“Fuck me, are you serious?” I already knew what was going on.

“Dead serious. It was three wolves, asking if I’d seen a female Arctic wolf. When I asked why, they said it was pack business. Obviously, they didn’t get a scent of her so they left. I don’t know if they’re headed your way, but be prepared. They’re on the hunt.”

“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll inform my pack.” I hung up and immediately dialed Tyla’s number.

“What are you going to do?” Cedric asked.

“Something that’ll piss Bailey off if she finds out.”

“Then I suggest you not think about it.”

I waited for Tyla to answer her phone. “Easier said than done, my friend. You’ll find out one of these days.”

“Hey, what’s up,” she answered.

“Where’s Bailey?”

“Out riding, why?”

“Keep your eye on her. Ian called and said there were some wolves looking for her.”

“Okay, I won’t let her out of my sight. Are you going to tell her?”

“No. If I do, she’ll try to leave. Just act normal and we’ll do everything as planned. Tonight we’ll go out to the bar, tomorrow I’ll let her meet the pack, and then I’m taking her somewhere safe.”

“You’re leaving?”

“Only until the enemies pass us by.”

“We could always hide her so you don’t have to leave.”

“I wish we could, but it’s not going to work.” Not everyone knew why Bailey had come to us and if they did, they’d realize the greater threat.

“Why not?”

“Because . . . I know the wolves coming after Bailey.”


“I used to be a part of their pack.”

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“Thanks for letting me ride Nightshade,” I said to Blake.

He smiled and fetched a bucket of water from the hose. He’d told me all about how he grew up a city slicker and how Ryker and Tyla turned him into a cowboy. The stories of his undercover missions were amazing. Even though he wasn’t a shifter, he was one lethal human.

“He likes beautiful women riding him.”

Nightshade bumped me with his nose and I laughed. “I’ve never ridden a horse before.”

“Really? You look like a natural out there.”

“All right, Evans, no flirting with Ryker’s woman. He’ll skin you alive,” Tyla teased. Blake’s friend, Wyatt Erickson, walked in beside her. They’d been inseparable since we showed up. He was a good looking man, dressed in a pair of jeans, a polo shirt, with his light brown hair in messy spikes.

Blake winked at her. “I’m not scared. I’m sure his bark is worse than his bite.” We tried to hide our giggles at the comment and he looked sideways at us before continuing. “You gonna dance with me tonight?”

She smirked. “Maybe, if you buy me a drink.”

He leaned closer to me. “Why is she always so difficult?”

“Because I can be,” she replied, reaching for my hand. “And right now, I need to get this one home so she can get ready for the night.”

I scratched Nightshade’s ear and nuzzled him. “See you tomorrow, boy. That is, if it’s okay,” I said, glancing over at Blake.

“Come anytime. You’re always welcome. Wyatt and I will see you both tonight.”

Tyla and I said our goodbyes and got in her car. “What’s up with you and Wyatt?” I asked as we drove away.

She batted her eyelashes innocently. “Just some friendly flirting. He’s not exactly my type, but he sure is easy on the eyes.”

“So is Ryker. He told me you were the only one in the pack who hasn’t tried to get him to mate with you.”

“Oh hell, he told you that?”

“Is it true?”

She sighed. “Yes, but nothing ever happened. He never slept with any of them or promised them anything.”

“Will any of them try to challenge me?”

Eyes wide, she burst out in laughter. “Are you kidding me? They’d be stupid if they did that. Any wolf from a mile away could feel your power. I don’t plan on ever getting on your bad side.”

That was good to know.

She dropped me off at Ryker’s house just in time for him to pull up and see the several shopping bags in my hand. He got out of the car, followed by another wolf who was dressed in the same ranger uniform. He had dark blond hair and a smirk on his face; he was one of the six who kept watch over me.

“Bailey, this is Cedric, my second in command.”

I held out my hand. “Yes, I recognize the smirk.”

Cedric took my hand, roaring in laughter. “I guess you’re saying I look like my wolf?”

Ryker narrowed his gaze, studying Cedric’s face. “You’re right. He does.”

“Only the smile,” I added. “I remember it getting bigger when I sat out on the front porch, waiting for everyone to leave. I wanted to smack it off your face.”

“I’m sure that would’ve been quite interesting,” Cedric replied.

Ryker laughed. “If by interesting, you mean watching you run home with your tail between your legs . . . then yes.”

“Okay, if you two are done bashing me, I’m going to change clothes and meet you at the bar.”

I watched him walk past the house to another one on the other side of the field. “Does he live here too?”

Ryker’s arm brushed mine as he stood beside me. “He does. That’s his cabin out there. Some of the men in the pack are builders. They built everything you see here.” On Ryker’s land, there was the main ranch, a smaller cabin and two separate barns.

“Very nice. It looks like you have a lot of talent in your pack.”

“Our pack. And yes, we do.” He turned to face me. “Are you still mad at me?”

“I am,” I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.

He grinned. “Good. You’re sexy when you’re angry.”

“And you’re annoying.”

“Well, I’m probably about to annoy you even more. After you meet the pack tomorrow, we’re leaving.”

“Where to?”

“Somewhere safe, where no one can find you. If the Yukon pack comes, they’ll see you’re not here and move on. As soon as the threat’s gone, we can come back.”

“How am I going to travel? I don’t have anything to prove my identity.”

Taking my bags, he started for the door and I followed. “That’s why I’m going to talk to Blake tonight. He’ll help us out. Cedric will fill in as alpha if anyone were to come looking for you.”

“I can go on my own. You shouldn’t leave your pack,” I argued.

“And you need to stop being so stubborn. I thought you were adventurous. You can even pick the place you want to go. This is your chance to see more of the world. You’re not scared are you?” He was goading me.

I could hear the laughter inside his head, but I could also feel his hesitance. Something was wrong. “I’m not scared.”

“Then prove it,” he countered with a sly grin.

I stalked up to him, my body flush with his. “I will, even though I know you’re hiding something.” He looked to the side and I decided to let it go for now. “I know exactly where I want to go first.”

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Ryker fumbled around in the kitchen, and I smelled eggs and bacon coming through the bedroom door. I rolled over and stared at the far wall. I thought for sure he would sleep with me last night, but he didn’t; he only kissed me goodnight. At the bar, he’d spent most of the night talking to Blake, trying to get his help on my situation, while I talked to Cedric and the other guys in the pack.

“You’re disappointed I didn’t sleep with you last night?” Ryker asked.

“Not at all. I enjoy sleeping alone. I have more room.”

“You lie, angel. I could feel your disappointment this morning. All you have to do is tell me you want me and I’ll stay. I have to hear it.”

“You know I want you, Ryker. I’m sure you could figure that out the other night.”

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