“If a fight is what they want, I’ll give it to them. I’m the one who killed their alpha.” The room fell silent. “My goal is to lead them away from you, from your children. I haven’t been a part of your pack for long, but that doesn’t take away from the fact I don’t want to see anyone hurt because of me.”

As if on command, men stood and formed a line in front of me. Cedric was first. He knelt down, bowing his head.

“What are you doing?” I whispered.

He chuckled and winked up at me. “Giving you my life.” Taking my hand, he held it in his. “I, Cedric Convel, give you my life, my honor, and my strength. I will fight and die for you, if you so choose it. You are my alpha.” When he stood, he leaned down and whispered in my ear. “I’ve searched years for my mate and haven’t found her. If you can restore the magic of the moon, I will forever be in your debt.”

For the first time since I’d met him, he was completely serious. I nodded with confidence. “I will do everything within my power to see that it happens.”

Completely in awe, yet numb, I stood there with Ryker by my side as one after the other pledged their allegiance to me. Everything I’d known to be true had been torn away from me in just one night. I was nothing to my old pack but a pawn in a game. Whatever they were playing, I was determined to win. One way or another, I was going to get my answers.

Once everyone had left, it was time to leave for the airport. Ryker took my hand and brought it to his lips. “Everything will be fine, angel. After we finish mating, we’ll be stronger than any pack out there. You’ll get your answers.”

“I sure hope so. If we don’t, I’m never going to know what happened to my real family, or who I really am.”

“Even if you don’t find out who you really are, there’s one thing we know for certain. You’re mine, as I am yours. We found each other, and now you have a new family, a new beginning.”

“You’re right. But something tells me it’s not going to be so easy.”

With his hand on the back of my neck, he pulled me to him and kissed me. “Nothing worth having ever is. Now let’s go, we have a plane to catch.” We loaded up the truck and started down the road. When we got to the airport, he unloaded the bags and locked up. “North Carolina, here we come.”

Snickering, I grabbed my bag. “Blake said the beaches there were beautiful. And they aren’t crowded like other places. Besides, I’ve never even seen an ocean before. It’ll be a new experience.”

He put his arm around me. “That it will. If all else fails, at least I’ll get to see you in a bikini.” I started to laugh, but then froze. “Bailey, what’s wrong?”

For the briefest moment, I thought I’d felt the presence of another wolf, a strong one. But the feeling disappeared so fast I couldn’t tell if I imagined it, or if I was just paranoid.

“Bailey!” Ryker shouted, grabbing my attention. I scanned the parking lot and didn’t see a thing. “Are you okay?”

I nodded. “Yeah, of course. Let’s go. I’m ready to see the beach.”

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“It’s so beautiful.” Seeing the ocean from the plane didn’t compare to the way it actually felt to have the sand between my toes and smell the salty, sea air.

“You’re beautiful,” Ryker murmured. “And sexy as hell in that bathing suit.”

I smiled, and turned around. “Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”

“Are you going to stand out here all night?”

The sky was turning dark, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave. There was so much I’d missed in life, and I didn’t want to miss another second of it. “I’m thinking about it.” I laughed.

“Then I guess it’s a good thing I brought dinner.”

I turned to see he had a bottle of wine and a paper bag, with a towel draped over his bare shoulder. “How did I not know you left?”

He nodded toward the water. “You were mesmerized. Anyway, there’s an Italian place down the street. I thought it looked promising. I know you like lasagna.”

“And how do you know that?”

Setting the towel down, he pulled out our food and poured me a cup of wine. “You ate it at least three times a week when you were in college.”

Eyes wide, I stood there in shock. “Creepy . . .”

He rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t always watching you, Bailey. I still had the pack to look after too. But for the most part, I did keep tabs on you.”

“Why, because I’m your mate?”

His gaze narrowed. “You forget I knew you before the word ‘mate’ even popped in my head. I’m the one who found you alone in the woods when we were kids. I never left your side the entire time you were with my pack.” He passed me a takeout container of lasagna and my stomach rumbled.

I nodded, even though I couldn’t remember. “I know, I’m sorry. With having only human friends, they had their boyfriends, fell in love, and got married. I thought that’s what it would be like for me. That I’d get to pick someone of my choosing.”

A deep growl rumbled in his chest. “You did choose me. Why do you think we were separated? We clearly showed signs of it early on. You were taken away and I was banished from the pack. I don’t think that’s a coincidence. Once you get your memories back, you’ll see.”

“Until then?” I asked.

His jaw tensed as he stabbed away at his food. “We get to know each other the real way, by talking. I can’t make you love me, especially when you’re fighting your instincts.”

I didn’t want to fight them, I just wanted to make my own choices. I knew deep down there was more to me and Ryker, but my whole life had been built on lies. I needed something tangible. “I know we have this connection to each other, but I want us to be together because of who we are, not because of magic. I want you to be with me because of me.”

“What do you think I’ve done over the past five years? While you were away at school, I watched you every single day, learning all your likes and dislikes. Stalkerish or not, I had no choice. It was the only way I could be around you.”

“Why didn’t you try to talk to me?”

He huffed. “I wanted to, but I didn’t want to draw any more attention than I already had. Your bodyguard was always around. I didn’t want him to know I was there.”

I choked on my wine. “Bodyguard? Who the hell are you talking about?”

“The wolf you left with that day I came for you,” he said, finishing off the rest of his food.

Had he lost his mind? “Sebastian? He was only there to drop me off and bring me home. I would’ve known if he was there.”

“Obviously, you didn’t. He followed you everywhere.”

Was I too engrossed in my freedom to even notice? “How can that be possible? I’ve always been able to sense other wolves when they’re around.”

He shrugged. “I don’t know, but we need to add it to the long list of questions you have.” Sighing, Ryker laid down on the sand, his gaze up at the sky. I could feel his emotions as if they were my own. He was worried about the pack, but his main concern was for me.

Rolling over on my side, I brushed my body against his, laying my head on his chest. It satisfied both our wolves when we were touching. “Ryker,” I whispered. He turned his head, his brows lifting in response. I could get lost in those green eyes of his. “Will you do something for me?”


I reached over and clasped my hand with his, the tingling sensation making me shiver. “Give me your memories. From the moment you first saw me, to the moment I left. I want to see what I’m missing.”

His lips brushed my temple and he smiled. “Close your eyes.”

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