He sounds so certain, but it feels impossible. A wedding? Anna deserves the whole nine yards, but that can’t happen.

“With all respect, Duke Belial, we don’t have time for a wedding.”

“Leave the details to me.”


“If you love her,” his voice rumbles in my ear, “you will marry her. End of discussion.”

Everyone’s eyes are still on me, suffocating me. “I need some time to myself,” I mutter. I need air.

I turn and make a beeline for the back door, flinging it open and letting the sea breeze blast me with its warmth. I stand on the edge of Blake’s deck, staring out at the magnitude of the Pacific Ocean, and allow myself to feel small.

Marry Anna.

Perhaps that is what Belial had in mind all along. For someone, hopefully Kope, to secretly marry Anna and keep her safe from my father. But Anna and Kope didn’t fall in love, did they? No, it was me.

All my life I’ve been selfish. I don’t trust the instinct inside me, shouting, Yes, make her yours and finally be with her! What if I only want this for selfish reasons? I press my thumbs into my eyes and think of Anna up there on the stage at the summit in New York so long ago. I remember the fear when I was so certain Duke Rahab would kill her. My only thought was that my knife would be through his head before his finger could reach the trigger.

I am capable of selflessness.

I close my eyes. Time to sort out the facts.

I’m the only man who Anna loves. And I’m the only man who loves her. Therefore, only I can do this for her. The fact that it will fill me with immeasurable joy does not make me selfish. It makes me a living, breathing man with something worth living for.

I’m tired of being ruled by fear.

I fill my chest with fresh air and turn to go back inside and face my future. Anna meets me at the door, and the sight of her is exhilarating. I take her hand and she twines her fingers between mine. I lead her down to Blake’s theater room, my favorite place in this mansion.

We sit in the red velvet chairs and I turn to face her, still holding her hand. I’m nearly bursting with all I want to say. But Anna opens her mouth first.

“Look, I don’t know what my dad said to you, but don’t let him pressure you. You don’t have to do this. I’ll find a way to hide from Pharzuph.”

Before I address what her father said to me, I need to make something clear. “You can’t hide from him forever, Anna.”

“Yes, but I don’t want that to be our sole reason for getting married.”

I look down at our joined hands. Fear may have prompted this decision, but is it the driving factor behind it? Would Belial give his blessing if we weren’t in peril? Would I care?

“I’m telling him no,” she says.

My eyes snap to her. I’m doused with loss. She tries to stand, but I grip her hands. “You don’t want to get married?” Is she having doubts?

“Of course I want to, but you have to want it, too. And it has to be for the right reasons.”

“I’d do anything for you—to keep you safe,” I try to explain. “When I think of what those sons of Thamuz could’ve done—”

“Wrong reason,” Anna whispers. “We can’t do this.”

She tries again to pull away, and I want to curse myself. I’m not explaining myself well. I’m better at talking in facts than feelings.


“Let me go, Kai.” Shite, now she’s upset. I’m mucking it up.

“No, please,” I beg. “God, I’m just not good at this, luv. Any of it. I know this is something you’ve always wanted.”

She closes her eyes. “That was a long time ago. When I thought I was normal. I never wanted it to be like this.”

I don’t want it like this for her either, rushed and secretive. I want her dreams to all come true.

“That’s what I tried to tell your father. We’ve no time to plan a fancy ceremony or to have a gown tailored—”

“Whoa, stop.” She holds up a hand and gives me a strange look. “I don’t need any of that fairy-tale stuff. It’s the marriage that matters to me, not the wedding. As long as our hearts are in the right place, we could be in pajamas for all I care.”

“But . . . I wanted to give you all that.” I watch her pretty face, trying to figure out what can make this right. What does she want?

“Kai, please, tell me what you’re thinking. We don’t have much time, and we have to make a decision.”

A decision? Does she think I haven’t decided?

“I . . .”

She’s watching me, searching my face for something. The only thing I can think to give her is so simple. So traditional. So not me. I slide down to one knee, still holding her hand, and look up at her. “My sweet, lovely Anna. I love you . . . and I want to marry you.” Wait, I don’t think I said that bit right. Shite, I was supposed to ask her, not tell her, as if it’s all about me. “But only if you want to. Do you? I mean, will you?” Spit it out! “Marry me?”

She breaks into exultant laughter and falls to her knees with me, grabbing my face and pressing her soft lips to mine. We kiss over and over, but still she hasn’t responded.

“Does it always take this long for someone to answer? It’s making me bloody nervous.”

She pulls back and meets my eyes, filled with mirth. “Yes, Kai. I’ll marry you.”

Sweeter words have never been uttered. This time I kiss her, and I wrap my arms around her to keep from trembling. I’ve never felt happiness like this. When our mates burst through the door, cheering, all I can do is grin like an idiot and say, “So much for privacy.”

Nothing, nothing can bother me at this moment, because I’m going to marry Anna Whitt. I’m going to love her and protect her and keep her safe any way that I can.

And it just so happens that the key to keeping her safe from my father is to shag her senseless.

I think I can handle that.


Sweet Temptation _2.jpg

Till Death

“My walls are falling and my white flag is high,

I’ve surrendered to the feeling inside.”

—“The Only One” by Hot Chelle Rae

Everyone takes off and I’m left standing at Blake’s, a bit shell-shocked, blinking into the bright sun. What do blokes do to prepare for weddings? I rack my brain, thinking about grooms in commercials. Tuxedos are out. I could get her a garter. . . .

Wait. Rings! Brilliant. And, where will we go afterward? We’ll need a honeymoon suite somewhere. Look at me, already a pro at this husband business.

The first place that comes to mind is the one place Anna wanted to see that I didn’t get to take her to—the place I’ve only seen alone when I was at the lowest point in my life. Seeing it with Anna at my side will, no doubt, be a different experience. It’s time to set things right.

I do an internet search for Grand Canyon honeymoon destinations. Of course the best places have no vacancies tonight. I get on the phone with the owner of a set of luxury cabins.

“I’m so sorry, but we’re all booked.”

I put on my most polite English voice. “Yes, but I’m wondering if you can point me in the direction of anyone who might have a place. I know it’s late notice. I’ll literally pay any price they ask for one night. It’s my wedding night, you see. Sort of an impromptu wedding because we’re facing some rather worrisome issues.” I clear my throat and shut my eyes.

“Oh, dear.” The woman is quiet. “Well . . . there’s our personal vacation cabin. . . .”

My eyes snap open. “I’d hate to put you out, miss.”

“We don’t usually rent it out, but you sound like a nice young man. I suppose one night would be okay.”

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