“True, but the bed gets cold.” Becky sniffed.

“Yeah, it does.” Rori added, “But that’s what down comforters and sex toys are for.”

They chatted for another minute or two before turning their focus back on the game. Rori didn’t want to miss anything Shane did on the field below.

After a while she leaned across Kelly to talk to Max. “Dang, he’s just like you, Max.” Max was Mr. Sports back in the day and Shane looked to be a natural, too.

“He loves sports but I don’t push. I had enough of that myself. He chose soccer over football this year—he’s really good. Alex is, too.” Max nodded in the direction of the youngest Harris son who was—Rori’s attention snapped back—oh good Lord, walking over with his uncle Jude.

Kelly gave her a subtle pinch and Rori put on her nonchalant face as he approached.

“Hey, Max, Kel. What’s the score?” he asked absently, handing hotdogs and sodas down the row. “Sorry I’m late, got a call. Jerry Wallace again.” He rolled his eyes, bringing a laugh from Max. Jude looked at Kelly and then at Rori, flashing a saucy smile before turning back toward the field. Moments later he jerked his head back around, really seeing her.

“Rori? My God, is that you?” He quickly got up and pushed his way past Kelly, plopping down next to Rori.

Rori took a deep breath. Don’t drool or yank off your shirt, and remember to breathe.

“Hey yourself. How are you?” Oh, nicely done. Impressed with herself, she relaxed a little, happy her shirt was still on and she hadn’t grabbed that notable bulge in his lap.

“Max said you were moving back here from Paris. I guess I didn’t think it would be so soon. Why? Not that I’m not happy to see you and all. I’m just curious.”

“I missed Kelly and the boys and even my mother. I can work just about anywhere, so I let Kel talk me into moving back here. Once I got everything tied up, I just came straight back. ”

“That’s some decisiveness right there.” He gave her a slow, sexy smile that set off her hormones like pinball machine lights. “It’ll be nice to have you back in town. Max said you write books.”


“Is it the good stuff?” The way he looked at her just then let her know what he meant.

She leaned in and whispered in his ear, “Of course.” Unable to resist, she breathed him in. Damn, he smelled good. He looked good, too. His hair, which used to be long and blond, was now much shorter—had to be, she supposed, to be a cop. Short or long, it was still very sexy.

He had a different mother than Max, so while Max had his mom’s blue eyes, Jude bore his mother’s green ones. He wasn’t as broad or tall as Max, either, but he still stood at six feet and had, from what she could tell, and from a very detailed set of memories, nicely defined arms.

“That so?” he drawled with a sexy grin. “I’ll have to read it sometime. You look really good. I like your hair.”

“Oh thanks.” She resisted the urge to run her fingers through it and give it a shake. She’d do it later. “It was always naturally curly, it just needed the right cut and products to get rid of the frizz and…never mind. That’s probably more than you wanted to know.” She broke off her explanation with a laugh.

“Isn’t anyone going to introduce me to the beautiful woman?”

Jude and Rori turned to see Ryan Lassiter standing there grinning. “Hi, Ryan. How are you?” She waved.

Ryan cocked his head.

“It’s Rori Simon, Ry,” Max helped. Ryan Lassiter was another one of those big corn-fed boys who was easy on the eyes. Rori knew a lot of them because of Kelly’s relationship with Max. Many of them had treated her like a little sister, which made things a little more tolerable when she had no date for the prom. At least she had some positive male attention.

“Nuh uh! Get out. Damn, girl! How are you?” He hugged her, sitting down on her other side.

“I’m good.” Her attention moved back to the game. “Oh, way to go, Shane!” she called out when her nephew struck out yet another batter. “And you?”

“Working.” He leaned closer, bumping her playfully. “Playing when I can. We should catch up. Max is always bragging on you, so we hear updates, but it’s been forever since I’ve seen you last.”

“She’s moving back to Oakley.” Kelly passed a bottle of water to Rori.

“I’m in the process of looking for a place now.” The two men on either side of her were so delicious she forced herself to keep watching Shane. It was either that or take a bite out of one or both of them. Man, she needed to get laid.

“You know, there’s an apartment in my complex for rent. Just opened up. A two bedroom.” Jude shrugged. “You should check it out. The complex is nice. Quiet. Decent rent, the landlord is a good enough guy.”

“No crime because half the police force lives there—Ryan, Sean, several of the other guys too,” Max added.

“Fine, just push my sister out the front door, Max,” Kelly said with a pretty pout.

“Hey, I was just trying to help. She knows she’s welcome at ours as long as she wants to stay. She’s a grown woman, honey, she’s going to want her own place.” Max bent to drop a kiss on his wife’s lips.

“Jeez, ya big baby. I told you why I wanted my own place.”

“You just want to have sex. I remember.” Kelly gleefully snickered.

While the men choked, Rori rolled her eyes, swatting her sister’s arm.

“Why don’t I take you over after the game? I’m sure the landlord will be around and happy to show you the place.” Jude was so confident and easy, he flirted like he breathed. It made her tingly and sweaty all at once.

“Um, sure. Why not?”

Jude sat there, his thigh touching Rori’s. He kept sneaking looks at her from the corner of his eye. When had the girl who barely said three words when she wasn’t busy hiding under bulky clothes and hiding behind her glasses and stack of books turned into the confident beauty sitting by his side? Sweet, shy Rori had had her fucking hotness coming-out party. From her curly, honey-blond hair to the tips of her pretty red toes, the woman was hot. Smoking, smoldering hot.

He’d always had a soft spot for her. Being the younger sibling of the older brother who everyone worshipped—Jude understood more than a bit about what it was like to live in the shadow of a guy everyone thought was perfect. Kelly was always popular and outgoing while Rori was shy—not disliked really—just sort of unnoticed. He’d admired her for getting out of Oakley to go to college in St. Louis at WU. He’d seen her a few times over the years, briefly here and there, noticing the small transformations, but he hadn’t seen her in about five years and he thrummed with the electricity of his attraction for her.

His gaze was drawn to the slice of cleavage at the top of her shirt, the creamy skin rising and falling with her every breath. Of course, his eyes nearly fell out of his head when Shane struck a batter out and made that double in the last inning, causing her to jump up and down. Go, Shane. Jude loved his nephews, never missing games if he could help it, but he mentally made a note to help them both practice to improve their skills so more jumping up and down occurred.

* * *

“You have a key, so we won’t wait up,” Kelly said quietly into Rori’s ear as she hugged her after the game. They’d stopped a few feet short of the cars to talk out of range of the men.

“I don’t plan to be out late, Kel.”

“Well, why not? I’ve seen the way Jude keeps looking at you.”

“Yes, and I’ve seen the way the other women have been looking at him. He’s still a skirt chaser, isn’t he?”

Kelly’s eyes lit with understanding as she nodded. “You’re right to be on your guard about that. If you’re expecting more than a casual relationship, he’s probably not what you’re looking for. Don’t get hurt, Rori. I don’t know that he can be caught.”

Rori briefly put fingertips to her sister’s face, touched by Kelly’s concern. “I just got rid of a man I trusted who didn’t deserve it. I have no plans to go there again. I like to think I have the moves to grab the man if I really wanted him. But I don’t know if I do or if I just want to get him naked a few times and out of my system once and for all. Hell, for that matter, Ryan is pretty cute too.” She wiggled her brows and Kelly laughed.

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