I kept quiet and listened to his breathing slow.  He seemed to need the sleep more than I did.  As I lay there in the dark, my thoughts circled several facts.  Thomas had taken my request to learn about me, about being human, seriously.  He’d never wavered from his conviction that I was the right one for him.  And he freely admitted just how much he cared about me.  If I were honest with myself, I cared about him, too.

I’d initially decided to stay here because I felt they could keep a secret about what I could do.  Though I’d continued to believe they could keep secrets, I hadn’t been willing to part with mine.  Claiming Thomas changed things.  I didn’t want to build a relationship with him on misconceptions or lies.  Yet, I wasn’t sure if I could trust Thomas with the truth.

*    *    *    *

There was a woven basket on the table when we entered the main room the next morning.  The room was otherwise empty.  Curious, I stepped up to the table, peered into the basket, and saw Ann’s sleeping daughter.

“Where are Ann and Leif?” I asked, turning to look at Thomas.

The washroom door opened and Leif stepped out.  His hair was damp, and he held a towel.

“We are here,” he said, moving close to check his daughter.

“The basket is wonderful.  Who made it?”

“I did.”  He gently touched the babe’s cheek.

“Leif, that’s totally amazing.  Could you show me how to make one?”

He glanced up from the baby and nodded.

“I would be happy to.  I’m not sure what you’d use it for, but you should know the cattail leaves will shrink as they dry, and the basket will grow holes.  Typically the leaves should be dried before they are used.”

A slow grin spread as I stared at Leif.  We’d just found our winter occupation.

“I’ve never felt that much excitement before.  What are you thinking?” Thomas asked.

Leif tilted his head at me and sniffed.


I blushed and focused on the baby.

“Yes,” Thomas said.  “Last night.”

The urge to hide myself somewhere grew stronger as they continued to speak of the event as if it wasn’t private.  Thomas stepped close to me and laid a comforting hand on my back.

“Ann thought she heard you two arguing,” Leif said with a laugh.

The main door flew open, and Mary rushed in.

“What?  Claimed?”  She threw her arms around me and hugged me tight, squealing.  “I’m so happy for you.”  The baby started to squall, and Mary pulled away from me.  “I’m so sorry, Leif.”

“I understand your enthusiasm.  Ann feels it, too.  She will be out in a moment to share her congratulations,” Leif said, lifting his daughter from the basket.

Mary continued to grin at me but the grin faded as she eyed my neck.

“Where’s the bite?”

“She bit me, Mary,” Thomas said, his thumb rubbing a soothing circle on my lower back.

Mary’s eyes rounded, and a snort escaped her.  She bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing outright.  Gregory walked into the room, eyed Mary, and came to stand behind her.  I didn’t fail to notice he positioned himself just as Thomas had with me.

“Congratulations,” he said, meeting my eyes.

“Thank you,” I said, quietly.  The heat refused to leave my face.  “Mary, let’s make breakfast.”

I walked away from everyone and immediately missed Thomas’ touch.  A gentle wave of reassurance washed over me.  Feeling these emotions that weren’t my own was disorienting and scary.  What was he feeling from me?  He already knew when I lied and that I kept secrets.  Would he feel when I used my ability?  Would he know, then?

Would he tell Winifred?  And would Winifred then see me as a threat as she’d hinted?


When the rest of Thomas’ pack returned for dinner that evening, a few gave me long looks and nods of acknowledgement but no one acted any differently.  Except Anton.  As I scooped a portion of the food onto his plate, his nostrils flared.


“So I’ve been told,” I said, handing him his plate.

He glanced around and saw Thomas watching us.  “Normally, I’d say congratulations.  But I think you’ll need luck instead.”

A trickle of annoyance reached me, and I knew it was Thomas.  Anton stepped away and took his seat as Thomas started toward me.  When he reached me, he moved to stand behind me and rested his hands lightly on my shoulders.  It was comforting.  He stayed with me until everyone was fed.  Then he left the main room with the rest.

After cleaning up, I went to play with Ann’s baby for a while before going upstairs.  I was nervous.  What would he expect now that I’d Claimed him?  Yes, he’d said he wouldn’t take more than I was ready to give, but could I trust that?  Not only did the physical expectations concern me, but our apparent mental connection did, too.

I opened the door and found him standing in front of the window.  The last light was fading, and he’d already lit the lamp I kept in the bedroom.

“Excitement was the best thing I felt from you today,” Thomas said without turning.  “Your fear and constant worry...”  He sighed and turned to look at me.  “I will do everything in my power to turn this place into a safe home for you.”

He moved toward me, wrapped me in his arms, and kissed the top of my head.  I set my cheek against his chest and listened to his heart.  For a moment, I let all my fear and worry go.  Underneath, I found what he felt for me.  Adoration and respect flowed from him.

I wrapped my arms around him in turn.  A wisp of desire brushed against me, and my fear returned.  I dropped my arms to my side, and he exhaled his frustration.

“Your fear is torture.”  His hand smoothed down my back.  “Will you tell me, is it me?  The thought of losing this place?  I can’t fix what I don’t know,” he said, pulling back to study me.

“All of it and more,” I said honestly.  “If you think my fear is torture, the things you feel when you look at me...I’m struggling with my own feelings, I can’t deal with yours, too.  Everything is more confusing now than it was before.  I don’t know what to do.  What’s safe?  Will you keep your word and leave me be?  When the other’s return, will they agree with the Claim I unintentionally made?”  Will you discover my secrets?

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