The brigadier slid the folder onto the desk, next to a pile of similar ones. ‘So, lieutenant, would you care to tell me what happened?’

‘Sir, we intercepted some kind of criminal called Nigel operating in our designated sweep area. It’s my belief he’s captured some Faller eggs.’

‘Indeed, and why is that?’

‘He was dragging something behind his horses. He claimed it was their own camping equipment, and that they were helping with the sweep. I couldn’t prove otherwise at the time, so I let him go. Then we found an egg.’

‘Well done. Go on.’

‘One egg. We both know that never happens.’

‘Nobody escapes from eggsumption,’ Rachelle said. ‘Another well-known fact. There are always exceptions.’

Slvasta gave her an irritated glance. ‘We swept that area thoroughly. There were another two impact zones, but there were no eggs in them. However, each zone had been visited; we found the tracks. He took the eggs.’

‘So this Nigel is actually a Faller?’ Venize asked.

‘Sir. Not him personally, no. His blood was red.’

‘Then the people with him are?’ Rachelle pressed.

‘No,’ Slvasta said. ‘I checked them all. But one of the boats he used was downstream. We didn’t know at the time.’

The brigadier blinked. ‘I can accept that a nest could reach the eggs before our squads. You of all people are aware of that behaviour. But what kind of criminal gang takes Faller eggs? They have no black market value. Not that I’m aware of. Do they, major?’

‘No, sir. They do not.’

‘Lieutenant, are you aware of their having any monetary value?’

‘No, sir,’ Slvasta admitted.

‘Then why would Nigel take them?’

‘I don’t know, sir.’

‘The only humans who ever move an egg are the Marines, nobody else is qualified or authorized. And that’s a rare event; they only ever take one back to Varlan when the Captain’s Faller Research Institute needs one to examine. Isn’t it more likely that a nest got to them and carried them away?’

‘It is possible, sir.’

‘And you’re using Nigel as an excuse for your failure to find them?’ Rachelle said.

‘No! There was no other activity in the whole area. Nigel took them.’

‘If you’re right, then we must assume he is such a piece of lowlife that he’s actually in the pay of a nest,’ Venize said. ‘How extraordinary. I never thought I’d live to see such a thing.’

I . . . know that’s not true, Slvasta thought. Nigel is no one’s puppet. ‘That is an explanation, yes, sir.’

‘Very well,’ Venize said. ‘We will alert the Captain’s Marines that a nest has acquired a Fall. I hope you understand what such a notice will do to this regiment’s reputation and status.’

‘Yes, sir. I do.’

‘Now, moving on. Tell me about the Bekenz farm, please, lieutenant.’

Slvasta did his best not to wince. ‘That was where we discovered one of the empty impact zones, sir, in the wild just outside the farm’s boundary.’

‘How did you confirm that?’ Rachelle asked. ‘You just said there were no eggs.’

‘I know what an impact zone looks like, thank you,’ Slvasta said.

‘It was quite a long way from the Bekenz farm’s boundary, actually, wasn’t it?’ Rachelle said.

‘The farm was the closest human habitation,’ Slvasta replied tightly. ‘I had a duty to ensure they were safe.’

‘And you checked everyone in your usual fashion, correct?’ Venize asked.

‘Yes, sir. They were all human.’

‘Yes, they are human, and Bekenz, it turns out, is the seventh son of Hamiud, the largest estate owner in Prerov county.’

‘So he claimed, yes, sir.’

‘In fact, he told you that when you ordered your troops to slaughter every neut and mod-animal on the farm, is that correct?’ Rachelle asked.


‘Yet you still went ahead with the slaughter?’

‘Sir, the Fallers can control the mods much better than we can. I know that for a fact. There’s no telling what kind of orders the egg might have given the mods. They could have murdered every one of Bekenz’s family. There were children on that farm.’

‘Lieutenant, I have lost count of how many times I have had this conversation with you,’ Venize said. He patted the pile of folders on the desk. ‘Others, however, have not.’

‘Sir, the way Fallers can control mods is on record—’

‘I know. But are you aware of how much compensation the county council has been obliged to pay out recently, thanks to your dogmatism?’

‘I’m saving lives, sir. I’m sorry if that’s not popular.’

‘Lieutenant, I have every sympathy for you, and everyone admits you are one of the best officers we’ve had in a generation. It’s just that some of your methods are too severe for this part of the world. You have your critics, and they include some very important people. Even the mayor’s office has been in touch, expressing concern at your culls.’ Venize held up a hand to stop the protest Slvasta was about to make. ‘Not me. I appreciate what you’ve done for the regiment, and we’ll be adopting your methods in future – the fitness, the training, all that stuff. In addition, twenty terrestrial horses are to be purchased at the town beast market next week.’

‘That’s good news, sir,’ Slvasta said.

‘Absolutely. That’ll show those damn civilians I will not be pushed around. This is my command and it will remain so until they prise it from my cold dead hand, eh?’


‘And you, Slvasta, are to be promoted.’

‘Uh, sir?’

‘You heard.’ He picked up a scroll from the desk; the regiment’s waxed and ribboned seal was affixed to the bottom. ‘I’ve already signed the warrant. Congratulations. Captain.’

‘I . . . Thank you, sir.’ He accepted the scroll, bewildered and happy.

‘My pleasure. After all, we can’t have a lowly lieutenant as our liaison officer, now can we?’

Slvasta’s delight vanished instantly. ‘Liaison?’

‘Yes,’ Rachelle said. ‘You will be our representative in the capital. You’ll sit on the Joint Regimental Council and contribute to policy. You can explain all about your methods and have them applied across Bienvenido. When you arrive, you’ll also notify the Marine commandant about this Nigel fellow.’

‘Sir, no, please. I need to be out in the field. I can’t—’

Venize’s expression didn’t falter. ‘It is a considerable honour to be appointed to this important post. Don’t let the regiment down. You are dismissed, captain.’

Slvasta just stared at the brigadier for a long moment. He’d lost and he knew it. The only question now was how badly he let them beat him. If he protested, refused the posting, they’d have an excuse to bust him down to the rank of trooper for insubordination. All he could think of was Nigel’s words about unsettling his superiors; the man had practically predicted this.

So he got to his feet, saluted, and said: ‘Thank you for the opportunity, sir. You won’t regret it.’

Venize’s urbane composure remained unblemished, while Rachelle’s shell couldn’t quite contain her suspicion at his easy submission.

Slvasta turned and marched out of the office. When I come back, he promised them silently, it will be to fling you straight into the depths of Uracus itself.


The study was as extravagant as only those in the Captain’s Palace could be. Bright and cool in even the worst of Varlan’s summer days, it was on the first floor in the state wing, with huge arched windows providing a view along Walton Boulevard and the sprawl of the city’s roofscape beyond. Chandeliers like crystal moons hung the length of the study, interspaced with huge eight-blade fans turned slowly by mods in a hidden cable room. Oil paintings depicting heroic scenes of earlier Captains leading regiments against Fallers covered the wall, their gold frames glinting in the sunlight that was streaming in.

There was little by way of furniture. A marble and applewood desk five metres wide and three deep was situated a quarter of the way along the shining black and white tiled floor, its one ornate gilt-edged chair with its back to the huge fireplace. Two chairs for visitors were placed in front of it, velvet cushions unused – nobody sat before the Captain, not for official appointments; tradition had the chairs reserved for family only. Pedestals with busts of yet more esteemed ancestors filled the alcoves. At the far end of the room, ancient vases held impressive arrays of fresh cut flowers.

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