“Derek says you’ve had a little change overnight? Met your mate?”

Irritation flashes in Patrick’s eyes. “That’s none of your damned business. I’m talking about our case.”

Everything changes when Stuart laughs. “Shit. You did.” He shakes his head and looks at his coffee. “Can you keep your head in the game?”

Patrick’s hackles are up, and I see the muscle in his jaw move. Last thing I need is for these two to start fighting. Even if Stuart is the oldest, the alpha, his younger brother still kicks against his authority.

Reaching over, I slap his shoulder. “Patrick’s with us. Now let’s focus.” My voice lowers again. “We’ve got to find out as much as we can about this nest—how many, how old. If it’s truly our target, we need to get back there tonight before they regroup.”

Stuart’s expression is grim. “If you surprised them early last night, they’ve had plenty of time to prepare for us. How sure are you about our intel?”

The waitress appears with a busboy carrying a large black tray and our orders. We wait as they put everything in front of us and ensure we have all we need. As soon as they’re gone, Patrick answers him.

“Based on what I read in Sloan’s notes, this could be the one. We can’t walk away.”

Stuart cuts his eyes to his little brother. “The actual killer?”

Patrick nods as he puts a bite of beans, cheese, and sour cream wrapped in egg into his mouth. I’m as energized as when we got here, knowing we’re so close to the end of my quest. The revenge I’ve been obsessed with for years is right here in our grasp.

Yet, it’s interesting how my outlook has changed. I’ll be glad to end my search, to find resolution, but whereas before, it was the only thing I cared about—it was my life—now I see a different future, a future where I put the past behind me and start to live again. That is, once I’ve convinced Melissa to try.

Stuart snaps me back to preparations. “You, go sleep. I’ll gather what we need for the ritual.”

I nod, but Patrick cuts in. “Where can we do it?”

“My suite,” I say. “I have a Jacuzzi tub.”

“What the hell?” Patrick leans back. “How did you get a fucking Jacuzzi tub?”

“Came with the room.”

“Good,” Stuart says, getting us back on track. “In two hours, we meet in Derek’s room. It should give you enough time to recover before we have to head out tonight.”

Patrick stands to let me out of the booth. I’ve only eaten half my breakfast, but I wasn’t hungry. Anyway, the ritual always leaves my stomach queasy. The most important thing I can do now is sleep. My beautiful Melissa will have to wait.

Tonight is critical.


The sound of someone attempting to be quiet, bumping around the room rouses me from the dark waters of slumber. I hate to open my eyes, because in my dreams I’m wrapped tightly in the cocoon of Derek’s strong arms. His masculine scent is all around me, and the luscious taste of him is on my tongue. It’s the closest to heaven I’ve been in so long.

A little crash followed by a sharp yelp makes me sit up in the bed and reach for the lamp. “Elaine?”

“Oh,” she laughs. “I’m sorry. I was trying to let you sleep.”

“What time is it?” I rub my eyes as she goes to the window to pull back the curtains.

“Almost two.”

“Lainey!” Throwing the sheets back, I jump out of bed. “I need to shower, change…”

“It’s okay! I already called Mariska. She’s meeting us at ACME at three. We’ve got plenty of time.”

“Oh, good.” Exhaling, I slow my pace. ACME oyster house is a half block from our hotel, and one of my favorite casual restaurants in the city. “Mind if I shower first?”

“Go ahead.” I watch as she climbs onto the bed and seems ready to nap.

My eyes narrow. “Did you get any sleep last night?”

She starts to giggle. “Did you?”

“Doesn’t count. Every night that passes, I sleep less and less.”

“Particularly the nights involving Mr. Tall, Dark, and Sexy.” She sits up and wraps her arms over her knees. “He’s really into you. I saw it in his mind.”

My jaw clenches. “That is not cool, you know.”

“Trust me, I know.” She nods quickly. “But when emotions are that strong, it’s impossible for me to stop them flooding my brain.”

I know from experience she’s telling me the truth. She’s often complained about not wanting to hear everything people are thinking.

I go over to the bed and sit beside her, lifting her hand in mine. “Derek is… the most incredible man. But I can’t pull him into my troubles. You know that.”

Her lips press together, and the way she blinks down, I can tell she’s hiding something. “What is it?”

She hesitates before answering. “Actually, he might be exactly who you need to pull into this.”

Frustration overwhelms me, and I snap. “Don’t be cryptic. Just say whatever the hell you know.”

“Hey! Whoa,” she rubs my hands. “Give me a chance! I know you’re scared.”

Dropping my chin, I cringe. “I’m sorry. I can’t seem to control my moods anymore. My emotions are all over the place.”

She gives me a little squeeze. “It’s okay. Now listen to me. When we met Patrick at Maspero’s, we both had a reaction to him.”

“You had a reaction, too?”

“I didn’t want to upset you. It’s why I suggested we go to K-Paul’s instead.”

My brow lines. “Did he make you feel sick? Nauseated?”

She starts to laugh, then clears her throat. “No. Just the opposite.” I watch as her cheeks flood with pink. “He made me feel very sexy, and… I don’t know… like I’ve never felt before. Like the crown jewels or the Hope Diamond. Like—”

“I’m confused.”

“He’s a shifter.”

“Oh my god.” I jump off the bed and start to pace the room. “How do you know? Did you see it in his mind? Can you read shifter minds? Is he going to kill me?” In a flash of horror, I have another thought. “Is Derek a shifter?”

No. He couldn’t be…

“Slow down!” She’s off the bed, catching my hands again. “He’s not going to kill you! Patrick isn’t like that. He doesn’t hunt vampires for sport.”

My eyes go huge. “But he does hunt them.”

“Let me finish telling you what happened!”

We ease down onto the bed, but I can’t stop shaking. He’s nowhere near us, but I’m overcome with the sensation I might lose my breakfast for real this time. Only I haven’t had breakfast.

“Last night when we found him at Razoo’s, I’d finally figured out what he was. I’d been sorting through the emotions coming at me from him, and it finally clicked.” Her tone is academic. “To answer your question, no, I can’t read his mind. It’s completely different with shifters. I don’t get words, only feelings. I read about it in an online discussion group once. It’s how I knew—”

“Feelings like… anger?”

“Anger, happiness, irritation, hunger, desire.” She falls back on the bed again and a dreamy quality enters her voice. “Oh, Mel, he’s so sexy and so fun. He’s perfect for me. I can’t believe I’m so lucky!”

“You sound like you’re going to marry him.” Her body stills at my words, and she leans up on her elbows to look at me.

“Are you insane?” I cry. “You just met him yesterday!”

“Shifters imprint, Mel.”

My jaw drops, and for a second I can only blink at her. “You think he imprinted on you?”

“I know he did, and it’s the strongest, the most intense thing I’ve ever felt in my life!” She does a little shiver.

“But… You’re just accepting it? Without question? What if he’s abusive? What if he’s a murderer? What if he’s in the underworld?”

“Well, technically we’re all in the underworld. You in particular—”

“You know what I mean! What if he’s hiding something horrible?”

“He’s not. We spent all last night talking and catching up and making love.” She smiles, and her face glows. “We had to encounter each other at some point. It’s how it goes for them. He had to find me. It was unavoidable.”

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