“I am.” CJ couldn’t help feeling defensive. He knew Darien had everyone in the pack’s best interests in mind when he ruled about things, but CJ really didn’t want his interference in this.

“I’m calling a meeting. I talked with the wolves, assuming they were the Wernicke brothers, and told them if they want to stay in town or visit in the future, they will obey pack rules. Which means no more using hunter’s spray to hide their scents.”

“So we don’t know for sure if it is them.”

“Not for certain. They stood their ground but didn’t make a move to fight or run off, so I knew they were lupus garous. But I couldn’t smell them. None of them shifted to speak to me, only acknowledged with a slight bow of a head that I’d called a meeting and they’re to be there in an hour. I wanted you to come too since you’ll be watching things at the hotel.”

“What about Laurel?” CJ preferred that she go with him. Not that anything bad would happen if he dropped her off at her house, but he wanted a chance to drop her off properly, not in a rush. And besides, they were nearly to Darien’s house. Taking her home and returning would take too long.

“She can visit with Lelandi,” Darien said, casting him an elusive smile.

Laurel shook her head. “That’s okay. I can go home. I’ve got a lot of things to do before tomorrow.”

CJ didn’t think she really did. He took her hand in his. Perhaps not the smartest move in front of his cousin, but he didn’t want to take her home just yet. “Are you sure? Lelandi would love to visit with you for a bit. We’re almost at Darien’s home. And then I’ll take you home after the meeting.”

He was certain Lelandi would be very welcoming, but he had another purpose in mind—he wanted Laurel to get to know Lelandi better. To make friends with her. He knew they hadn’t had time to see much of each other socially because Lelandi was busy with the toddlers, the pack, and her psychology business. And Laurel and her sisters had been so busy with renovating the hotel.

“I’m sure it would be an imposition—”

“No imposition at all,” Darien said.

“All right. As long as it doesn’t take too long,” she said.

“If it does, one of the men can take you back to your place.”

“Okay, thanks.”

When Darien left, CJ climbed out of the backseat of the truck and sat in the driver’s seat.

Laurel moved up front too. “That was…awkward.” She fastened her seat belt. “I felt like a teenager caught kissing a guy in front of the pack leader. Not that we didn’t already kiss in front of a few people at the ski resort, but it’s…different.”

CJ chuckled. “I’m sure Darien’s used to it.”

“He’s used to you kissing she-wolves in your truck?”

CJ laughed. “No. Other pack members getting caught at it. His brothers. My brothers.”

“Tom and Elizabeth on the slopes?”

“Yeah. That was the talk of the pack.”

“So what do you think Darien will say to the men?”

“He’ll tell them again not to use any more hunter’s spray. And no hassling you or your sisters about the hotel. He’ll probably ask about their connection to the previous owners.”

“Maybe I should sit in on the meeting.” Laurel looked out the window as they drove to Darien’s home.

“We can ask Darien when we get there.” Considering how much Darien and Lelandi wanted the women to remain in the pack, CJ knew Darien would agree to just about anything where they were concerned.

Chapter 8

When they arrived at Darien and Lelandi’s house, the two-story home was all lit up with Christmas lights and looking festive in its woodland setting. All it needed was a couple of wolves sitting on the front porch to make it perfect.

Laurel took a deep breath. “It’s beautiful.”

“It is. They have big celebrations on the back acreage every season of the year. Since the pack has grown, they have a building now for events, parties, and pack business if the weather is inclement. But for this, we’ll just meet in the conference room. If it was just four or five of us, we’d meet in Darien’s office. But there’ll be more than that.”

“Who else will be there?”

“Sheriff Peter Jorgenson, Deputy Trevor Osgood, and Darien’s brothers, Jake and Tom. Me, because I’m a deputy sheriff.”

“And you’re watching over the situation at the hotel.” She leaned over and gave him another kiss on the lips.

He was about to lean in for more, but she turned away when she saw Lelandi coming outside to greet them. Laurel smiled. “Almost got caught—again.”

CJ just laughed. He was definitely kissing her good night when he dropped her off at her place later.

Lelandi welcomed Laurel as they headed inside.

Glad the two women seemed to get along, CJ said to Laurel, “I’ll ask about you sitting in on the meeting.”

“No, that’s okay.” Laurel smiled. “I’d rather visit with Lelandi.”

Right then and there, CJ felt something change between them. As if this meant she was considering staying for good and wanted to become friends with Lelandi. At least he was hopeful.

Heading into the conference room, CJ felt lighthearted about the way things were going with Laurel. Normally he would have felt somewhat annoyed that the pack had to deal with lupus garous who were bound to give them trouble. Only Darien and Jake were in the room. Everyone else was still on their way.

“How did they act when you met up with them?” CJ asked and took a seat at the long conference table.

Darien poured himself a cup of coffee, then sat down at the head of the table. “They were growly. Belligerent. They didn’t like being taken to task. But if they’re going to stay here, they’ll have to get used to pack rules. Or they’ll have to leave the area. Since they never shifted, just nodded in agreement, I can’t say any more than that about their behavior.”

Jake took a seat. “Do you want me involved in this?”

“As sub-leader, you need to know what’s going on. Same with Tom. So just keep your eyes and ears open. If you learn anything about them, let me know.”

Tom arrived then and smiled at CJ. “I hear Laurel’s with you. And that you had fun on the slopes today with her.”

CJ figured that when Darien called the meeting, he’d told Tom about CJ and Laurel running together. And apparently Tom had already heard about their kiss. CJ said, “She wanted private ski lessons.”

Tom’s smile broadened. “Hell, is that what they’re calling them these days?”

Everyone chuckled.

“Where is she?” Tom asked.

“She’s visiting with Lelandi.”

Tom’s lighthearted expression said he was glad CJ was making progress with Laurel. It was the first time that Laurel, or either of her sisters, had visited with Lelandi.

Laurel was too unpredictable for him to believe he was really making progress with her. It would take a while before she changed her mind for certain about staying, if she was even interested. He still felt something other than the desire to join the pack had brought her and her sisters to Silver Town.

Trevor and Peter arrived after that. Then they waited for the Wernicke brothers to show, but by the time an hour had passed, they still hadn’t.

Darien never liked to be kept waiting when he’d summoned lupus garous—for good reason. It was a sign of disrespect, unless they had a good excuse. Of course, everyone had talked about other subjects, and at one point, Lelandi and Laurel had peeked in to see if the men had arrived yet and then gone back to visiting.

Darien tapped his fingers on the table. He was a patient man, but this business with the Wernicke brothers was already wearing thin with him. CJ knew the feeling.

* * *

Laurel had wondered why CJ and the others were taking so long to speak with the Wernicke brothers. When Lelandi saw how much the delay was bothering Laurel, she had taken her to the conference room. Laurel loved that the pack leader was so attuned to watching out for a pack member. Maybe some of it had to do with Lelandi’s psychology training.

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