Dukes: The demon bosses on earth. Of the 666 earthly demons, only the twelve Dukes are allowed to possess human bodies and masquerade as humans. Each Duke has a specialty sin. They rise to high positions in order to have influence over higher-up humans and the societies they live in. Over time, the Dukes change bodies and duty stations. When this happens, it is called the changing of the guard.

guardian angels: Each human on earth is given a guardian angel to watch over them throughout their life and whisper positive thoughts. When given permission from above, a guardian angel can interfere in events, unbeknownst to the human charges.

Legionnaires: Lucifer’s legion of demon spirits on earth. Of the 666 earthly demons, 654 are the legion of spirits who roam and whisper to unsuspecting humans, urging them to sin. Each Legionnaire is assigned to one of the Dukes and reports to him or her regularly (also known as whisperers).

Nephilim/Neph: Child of an angel (usually a demon, since angels of light are forbidden) and a human. Mothers of Nephilim cannot survive the childbirth. Nephilim are bred to further the demonic cause of influencing humans negatively. They can see auras in color, and their five senses are heightened.

summit: A demon meeting. These can be regional or global, in different locations. Summits are usually for the demons only, but Nephilim are occasionally invited when a Neph is to be brought forward and punished.

Sword of Righteousness: A heavenly relic that can only be used by angels or Nephilim who are pure of heart. The sword can sense the heart of its beholder and if its user is in danger. The Sword of Righteousness was used in the war of the heavens and is the only known weapon that can extinguish a demon soul or send the soul back to hell.

whisperers: See Legionnaires.


This is the book I swore I’d never write. Funny how that happens. And funny how it happened at just the right time. I wrote this book when our family was in the midst of a major move, and it was a tough transition. Kaidan got me through it. Having him in my head was the best distraction imaginable. So thank you to all the Sweet trilogy readers who begged for this. And thank you to my agent, Jill Corcoran; my editor, Alyson Day; my marketing/publicity peeps, Jenna Lisanti, Abbe Goldberg, and Stephanie Hoover; my copy editor, Jon Howard; and the team at HarperTeen for allowing this to happen. Also a big thanks to the cover artist, Tom Forget, for stepping up to do one last Sweet creation—my fave yet!

It’s no fun chasing dreams alone. To my family and friends, as always, I can’t thank you enough for your constant support during this wild ride. With you guys at my side, I feel like I can do anything.

Gigundo thanks to my beta readers: Nyrae Dawn, Nicola Dorrington, Morgan Shamy, Chanelle Gray, Hannah McBride, and Jolene Perry!!

I want to thank my talented graphic artist friend, Jennifer Munswami, for all of her gorgeous Kaidan teaser images for this book! *drools*

With a bursting heart of gratefulness, I thank my readers, my “Sweeties.” You guys make me cry with joy and pinch myself every day. From your help with Kaidan’s playlist to your excitement at trying to get your names in the book, you make everything worthwhile. I wish I could meet and hug each one of you.

1 Corinthians 13:13. Love, love, love.

Excerpt from The Great Hunt

Read a teaser from Wendy Higgins’s new duology,

The Great Hunt

Sweet Temptation _3.jpg

Chapter 1

A late summer breeze blew warm over the deep and wide Lanach Creek. Moonlight caught the shock of Wyneth’s red-orange curls as she let her fiancé, Breckon, lay her back on the end of the dock. She could scarcely see his face in the dark of night as he hovered gently above her, but she knew every angle and plane by heart.

Another breeze crested down the creek from the nearby sea, but the couple’s combined heat warded them against it.

“I don’t want you to leave,” Wyneth whispered.

“If it were up to me, I’d stay right here with you. But I have a duty.” He leaned down and kissed her gently at first, then deeper. Wyneth bent her knee, letting the silken layers of her dress fall back to expose her leg. Breckon’s hand cupped behind her knee, sliding up farther than she’d ever allowed him to touch before.

“Just think,” Breckon said, his breaths coming faster, “in three months, I’ll be back from the sea and we’ll finally marry.”

Wyneth moaned, not wanting his hands to stop moving. “I wish it were now.”

She pulled his face to hers again, feeling brazen and greedy for his soft lips. She hated when he left for the sea; it always filled her with a pang of worry and longing. Wyneth urged Breckon closer.

A rustle sounded from the nearby dark woods. They stilled, listening.

The noise came again like a crackle of dead leaves and brush. Definite movement.

In a rush, they sat up, Wyneth pulling her skirts down. Breckon readied his hand over the dagger at his waist.

All was quiet except the muddle of water bugs, frogs, and the splashing of tiny waves at the shore.

“Do you think someone’s spying?” Wyneth whispered. She imagined her young cousin Prince Donubhan and his gang of trouble seekers, but the queen would have his hide if he sneaked out after dark.

“No.” Breckon shook his head, a lock of hair falling across his worried brow. “It’s most likely a deer.” But to Wyneth’s ear, he didn’t sound so sure.

He relaxed and gave Wyneth a smile, but the mood had been broken by thoughts of anyone witnessing their intimate time together. It was impossible to find privacy within the castle walls with the royal family, servants, and naval guards running about. The private docks at night had been their only hope without leaving royal lands.

“Perhaps we should go back,” she said halfheartedly as Breckon leaned in to place a trail of warm kisses down her neck to her collarbone. “We can fetch Harrison and wake Aerity and sneak down to the wine cellars again.”

Breckon chuckled. “The only matchmaking I’m interested in tonight is you and I.”

“But that noise—”

“You worry too much. We’re safe and alone out here, I assure you. I’d never put your safety or reputation at risk.”

Or his own. As the youngest naval captain, Breckon Gillfin’s actions were under constant scrutiny. Gossipmongers said he’d risen the ranks quickly because of his long engagement to the king’s niece, but anyone who’d seen Breckon in action knew that wasn’t the case. King Charles Lochson did not play favorites. Breckon was brave, loyal, and driven. These were all reasons her family accepted Breckon’s courtship and offer of marriage when Wyneth was only sixteen. He’d waited patiently these two years since, working hard all the while, and after this next short stint at sea their long wait would at last be over. And if Wyneth had her wish, her cousin Princess Aerity would finally fall in love with Breckon’s cousin Harrison, and all would be right in the world.

Another abrasive rustle from the trees caused them to break away again. This time they both stood. Something or someone was surely out there. Breckon scanned the trees with a scowl.

In the darkness, a large shadow moved within the mossy trees as they swayed. Wyneth grabbed Breckon’s arm, and he stared intently into the trees. His dagger, which she hadn’t seen him unsheathe, glinted in the moonlight.

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