“How’s your head?  It hasn’t seemed to bother you since they left.”

His gaze softened as he glanced at me.

“It’s been better since they left.  One or two of them tests my hold daily but the rest of the time it’s tolerable.”

“Do they know about me?”

He shook his head.

“You asked me not to say anything.  I won’t.  But others might.  It’s only a matter of time.”

I frowned, worried.  What would happen when they found out?

“I can feel your concern, Charlene.  It will be all right.  Even if they do find out, they’ve separated into smaller groups to spread out and cover more territory.  They won’t be able to cause trouble until they’re back together, here.”

That worried me more.  With Bine living in town and most of Thomas’ pack leaving daily to look for work, it left very few to help Thomas if the need arose.  At least he kept Gregory close.  Then I realized there was one person I hadn’t seen at all since Claiming Thomas.

“Where’s Grey?” I asked.

Thomas sighed and looked off into the trees.  “He worries as much as you do.  He’s left the pack so there’s one less rope to hold.”

“What?”  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.

“It’s not as bad as it sounds.  He’s with Winifred.  They’re preparing him to be an Elder.”

“Elder Grey?”

He nodded.  Though his expression was blank, I felt the wave of sorrow that consumed him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.  Grey is doing what he has always done, sacrificing his future for the future of someone else.  Only this time, his sacrifice will benefit all of us, not just me.”  He caught my confused look.  “Being an Elder means you serve the people, never yourself.  He can never have a Mate once he becomes an Elder.  If he even thinks about it, he’ll die.  He’ll never have cubs...”

I’d lived with them long enough to know a Mate and cubs were at the top of every man’s mind.  To give that up to protect not only his brother but me and the future of his people was humbling.

I shifted the bundles in my arms and reached out, gently touching Thomas’ shoulder.  “Tell Winifred to thank him for me.”

Thomas nodded.  We walked together in silence for several meters before I heard a rustling ahead.  Gregory and Mary ran toward us.  Mary wore an amused smile.  Gregory ran just a few steps back and to her side, keeping an eye on her.

They stopped in front of us, and without a word, Gregory took Thomas’ load.  Mary held out her arms for mine.

“You don’t have to,” I said.

“Tub’s half full,” she said, “and there’s more water hot on the stove.  If you hurry, you can have the tub first.  Take too long, and it’s mine.”

I surrendered what I carried and looked up at Thomas as they took off running.  There was only one way to hurry back.

Thomas opened his arms.

*    *    *    *

I leaned back in the hot water, sighing yet again.  It was heaven.  My sore back didn’t feel sore anymore, and my hair no longer smelled like marsh.

Voices carried through the door.  Rilla, Ann, and Leif were still working on baskets.  Mary, Gregory and Thomas had been watching what they did, trying to learn, when I’d closed the door.  When we’d returned, all of the leaves gathered from the day before had almost been used.  Rilla was working on mats for sleeping since it was an easier weave, and Ann and Leif were making the baskets.

I knew I should get out of the water, dress, and join them, but I couldn’t quite make myself move.  My fingers weren’t pruned enough.  I closed my eyes and relaxed further.

Someone tapped on the door.

“Charlene,” Thomas said.  “If you fall asleep in there, I will come in.”

“Chill,” I said, opening my eyes.  “I’m almost done.”

I sat forward and reached for the towel I had waiting on the chair.  Standing, I wrapped it around me and squeezed the excess water from my hair.  Minutes later, I was dressed and opening the door.

Thomas looked up from his spot at the table and smiled at me.  My stomach did its funny dance it liked to do.  I turned away from him.  His amusement filtered in through our link as I went to the stove and checked on lunch.

Someone had started a soup.  Vegetables, fowl, and pasta floated in the broth.

Hands settled on my shoulders as I gave it a stir.  Thomas’ amusement faded and something that felt like hunger replaced it.  I turned my head to look at him.  His hands skimmed down my shoulders, feathered over my upper arms, then transferred to my sides.  I was fully clothed.  His hands didn’t stray from my sides.  Yet, if felt completely indecent.  His hunger wasn’t for food; it was for me.

My lips parted, and his gaze shifted down to them.  I wanted to tell him to give me some space but I couldn’t speak.  His hunger consumed me and became my hunger.  I set the spoon aside and turned, slowly.  His head lowered.  My pulse leapt, and I licked my lips.

“How’s the soup?” Mary asked.  Barely contained laughter laced her words.  But hearing her voice was enough to break the spell.  Thomas’ hunger turned to mild annoyance.

I exhaled slowly and ducked around Thomas.  Heat marked my cheeks as I headed for the common room’s doors.

“Mary, finish your basket,” Thomas said from behind me.

His irritation filtered through the connection we had.  I wasn’t sure if it was at Mary or me because I was trying to put some distance between us.

One of the men chuckled as I left the room.  Seconds later, I heard the door behind me and knew Thomas was following me.  I didn’t look back at him, and he didn’t try to catch me until I was in the upstairs hallway.

Thomas’ hand curled around my upper arm before I made it to my door.  He didn’t try to pull me to a stop.  He didn’t need to.  His touch was enough.  Had he not touched me, I would have stepped inside my room, closed the door on him, and hid away at least until my blush faded.

Instead, when he touched me, I pivoted and took us both by surprise.  I reached up, grabbed his face, and pulled him down for a kiss.

For several moments, just our lips touched. Then, his hunger returned in force.  His hands settled on my sides again.  He steered me back against a wall.  My hands slid up into his hair.  I opened my mouth to him.  He growled and kissed me hard.

My head spun.  I wasn’t sure if it was the kiss or if maybe I wasn’t breathing.

His lips left mine and trailed along my jaw to my neck.  It was then that I noticed he was moving me again.  Step by step, we were shuffling closer to my room.

I panicked, fisted my hand in his hair, and yanked hard.

“Ow!”  He took a step back and scowled at me while he rubbed his head.

“What do you think you are doing?”

“It’s called kissing,” he said, dryly.

“No, you were trying to back me into my room.  Why?”

He stopped rubbing his head and stared at me a moment.  I felt the rush of hunger once more.  But now I knew what he meant to do with it, and it didn’t wash me away.

“No, Thomas.  You promised.  Nothing more than I’m ready to give.”

“But I thought that was a yes.”

“That was a kiss, remember?”

He looked mildly annoyed with me for a moment then sighed.

“I’m sorry, Charlene.”

He stepped close and slowly pulled me into a hug.  I resisted at first until I felt his sincerity.

“I’m sorry,” he said again.

He held me in the hall for a while then pulled away.

“I’ll save you some lunch.  Mary will come up to sit with you.”

He was giving me space while still making sure I was protected.  My heart softened a little.

“Thank you,” I said, then turned away and closed myself into my room.

A few minutes later, Mary came in.  She had a partial mat, and extra leaves.  She sat on the floor, spread out her work, and looked up at me.

“So what earned him the hair pull?” she asked.  She didn’t sound amused, just concerned.

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