Nana Wini sat at the table.  I eased myself onto the chair beside her and tried not to wince at the tenderness in my stomach, a pointless effort since everyone in the room watched me closely.

“What happened to you?  I can smell blood,” Nana said, concerned.

“I ran into a door.”  I smirked at being able to use that line.  No one in the room appreciated my humor.  I cleared my throat and looked at Thomas.

“Thank you for keeping Liam and Aden safe.  Frank admitted Blake attempted to get them back.”  I glanced at Nana Wini.  “I’m guessing Frank followed us here and called Blake.  I think Blake was on his way here while we were going to him.  Anyway, when we got to Wisconsin,” I gently massaged my head, remembering, “I got a visit from Frank.  He’s the reason I ran into a door.  He took me to another hotel and started saying some weird I was just one piece of a huge puzzle and that they would start with me but get all of my sisters.”

“You have sisters?” Nana Wini asked.

“No, I don’t.  I think he means women like me—us.”  I met Charlene’s eyes.  “I’ve been having visions of other women.  So far, there seems to be five of us total.  I’m guessing each of us has a unique ability.  One of the women seemed to have a calming effect on the crowd around her.  The other two were harder to tell.”  I paused, thinking.  “Does Gabby have any special abilities?”

“She’s told Sam about an unusual pull she has on human men.  According to Sam, they appear to be very attracted to her.  Yet, our men don’t seem any more or less attracted to her because of it,” Charlene said.

If I had premonitions, Charlene could control minds, and the redhead could influence people emotions, I didn’t see how being exceptionally attractive qualified as a special ability.

“Hmm.  My abilities changed when I met Emmitt and again when I met you.  You said yours first changed when you Claimed Thomas.  Maybe hers will manifest when she’s with her Mate?”

Nana Wini spoke up.  “She found her Mate but isn’t acknowledging him.  We’ll have to keep an eye on the situation.”

“What happened when you met me?” Charlene asked, circling back to what I’d said.

“Well, it wasn’t exactly when we met but when we first touched.  Before meeting any of you, my premonitions were about the stock markets.  When I met Emmitt, I started to see people.  Women.  But when I first touched you, I was transported to another place.  It was like a white nothing filled with monitors.  Each monitor had an image of one of us, women with power.  Around us, there were always werewolves.  Somehow, we’re in the middle of them.  I wasn’t able to study the images before I was pulled out of that place.”

“When I let go,” Charlene said, nodding. “It makes sense.  I seem to enhance Thomas’s ability as pack leader through our mental link.  Perhaps I enhance yours when we touch.”

“Maybe,” I said.  “I did notice something else important, I think.  The images I’ve seen played out when touching Emmitt are the same ones in that room.  I’m thinking that’s my source.  And I’m still not clear why I don’t see a vision every time I’m with Emmitt.”  There was a lot I wasn’t clear about, actually.

“To be safe, we need to warn Gabby about Blake and his men,” I said.  “And I think we need to look for the others like us.  I don’t want any of them to have to deal with Frank or Blake on their own.”

Emmitt reached over and clasped my hand.  I smiled at him reassuringly, not wanting him to think I was blaming him.

“Did Frank say anything more about the puzzle?  What he meant?” Nana Wini asked.

“No.  Nothing clear, anyway.  He said they were going to stop this cycle so a judgment would be made.  He was talking about Urbat, making it sound like it was another type of werewolf.”

Everyone sat quietly for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts.

Finally, Nana Wini spoke up.  “I’ve let Sam know about the possible danger.  Gabby has made arrangements for college, which will be starting soon.  Sam is working on how to keep her safe.”  She looked toward Thomas.  “We’re going to accept Joshua’s request.  We can use his help.”

“Who’s Joshua?” I asked.

“He’s the candidate for becoming an Elder.”

“Isn’t he the one you can’t read clearly?”

Nana and Sam both nodded.  They were taking a risk bringing him over.  If he wasn’t true with his intent to help the pack, taking the oath could kill him.  But if he was, perhaps his unique ability could better protect Gabby.

“It’s time to expand,” Thomas said.  “Tomorrow, you and your family can go back home.  We’ll be sending six members with you, including Grey.  With two elders and eight members, you’ll be as safe as here.”

I was torn.  It felt like he was pushing us out.  There’d just been attacks on the Compound, but he didn’t seem overly concerned about it.  At least, not as much as I was.  I wondered why.

“How many came when we were gone?” I asked.

“It was always a solitary man.  He was quick to run when we spotted him.”

That explained why they thought it safe.  One against ten did seem like safe enough odds.

“There are more than that.  In the four years Blake kept me, I sat through dinner once a month with ten of his men.  I don’t remember seeing the same face twice.”  Charlene looked shocked.  “I don’t think we should leave.  I think this is the safest place, and I think we should get Gabby here, too.”

Nana Wini shook her head.  “Sam’s afraid she’ll run if he presses her.  She’s in denial right now.  We’ll have to trust him and her Mate to keep her safe.  Joshua is willing to move near her, too.”

“If you’re right about us being targets, wouldn’t it be better to split up?  We have some money set aside that we can use to add security to the Montana Compound,” Charlene offered.

I felt like palm-smacking my forehead.  We didn’t need to be trapped in one location for protection.

“You’re right about the security.”  I stood up and met four puzzled sets of eyes.  “Make plans for us to leave tomorrow.  I have some calls to make.  Emmitt, tell your parents the good news.”

I left the room after he smiled in understanding.  His parents had plenty of money to access, and so did I.  We wouldn’t be going back to a vulnerable home.  Time to take the lawyer up on his offer.

*    *    *    *

We left early the next morning.  Emmitt drove the new SUV we’d picked up.  Mary, Gregory, Paul, and Henry had packed their car overnight and now followed us.  Nana Wini, Jim, Grey, and Carlos finished out the convoy.  It looked like we’d have a full house when we got back.  Except this time, the idea of more people excited me.

During the drive, the boys told us everything they planned to do with Paul and Henry once we got home.  When they asked where the two older boys would sleep, I knew they were hinting for another sleepover.

Emmitt explained that Mary and Gregory where staying with Nana Wini while we all worked to get an apartment ready for them.  Their boys would stay with Jim, and Carlos and Grey would stay in Emmitt’s place.

Emmitt gave me puppy eyes and asked if he could sleep on our couch.

I could feel Liam’s eyes on me.  “What do you two think?” I asked, turning in my seat.

They both nodded without hesitation then started talking about Paul and Henry again.  When they ran out of ideas to share, we spent the rest of the ride playing car games.

The familiar mailbox and the crunch of gravel under our tires filled me with as much anxiety as it did relief.  But I didn’t need to worry.  The house looked just the same as we’d left it.  I opened my car door with a sigh.  Home.

Nana and Jim stood close as the boys jumped out.  Aden glanced at the swing set as Emmitt grabbed our bags.  After such a long ride, I knew my brothers wanted to play.  However, I didn’t feel as safe here as I once had.  My eyes skimmed over the treeline, remembering how Frank and his friend had stepped out.

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