“What are you going to do?”

“You’ll see. By the end of the night, he’ll be all yours. I know how the men around here work. The last thing they want is for another man to encroach on their territory. And believe me, by the way Blake was looking at you, you are his territory.”

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I was never good at playing games. I might be shy, but when I wanted something, I wouldn’t beat around the bush to get it. Why did Blake have to be so difficult? Once I was dressed, I glanced at myself in the mirror. My long, blonde hair was braided to the side and I had on a white sundress and cowgirl boots. It was strange because I didn’t see the same Hadley in the reflection. I saw a girl who wanted a different life and different things. The only problem was that it wasn’t possible.

“You will never be normal,” I said to my reflection. “You never have been.” Turning on my heel, I left my room and went straight to the kitchen. I held in my gasp the moment I spotted Blake. He sat at the bar, all cleaned up with a nice pair of jeans and a snug black T-shirt with his hair in messy spikes. No wonder all the ladies loved him; he was sex on a stick.

“I’m ready,” I announced.

His gaze lifted, then darkened as he took me in. “Ho-ly fuck. You’re going to get me kicked out tonight, princess.”


“Because every guy in the bar is going to try to put their dick in you.”

“Many have tried and all have failed. You have nothing to worry about. Are you ready to go?”

His eyes raked over my body again. “No, but it looks like I have to be. Just do me a favor and stay close.” He started for the door and grabbed one of the light-weight jackets off of the coat rack, slipping it over my shoulders as we walked out the door. “It’s supposed to be chilly tonight. Maybe you should keep this on.”

“Are you sure you’re not trying to cover me up?” I asked jokingly.

He chuckled. “Maybe.”

We stopped at the truck and he opened my door. Instead of getting in, I faced him. “Maybe you should be covering up. You’re the one all the women want around here.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Should it?” I countered.

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe one day you’ll let me know.” An awkward silence fell upon us. I had the perfect time to tell him how I felt, but didn’t take it. What the hell was wrong with me? It was the same problem I had with singing brand new songs; I couldn’t do it in front of an audience. I had to wait and see what the people thought once they heard it on the radio. It would’ve been so much easier if he’d just tell me how he felt.

Once I was in the truck, he shut the door and got in. When we arrived at the bar, there were people everywhere. Almost immediately, I found Tyla’s curly blonde head in the midst of a group of guys.

“There’s Tyla,” I called out. Taking my hand, Blake pulled us through the mass of people to get to her.

“What’s up, Evans,” one of the guys in the group shouted. “I see you got a new girl.” I recognized Mitch but the other three I hadn’t met.

Blake put his arm around me. “This is Anna, an old friend from back home. She’s here for a visit. Anna,” he said, pointing at the guys, “I’d like you to meet Liam, Michael, and Devon.” Liam was the tallest with brown hair and brown eyes. Mitch looked like a midget compared to him. Michael and Devon both had similar muscular builds, but Michael had whitish blond hair and a kind smile, while Devon was more of the dark and mysterious kind with his black hair and brooding eyes.

I smiled. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Want me to get you a drink?” Tyla whispered in my ear. “You look like you could use it.”

“Yes,” I pleaded. “Something with a little kick.”

“You got it.”

Blake pinched my ass when she walked off. “Need something with a little kick, huh?” He chuckled in my ear.

I wanted more than that, but I needed the alcohol to give me the courage to ask for it. I was such a chicken shit. The second Tyla handed me my drink, I guzzled it down. While the guys all talked, Tyla pulled me away and slipped me another drink; I tossed it back, my body feeling all warm and fuzzy. Blake glanced back at me and lifted his brows. I nodded to let him know I was all right.

“Sebastian should be here in a minute to ask you to dance. He said he would be here soon,” she whispered in my ear. “And just so you know, when you’re not looking, Blake’s watching you. It’s very . . . protective. Almost like a wolf watching his mate.”

I snorted. “Now that’s interesting. Watch a lot of the Discovery Channel?”

Her lips pulled back in a wolfish grin. “Something like that. But trust me, Blake’s feelings are there. I can sense them. I’ve always been a good matchmaker.”

We watched a bunch of people on the dance floor doing one of the many country line dances, but then the song changed and what came on next made me smile. It was one of my songs.


I turned quickly. “Oh hey, Mitch.” Blake came up behind him, eyes blazing.

“Wanna dance?” Mitch asked, nodding toward the dance floor.

“Actually,” Blake held out his hand, “this is our song.”

Tyla elbowed me discreetly in the side, pushing me toward him.

I took Blake’s hand and smiled apologetically at Mitch. “Maybe next song?”

“Sure,” he said.

Blake twirled me around and pulled me into his arms. “There won’t be a next song. You’re wasted.”

“I am not. Two drinks are not going to get me drunk.” The room did spin a little more than usual, but it was probably because he just swung me around.

“Whatever you say, princess.” He laughed.

Smiling, I laid my head on his chest. It helped ground me. “I love it when you call me that.”



“It used to piss you off.”

I lifted my head. “I know, but now you say it differently. Why is that?”

His gaze moved to my lips, but then he shook his head. “It doesn’t matter.”

“It matters to me. Are you ready for me to leave?”

“No. Why would you think that?” His thumb brushed along my cheek and I shivered. I loved it when he touched me. It was a craving that would probably never be satisfied.

“Then why are you being so distant? No matter how much you say it didn’t, something changed after Robert’s call. I want to know what happened. It’s different between us.”

“That’s the thing . . . there is no us. It would never work out and you know it.”

Those words felt like a punch to the gut. “So you’re not even going to try? Would it make a difference to know I want this? That I want you. We could make it work.”

He shook his head. “Even if that’s what I wanted, we’d never see each other. You’re not the only one with something to lose. Besides, tomorrow you’re not going to remember saying any of this to me.” The tears started to build and I didn’t want him to see me cry. I tried to push past him, but he caught my arm. “Where are you going?”

“To the bathroom,” I snapped, jerking my arm away. I rushed away as fast as I could and disappeared behind closed doors.

Tyla barreled into the room. “What the hell happened?”

I flung my arms in the air. “He told me it would never work. He doesn’t want to try.”

She grabbed some paper towels and handed them to me. “He’s being an ass. Lots of people have long distance relationships. You just have to put in the effort.”

“I don’t think he’s willing to do that. Plus, he thinks I’m drunk and won’t remember anything I’m saying.”

Placing her hand on my shoulders, she squeezed and looked into my eyes. “Then you prove him wrong. Now dry your eyes and get back out there. Always keep your head high, no matter what anyone does to you.”

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