“Tell her what you told us,” Ryodan says to the kid, closing the door on my ghoulish procession. I don’t tell him it’s pointless. He’ll figure it out soon enough.

The kid says to me, “Who are you? And why do you smell so bad? Don’t you have showers in this place? I can hook one up for you.”

I have to unclench my jaw to answer. “I’m Mac. Who are you?”

The kid whistles soft and low. “Ah, so you’re the one who broke her heart.”

I don’t ask her-who. I don’t want to go there.

The kid goes there anyway. “Dani calls out your name when she sleeps. A lot. Sometimes Alina.”

Ryodan seems to suddenly expand and saturate the air like Barrons does. “You won’t be hearing it again. Dani sleeps at Chester’s now.”

I say nothing, keep my mask on.

“She doesn’t sleep anywhere lately, old dude. Thought we established that last time you came calling. And the first time. And the twentieth time.”

“Kid, you want to be careful around me.”

“Ditto,” the kid says mildly. “Old dude.”

“You haven’t seen her either?” I ask hastily, trying to stave off a completely unmatched battle.

“Nope,” the kid replies. “But she’s disappeared before, like I told the boss man here. And his lackeys. And his lackeys’ lackeys. I hate it when she does this.”

I almost smile. He calls Ryodan’s men lackeys. I’d like him for that alone.

Unseelie begin sifting into the office since they can’t use the door. The room doesn’t hold many, considering how wide a berth they give all three males. Not just Ryodan and Barrons, who they always steer clear of by ten feet or more, but also the boy that must be Dancer if he’s heard Dani talk in her sleep. I grow more aggravated by the moment as they cozy up to my backside. Dancer? Really? They don’t bother a teenage kid?

Barrons and Ryodan are eyeing him, too, no doubt wondering the same thing.

Dancer shrugs. “Guess they don’t like my soap. They certainly like something about you. And dude, do they stink. So, what gives with this?” he asks me. “Why do they like you so much?”

“I find that fascinating myself,” Ryodan says. “Answer the kid.”

Barrons gives him a look. “Tell her what you just told us,” he says to Dancer.

Dancer pushes his glasses up on his nose, managing to look adorably brainy and hot in a collegiate hunk way. I get what Dani sees in him. He’s pretty much perfect for her. If only he had a few superhero parts. Dani is going to be hell on a man’s self-esteem when she grows up, and while Dancer doesn’t seem to suffer in that department, in this world caring about a mere human is a liability.

“After we defeated the Hoar Frost King, I couldn’t let it rest. Something was bothering me. I get obsessive like that when facts don’t gel, or do so in a way that seems to imply impending catastrophe. Then I have to—”

Ryodan says, “Not one fucking ounce of interest in your personal problems.”

“Christ, you’re a cranky bloke,” he says to Ryodan. To me, he says, “Each of the Unseelie has a favorite food. The Unseelie that was icing Dublin and its inhabitants was devouring a specific frequency.”

Okay, that’s weird. “Why would an Unseelie feed off a sound?”

“Dani and I speculate it was trying to complete itself. That it was aware it was derived from an imperfect Song of Making and was attempting to obtain the correct elements to evolve into something else.”

“Go on.”

“I was able to isolate the precise frequency: the flatted or diminished fifth.”

I had less than a month of music theory. “What’s the flatted fifth?”

Dancer says, “Mi contra fa est diabolus in musica—where the mi and fa don’t refer to the third and fourth notes of the musical scale but to the medieval principle of overlapping hexachords.”

I say impatiently, “Clarify.”

“Also known as Satan’s music, or the Devil’s tritone, it’s an interval spanning three whole tones, such as C up to F# or F# up to C, the inverted tritone. It’s used in sirens, can be found in the hymn ‘A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,’ Metallica’s ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls,’ ‘Purple Haze’ by Jimi Hendrix, ‘Black Sabbath’ by Black Sabbath, Wagner’s Götterdämmerung, the Dante Sonata by Liszt, Beethoven’s—”

“We get the picture. Get on with it,” Barrons growls.

“Mathematically speaking, harmonies are created by notes sounding together in proportion to one another that can be expressed in numbers. The Devil’s tritone is commonly assigned the ratio of 64/45 or 45/32, depending on the musical context … And your eyes are glazing and I haven’t even gotten started,” Dancer says. “Okay, then, it’s jarring, disconcerting, some even consider it depressing. There’s a lot of controversy about whether or not ecclesiastical sorts banned it in medieval times out of fear it could summon the devil, him—” He breaks off and grins at me. “—or herself. How’s that for laymen speak? Personally I find it challenging, invigorating—”

“Again with the we-don’t-give-a-fuck,” Ryodan says. “Tell her what you told us.”

The grin fades. “Like music, all matter is composed of frequencies. Where the Hoar Frost King took his ‘bites’ of melody from the world, it completely consumed that frequency.”

“What are you saying? We have no flatted fifths left?”

He gives me a look like I have two heads. Math and physics have never been my strong suits.

I guess again. “It’s quieter in the places he iced?”

Dancer says, “In a sense. Cosmically. And that’s only part of the problem.”

“What’s the real world application?” I growl. Nobody likes feeling dumb.

“I’m getting there. I had a hunch. I’ve been going back to the scenes every day. I didn’t find what I was looking for until a few days ago and have been observing it since, taking measurements, projecting and speculating on the potential ramifications of—” He breaks off and looks at Ryodan. “I think we better show her. Telling her doesn’t seem to be working. I thought you said she was smart.”

“I took Barrons’s word for it.”

“Apparently he was misinformed,” Dancer says.

I have the beginnings of a headache. “Oh, shut up both of you, and just show me what you’re talking about.”

“I think the church is the closest spot where she can get a good look,” Dancer says. “The one outside Chester’s is still forming.”

Ryodan looks pissed. “I’ve got one closer.” Whatever it is, and wherever, he’s not at all happy about it.

I follow the three of them to the door of one of the many sleekly concealed elevators in the club.

Because there isn’t enough room for my volt of vultures to maintain their distance from the men when we step inside, I get a respite. I hear thumps as they settle on the roof of the compartment.

We ride down. And down. Through the walls of the elevator, I watch the levels of the club whiz by as we descend into the chrome and glass belly of the beast. Like the city hidden beneath the abbey, the private part of Chester’s is enormous. There’s no way they built it all recently. I wonder if it’s been standing as long as or longer than the sidhe-seers’ hallowed enclave, and if so, where they got the building materials back then.

We continue dropping for half a mile or more. I can feel tons and tons of earth around and above me and shiver. I’ve always hated being underground but my interment in Mallucé’s lair beneath the Burren escalated dislike to near claustrophobia. I can barely breathe down here.

As we begin to slow, Ryodan says, “Do not exit until I do. Then follow me, remaining behind me at all times.”

The compartment settles and the door swishes open.

I move into the dark, silent corridor behind his broad back.

The air is chillingly cold.

It’s so dark that I instinctively open my sidhe-seer senses to scan for the unique Shade frequency — a trick I perfected last month when I discovered a ship down near the docks where several of the vampiric Unseelie had holed up — and instantly my head explodes with pain.

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