Chapter 17

The next morning I had the daunting task of breaking the news to the boys.  Worried they’d cry or beg me to stay, I wasn’t prepared for the cheering or the rush to help me pack.

“Aren’t you going to miss me even a little?” I asked them in a half-teasing tone.

“Mimi,” Liam said rationally.  “You said four days.  That’s not a long time.  We get to have sleepovers with Paul and Henry.”

I laughed and hugged him.  Obviously, there was no competing with Paul and Henry.

We went to breakfast, and the boys excitedly greeted Paul and Henry, telling them about all the things they were going to do together.

Mary grinned when she saw my face and gave my arm a quick, reassuring squeeze.

“They’ll want to miss you, but we’re going to keep them so busy they’ll forget to.  It will be easier for them that way.”

I knew she was right.

We finished our breakfast then left Liam and Aden with Mary after another round of hugging. Emmitt stayed close beside me as we walked the quiet halls.  When we were in the apartment, he spun me around to face him.  Understanding filled his gaze.  My eyes watered, seeing it.  He tucked me tight against his chest, held me for barely a second, then stepped back.

“You don’t have to go.”  It was the first objection he’d voiced regarding this trip.

“I do.  I want to be free.  I want to protect the boys.  This is the only way to do it.  Why are you saying this now?”

“I see how hard this is, leaving your brothers.  I can go alone.  There’s no need to come with us.”

“You know better.  I’m the bait.”  It was the first time during this whole plan that I’d admitted it, and he scowled hearing it.  “You’ll keep me safe,” I said seriously.  “I don’t doubt that.”

*    *    *    *

A car waited for us just outside the main entrance.  Emmitt put our bags in the trunk.  The sound of it closing struck me with cold finality.  Would I ever see my brothers again?

I’d done the math.  Four years with one dinner a month; ten guests each time with few, if any, repeats—I hadn’t paid close attention.  Blake led more than five hundred men.  The number made the likelihood of my return to the Compound a scary improbability.  So why go?  One way or another, Blake would come for me.  I’d rather it be on my terms with my brothers safe.

Emmitt reached for my hand again and gave it a gentle squeeze.  We both slid into the backseat, and I said a quiet hello to Grey and Carlos.

Carlos drove, heading straight to the airport.  Grey kept up a stream of conversation, ribbing Carlos about everything from his hairstyle to his driving, both of which were impeccable and precise.  Carlos remained stoically quiet.  I could see his silence amused Grey.  Under different circumstances, I might have found his playful banter diverting.

As it was, my stomach churned with anxiety.  I doubted my decision and wondered what would happen to my brothers if I couldn’t return.  I leaned into Emmitt.  He would care for them...if he made it back.

I casually reached into my pocket, found my phone, and sent a quick text to Nana Wini to ask for her promise to see my brothers somewhere permanent and safe if I didn’t return.  Seconds later, Emmitt sighed and pulled me even closer.

Grey turned in his seat.  “Wini said to stop worrying.  You’re bruising my ego with your doubt.  We will keep you safe.”

Darn werewolf telepathy.

“We’ll be at the airport soon,” Grey said, passing back our tickets.

I straightened away from Emmitt and grabbed my ticket before Emmitt could.  It would be my first time flying.  My reasons for nauseous anxiety continued to grow.  I took a deep breath and let it out, feeling Emmitt’s eyes on me.  I needed to remember my purpose: Keep my brothers safe by whatever means necessary...and try really hard to come back home.

*    *    *    *

I thought I would be terrified to be back in the same town as Blake but didn’t feel anything but squished as I sat between Carlos and Emmitt in the cab we took to the hotel.  Mercifully, it wasn’t a long ride.

Carlos and Grey checked us in while Emmitt grabbed our things from the trunk.  He shouldered both bags and held out his hand.  I wrapped my cool fingers around his warm ones.  My stomach twisted happily at his touch as we walked toward the entrance.

Two glass utility doors opened to a small, chlorine-scented lobby.  Carlos and Grey waited just inside and handed Emmitt a room key.  We all silently walked the hallway to the left.  Their room was two doors down from ours.

I blushed when Emmitt opened our door and I spotted two queen beds.  I wondered if his father had mentioned the sleeping arrangements to him.  The room, tastefully decorated in brown and gold tones, had a sitting area opposite the door.

“If it’s all right with you,” Grey said from behind us, “we’d like to get started right away.”

I nodded, and Carlos and Grey came in with us.  Emmitt set our bags on one of the beds while I cleared the hotel advertisements and guidebook off the coffee table.  Carlos and Grey sat on the wooden chairs from the table while Emmitt and I sat on the small brown sofa.  Grey spread out a map of the area that he’d grabbed from the airport, and I pointed to the area I used to live.

“I don’t know if David’s still there.  I’m guessing probably not since David was employed by Blake and had no ties to Richard or the house.  But Blake might have someone watching the place.  If it’s possible, could you sneak in and grab a few things?  You’ll need to be careful.  The house has a security system.  I set it off when I left.”

I explained where to find photos of my mom and a few other things that I wanted for my brothers.  “Then, you could go back tomorrow and see if you stirred up any trouble.”

Grey smiled wide.  “I like the way you think.  We’ll call when we get there to let you know the state of things.  If anyone’s there, we’ll watch for a while.”

They both stood to leave.  My worry and fear had evaporated while we talked, and now impatience grabbed me.  It would take them at least forty minutes to get to my house.  I didn’t want to wait that long to find out...well, anything.  I knew whatever would happen, would happen, but I just wanted to get it over with.  I’d given Blake enough of my life.

Emmitt closed the door behind them and turned to study me.

“Let’s go next door and get something to eat.”

We left the room and walked to the restaurant next door.  The smell of grilling burgers hit me when we left the hotel.  Crossing the parking lot, my stomach growled.  Emmitt grinned at me.

Inside the restaurant, we decided on burgers and ordered takeout to bring back to the room.  The wait seemed to take forever.  I kept glancing at the clock, worried we’d miss Grey’s call.

When we returned with our food, we ate quickly.  Emmitt’s phone chirped just as I finished.  He’d been done within minutes, of course.

Emmitt listened for a while, adding affirmations occasionally.  Finally, he said, “I agree.  I’ll let her know.  Call back if there’s a change in plans.”

He hung up the phone and gave me a slight smile.  “They’re watching the house but say it looks abandoned.  The grass is overgrown, and the papers are piled up.  There’s even a notice on the door.  Grey’s content to sit and watch it for the rest of the day to see if they’re mistaken.  Tonight, they’ll go in for the things you mentioned.  We can send them back to watch tomorrow.”

I nodded, surprised, but not concerned.  I had a plan B.

“So it looks like, in order to find Blake, I’ll need to call the lawyer.”

“It can’t hurt,” he said.

I picked up the hotel phone and dialed the number I’d memorized.  A receptionist answered.  I gave my name and asked to speak to Mr. Nolan.  She said that he was in a meeting and asked for a return number.  But when I said I’d just try back later, she quickly asked me to hold.

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