THEIR Stepsister

Alexa Riley

Copyright © 2015 by Alexa Riley. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to

Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 *Sarah*

Chapter 2 *Logan*

Chapter 3 *Luke*

Chapter 4 *Logan*

Chapter 5 *Sarah*

Chapter 6 *Luke*

Chapter 7 *Logan*


Taking the Fall Excerpt

Other Titles by Alexa Riley

About the Author


To all the dirty fuckers out there who like their smut taboo. This is for you!

CHAPTER 1 *Sarah*

“Sam, if my brothers catch you in here again they’re going to rip you a new hole,” I say, scrolling through today’s itinerary. Sam has asked me out every day since I started working at Steel Security two weeks ago and I feel my resistance slipping. He’s extremely handsome in the gruff kind of way but I worry about mixing work and pleasure. Not only that, but my brothers promise a torturous death to anyone that so much as looks in my direction. They won’t allow a cock to get near me if they can help it. I’m either at home in their condo, or here at their security firm – always on their territory where their word is law.

I might be the world’s only twenty-four-year-old virgin. I would really like to ditch the V-card sooner rather than later. I haven’t been trying to hold on to the freaking thing, but life just kept happening. When I was eight, I lost my father to cancer, and it was just my mom and me for a few years. Then she met my stepfather, Dean Steel, when I was ten. Not only did I get a new father, I also got two brothers – twins. They were six years older than me. I followed Luke and Logan around like a lost puppy. Maybe I did it because of the lack of male attention after my dad died. I went from not having my dad any more to suddenly having three men in my life. I’m sure I drove them crazy, but they never let on. Luke and Logan still picked me up from school every day and took me to dance classes when Mom or Dean couldn’t.

When they turned eighteen, they both took off for the Marines. I’m not sure if it was what they wanted, or if they didn’t want to burden our parents with two kids in college at the same time. Luke and Logan would come home for visits and holidays and each time my crush for them would grow. I can still remember my first orgasm as I thought of both of them, thinking of both of their hands on me. Since then they’ve owned every orgasm I’ve ever had.

My world came crashing down when a car accident took our parents away from us. It was the end of my senior year in high school and the twins came home for as long as they could. They stayed long enough to take care of everything and ship me off to college, where I stayed for the next six years. When they were finally able to leave the Marines they did. They came home and started Steel Security, where I’ve been working since I graduated college.

“It would be worth it. Come on, Sarah. One date,” he says, rubbing his hand across his scruffy beard and giving me his best puppy dog face. “I’ll be a perfect gentleman. Promise.”

Why shouldn’t I go on a date? Maybe it’s time to finally start living my life. I can’t keep pining for my stepbrothers, and it’s not like I can have them in that way. For one, they would never look at me like that. Two, how fucked up is it to lust after your stepbrothers? Third, they’re all I have left in this world and something like this could rip us apart. Besides, even if it were a possibility, I could never choose just one. I could never pick between Luke and Logan. Luke is dark, intense, and can make my heart flutter with one look. Logan is sweet, makes me laugh, and gives me the biggest urge to climb in his lap and let him have his way with me.

I’ve heard whispers about them sharing women. The thought pisses me off because, while I’ve never seen them with a woman, I don’t want to imagine them living out my fantasy with another woman. Between living in the dorms at college and them being in the Marines, there wasn’t an opportunity for me to get an insight into their sex lives. I can’t even recall them talking about anyone special. Now that I’m living with them I’m sure it’s only a matter of time before I see them with someone. I’ve really got to find my own place before that painful inevitability happens.

“All right, Sam. I caught a ride with Luke today, so why don’t we just gets drinks after work and then you can take me home?”

“Sarah, I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

“Okay. Now get your ass out of here before my brothers walk in,” I say, wanting to get Sam gone before they see him hanging around my desk once again. Not that I’m afraid of them. It’s more that I just don’t want to hear their mouths on this issue. Throwing me a wink, Sam leaves, perkier than he was when he arrived. Now I just need to make sure no one see me leave with him later.

~ ~ ~ ~

Aces was packed.

I’d heard about a lot of the guys coming here after work but this was my first time here. Of course, Luke and Logan had never offered to bring me before. For two men who didn’t want other men near me, I find it funny how persistent they were for me to come and work for them. Did they not realize this job meant I was the only woman around twenty hunky retired military men? Not to mention all their cop friends who are constantly coming and going.

Taking a table near the back of the bar, I sit and wait for Sam to return with our drinks.

I can’t remember the last time I was on a date. A few horrible first dates in college and the boyfriend I had for a few months amounted to very little experience with dating. My ex and I didn’t have anything in common, and we never made it past dry humping. God, I need to have sex. I need to get the first time over with, and give the clit massager my girlfriends got me for my last birthday a break.

Looking around the bar, I feel a little out of place. All the other women are dressed in halter tops with skirts or shorts. Eyeing my blue babydoll dress I adjust my boobs to give myself a little more cleavage. Glancing up to make sure no one saw me fixing myself, I lock eyes with Luke. Fuck. I’m totally busted. I sent him a text this afternoon letting him know he didn’t have to take me home because I would be meeting a girlfriend for dinner after work.

“I wasn’t sure what to get you so I got you an apple martini. I hope that’s all right. I always see chicks drinking that shit,” Sam says, slipping into the seat next to mine. Still not taking my eyes off Luke, I can see his jaw tic from here as Sam slides his arm around the back of my chair.

“I’m sure it’s fine. Thank you.” I turn my attention back to Sam and try to push Luke out of my head. I’m praying to every god up there he won’t come over here.

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