If she could feel the heat of his skin, maybe it would ground her. Keep her in the moment, this tiny pocket of time when it was just him and her.

“Of course.”

She gulped. “And your boxers?”

“You sure?” he asked after a brief pause.

She considered it. Yeah, she was certain. “Yes.”

“All right.”

She sat up and away from his body long enough for them to get the towel out of the way, and for him to tug his underwear off. When he pulled her back against him, into the cradle of his thighs, all she could feel was warm, firm flesh beneath her, and it made her pulse hotter. The wiry hair of his legs and chest tickled her. And the smooth, silky line of him, bare and damp against her spine lit her up from the inside.

“Fuck,” he said, a low breath against her ear as she settled against him. “Someday . . .”

Her breath caught. “Someday what?”

“Someday,” he continued, grasping her wrist, curling her fingers and bringing them, this time, unerringly to her sex. “When you’re ready . . .”

The first brush of her own hand against her folds was electric. God, she was soaked, and it was such a relief to finally get some pressure there, where she was slick and hot and aching.

Still, something deep inside of her told her this was wrong. She tried to pull her hand away, but he gripped her palm, and when she didn’t delve any deeper into her pleasure, he took the initiative. Fingertips covering hers, he slid them around in the liquid, sending a low, rolling wave of pleasure up her spine.

With his other hand, he cupped her breast, teasing at the peak, and she gasped. She’d never known her nipples were so sensitive, but he’d spent so much time working them up before. There was a rawness to the sensation now as he twisted and squeezed. The scrape of a nail across the tip had her shifting her own hand against her sex, needing something, anything to push against her clit.

“That’s right, beautiful.” His voice dropped a level as he praised her, and that made a whole fresh wave of need surge through her.

God. What was she doing?

Unable to take it anymore, she let out a sound that was half a sob as she started touching herself in earnest. It felt good—it felt amazing.

And then he was talking. “Someday,” he resumed, still caging her hand against her sex, still pulling sparks of desire from her breast, “when you’re ready, I’m going to strip you down, just like this. Open you up and put your legs over my shoulders. I’m going to lick you out for hours.”

Damn. Oh, damn. She rubbed harder at her clit, losing herself in it.

“But I’m not gonna give you my fingers. Not gonna give you anything to fill that ache inside. Leave you all empty and coming around nothing until you’re dying for it. Do you want that? Do you feel how bad you want to be filled up?”

She did. It was a hollow deep inside, and she didn’t want to come like this, no matter how close she was.

“Yeah,” she groaned.

“Don’t you want something in that pretty little pussy while I lick you?”

Yes.” So badly. She pressed harder, fingers working furiously against herself even as she shied away from the abyss that was yawning at her feet.

His hand dropped from her breast, and all she could hear was the slick sounds of her body, embarrassing, horrible, but it felt too good. She couldn’t stop.

Not even when he took her other hand in his. Wrapped it around something long and cool and smooth.

“What—” She snapped her eyes open to see the glass toy they’d purchased there inside her grasp.

Another new level of mortification rose up, choking her, but it didn’t matter. She wanted it. Wanted him to make her feel like this.

“Come on,” he urged. “It’s gonna feel so good. It’s gonna look so good. Don’t you know how pretty this is going to be inside of you?” At her shaky exhale, his voice deepened further. “Can’t you feel how hard I am, just thinking about filling you up?”

Her focus shifted in an instant, forgetting the toy and the thrumming need in her own sex, because, God, yes, he was. His cock pressed into her back, unyielding in its desire. Long and thick, and she could have that. Inside her. All she had to do was ask him for it.

She bit off a curse, not even resisting when he curled his fingers more firmly around hers, solidifying her grip on the glass. Bringing it down to that sweltering need between her legs. And he was the one to press it just between her lips.

Making her. He was making her do this, even though she was willing, and that idea lit a match of need so hot it burned.

Fingers twitching, she helped him aim it, getting it directed into place.

“Do you want me to fill you, sweetheart?”

She clenched her eyes shut tight. “Yes.”

The glass felt even colder as it pressed inside, and her body opened, welcoming it, and she moaned aloud. The emptiness was gone, even though it wasn’t what she really wanted. Cold and fake, and she longed for hot flesh. For his weight on top of her, pushing her into the mattress. Making her take it.

His voice was liquid sin against her ear. “Someday. Before you go. Before I have to give you up.” She whined, that sharp edge of a pang cutting into her again at the thought. But he kept her close, his own breath catching as if it pained him as much as her. He clutched her tight. “After I’ve made you come a hundred times with my tongue, I’m going to lay you out. And I’m going to be so hard for you. Just aching for this sweet little cunt.”

He flexed his hips against her backside, sliding roughly against her skin, and letting out a shaking groan of his own.

“Just the way you’re fucking yourself with this,” he said, thrusting the toy inside. “I’m going to fuck you. I’m going to get so deep inside you.”


He pressed something else into her other hand, and she was so far gone it took her a second to recognize the vibrator they’d bought. Breathing hard, she curled her fingers around the handle. With a flick of his wrist he turned it on, helping her to get it right against her clit.

Everything in her leapt to life. It was perfect, hard and rumbly and turning the sweet pulses of pleasure into something overwhelming in their intensity. Together, they bore down, to the point where she wasn’t sure who was doing what, only that she was so close and needed to get there. Needed—

He thrust the toy into her harder. His voice needy and rough, “I can’t wait to come inside you.”

She held her breath. Tensed every muscle and pressed her face into his neck. Pushed down harder with the toy, and—

Her climax tore through her, dark and vibrant all at once, sweeping her along into a cocoon of ecstasy she’d never imagined before. Her throat hurt, and there was screaming, his name and God’s, and her whole body sang as she arched, head dropping back. Wave after wave, and he held her through it all.

After what felt like eternity, the pulses started to dim. She fumbled, trying to turn the toy off, and eventually she managed. His hands had shifted, one still keeping the glass held deep within her, while with the other he grasped her hip, and— Oh.

His breath was still coming in harsh rasps as he pulled her more tightly against him. His hot length slipped and skidded over her skin, and her belly dipped. Maybe he’d take her like this someday, her on his lap. He’d be buried deep inside of her, helping her ride him, touching her clit and her breasts, and she wanted that.

She reached a hand back, grabbing his hair as she twisted, pulling him down into a fiery kiss.

“I’m going to—” he panted.

Against her mouth, he groaned, and everything went slick against her spine. Deep within, she throbbed, aftershocks trembling their way through her as he came on her skin, painting it with his release.

For a long moment, he stayed there, trembling and tense, pulsing weakly as he clutched her close. Finally, he sighed, lips going slack. He pulled away, kissed her temple and eased the body-warm glass from her sex.

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