I snorted. “You got that right. I guess I didn’t think you’d want to see me after last night.”

Sighing, he pulled me into his arms. “I’m not gonna lie, I was pissed. But I also know you weren’t mine to begin with.” He tilted my chin up, his soft green gaze focusing on mine. “You’ve been nothing but honest with me along the way, and I was just too hardheaded to listen. Which is why I went to the press and told them we ended things amicably. I saw what they were posting about you and I didn’t like it. Your reputation didn’t need to be trashed because of me.”

“Nick, you didn’t have to do that.”

“Yes, I did,” he murmured. “I guess now I can enjoy the single life for a while.”

We stepped away from each other and I could feel the distance between us. It would always be different from this point on. “Please tell me I haven’t lost you as a friend. I care about you, Nick. You mean a lot to me.”

“I’m not going anywhere, Hadley. It might take some time for me to get adjusted, but we’ll get there. If you want, you can come out with me and the guys tonight. I think Felicity’s coming.”

I shook my head. “I think I’ll just go back to the hotel and crash. I’m heading back to California tomorrow.”

He nodded, then his gaze landed on the stage door. “Want me to go out there with you?”

The crowd of reporters could be heard through the door. “No, I got it. Thank you though. I’m sure Connor will get me through pretty fast. I’ll see you back in California, okay?”

He nodded. “Goodbye, Hadley.”

“Bye, Nick.” I kissed his cheek and started for the door, where Connor stood.

“You ready?” he asked.

Taking a deep breath, I let it out slowly. “Yep. Let’s go.” He opened the door and I stepped out into the madness.

“Miss Rivers, are you and Nick going to work things out? We know he was backstage with you,” a female reporter shouted, shoving a microphone in my face.

“We’re friends, and we always will be,” I replied. Connor nudged me to keep moving.

“Are you seeing someone else? Who is he?” another reporter asked.

“I think that’s enough questions for tonight,” Connor announced.

“Mr. MacCabe, how do you feel knowing Miss Rivers’ last bodyguard was shot and killed on duty?”

Huffing, he turned around and blocked me from view. There were two security guards by the back door and they rushed up and blocked the reporters from going any further. Connor opened the back door and ushered me into the car. He watched me clasp the buckle and then pointed at something in the center console. “I was told you liked ginger ale. I got you a bottle and put it in there.”

“Oh, thank you.” I opened the bucket and pulled out the chilled bottle as he walked around front and got into the driver’s seat. “Do you want some?” I asked, holding out a bottle.

He shook his head. “Trying to watch my figure.”

I snorted at his response. Opening my own bottle, I chugged half of it and sat back relaxed. “What time do you think we’ll make it back to the hotel?”

“Fifteen minutes, probably. Lots of traffic.”

Pulling out my phone, I saw where Felicity had texted him back. I couldn’t wait to see him.

Me: I’ll be at the hotel in 15 mins. Meet in lobby?

Blake: See you there.

The traffic went to a standstill and Connor swerved around, taking another street.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Shortcut. Do you still have your seatbelt on?”

Everything started to get blurry and my eyes grew heavy. “Yeah, I . . . I think . . . so.” My words sounded like they were jumbled together. I grabbed the strap and felt it across my chest, my fingers tingling as I clutched it. “Connor, I don’t feel so good.”

“What’s wrong? Do I need to stop the car?”

My whole body started to go numb and I couldn’t speak. It was as if my mind was still there, but only not. Time didn’t seem to exist. The car picked up speed and everything went black. Connor yelled for me to hold on, but I couldn’t feel my hands and my muscles weren’t listening to my brain’s warning to grasp onto something. All I could feel was the heat of flames across my skin, yet there was no pain.

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“What the fuck is going on?” I grumbled. Hadley had sent me a text hours ago saying she was on her way to the hotel. Where the hell was she? The hotel staff hadn’t seen her come in and she wasn’t in her room. I texted and called, but no reply.

My phone rang and I picked it up. “Where are you?” I barked into the phone, thinking it was her.

“I’m in California.” It was Robert and he sounded hesitant.

“Shit. Sorry, Robert. I thought you were Hadley. What’s going on?”

“Are you in New York?”

“Yeah, I just got here.”

His heavy sigh made me tense. “I think you should go to the station. There’s been an accident.”

“Accident? What kind of accident?”

“Look at the news and you’ll see. I’m sorry, Blake. I didn’t want to be the one to tell you.”

Dropping my phone, I ran into the hotel bar and pushed past everyone crowded around the counter. The TV’s above showed nothing but fire, and the words below emblazoned in blue, Hadley Rivers, dead?

Holy fuck.

Women around me cried while others watched the news in complete horror. I couldn’t watch anymore. “She’s dead?” someone cried. “How can she be dead? Wasn’t she just giving a concert tonight? She was so young.”

I refused to believe it. She wasn’t gone, it had to be a mistake. What if it wasn’t?

“Fuck.” I gripped the counter and momentarily felt lightheaded before the anger took over. If it was her in that car, someone was going to pay for taking her away from me. Growling, I hurried back to where I dropped my phone, dialing Robert’s number as I stormed out the door.

“Evan’s, you okay?”

“Call the Chief of Police out here and tell them I’m coming.”

“What are you going to do? You can’t interfere in this.”

“I don’t care. I want answers.” Everything inside of me was numb. I didn’t want to feel the pain yet. I wanted answers, and I sure as hell was going to get them.

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“I’m sorry Mr. Evans, but I can’t allow you back there. The chief said only family is allowed at this time.” The arrogant twat glanced down at his paperwork, completely dismissing me.

My blood boiled. I’d been sitting there for over two fucking hours. “Look, fucker,” I growled, grabbing him by the neck, “I showed you my badge and told you who I am. I want to talk to the Chief of Police. I suggest you let me back there before I rip off your goddamn head.” He grasped at my hands, but all it did was make me squeeze harder.

“Mr. Evans, let him go. I’m Byron Jennings.” I glanced over my shoulder at the middle-aged man, pursing his lips. “Robert called and told me to expect you.” He had graying, dark hair and a moustache, his uniform badge confirming he was the Chief of Police.

I squeezed shitdick’s neck one more time because it felt good, and then let him go. He grabbed his neck and fell back in his chair, coughing.

Byron stood to the side and motioned for me to walk past. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t assault my staff.”

“And I’d appreciate it if he wouldn’t act like a cunt. Now what happened to Hadley?”

Sighing, he started down the hall and I followed. “It looks like her bodyguard lost control of the car. They slammed into a tree right outside of Burnsville. According to her agent, she was staying at a hotel in town. It makes no sense why they were heading out of the city.”

Where the hell was she going? “Something’s not right. She sent me a text right after her concert saying she was on her way to the hotel. There’s no fucking way this was an accident.”

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