‘Where are you?’ he asked the map.


The transport policy sub-committee meeting was held in one of the big conference rooms on the fifth floor. Twenty-three officers (seven of them majors) sat around a long mercedar table; that left another seventeen chairs empty. Age-darkened oil paintings of past regimental commanders gazed down at them from the walls. Aides and staff bustled round, served tea and coffee to the officers, then took their seats around the wall, notepads open and pens ready.

Arnice sat next to Slvasta and told his staff to fetch him a coffee. ‘My third this morning,’ he confessed. ‘How about you? Did you have a good night?’

‘Very pleasant,’ Slvasta said, keeping his smile to a minimum.

‘You sly old dog, you. Jaix said Lanicia told her you both had a great time together.’

‘That’s what I like to hear – first-hand information.’

‘In this city? Listen, that’s like a licensed news gazette. So when are you seeing her again?’

‘No real plans.’

‘My dear fellow, you must strike while the iron’s hot. Her family owns part of the South-Western Rail Line company. Admittedly, she’s only the fourth daughter, but nonetheless there’ll be a handsome dowry for you there.’

‘And what about the person herself?’

‘You really do have a lot to learn about society, don’t you? I now officially consider it my personal challenge to see you wed properly by year’s end.’

‘Really? Then do please tell me what her father is going to say when he meets a one-armed pauper.’

‘And that is going to be the first part of your education. Do away with your modesty, learn to emphasize your finer points. None of the chaps in this town is a tenth as honourable or heroic as you. Admit it, you’re a fine catch. And, married well, you could go back to Cham and take over the regiment.’

‘In another fifty years.’

‘Ah, great Giu, that’s clearly my second challenge. You’re in such a hurry to get things done. Life here has a pace, a rhythm.’

‘One that suits you, not me.’

‘I’m on your side. Come now, shall I ’path Jaix to set up a meal tonight? A splendid, fun double date? What do you say? And don’t try and claim you’re frightfully busy, for I know you’re not.’

‘I’ll think about it.’

‘Excellent answer. We’re meeting the gals at the Piarro restaurant at eight thirty.’

Slvasta shook his head, grinning ruefully. ‘You are impossible.’

‘My pleasure.’

Colonel Gelasis from the Captain’s Marines called the meeting to order. There were twenty-seven items on the agenda, from the provision of trains and increasing the cooperation of the rail companies (by National Council law if necessary) to boot leather selection for tropical-based regiments. The only item Slvasta cared about was fourteenth, the one he’d proposed; he’d had to back numerous other items and policies to even have it considered. That had been a hard and rapid introduction to political horse trading. Item fourteen was the legal requirement for all regiments to abandon mod-horses in favour of terrestrial ones when engaged in a Fall sweep.

‘Excellent notion,’ Colonel Gelasis said. ‘Especially in view of Captain Slvasta’s testimony concerning abnormal Faller control of mod-animals. I trust everyone read the report?’

There was a general wave of amusement round the table, which Slvasta did his best to play along with. He didn’t need dropped shells to know the answer to that one: no. It was his own response to all the other appended reports on the items. It was always a puzzle, given that he spent his days achieving nothing, that he had no time for anything.

‘If I may,’ Major Rennart said.

Slvasta looked at Rennart with interest. He wasn’t a regiment officer, but on assignment from the Lord General’s staff.

Gelasis gave him the floor.

‘I’d like to second the proposal, and move that it is forwarded to the Treasury for a detailed cost–benefit and implementation timescale analysis.’

‘Is that good?’ Slvasta ’pathed privately to Arnice.

‘They’re taking it seriously, if that’s what you mean.’

‘How long will that take?’ Slvasta asked out loud.

‘I will see that it gets a top team,’ Rennart replied.

‘Yes, but how long until they finish reviewing it?’

Rennart glanced round the table, with a what-can-you-do? mien showing through his shell. ‘Those of us serving for a while are familiar with the progress of review teams.’

That brought several chortles from the officers. The aides were starting to watch keenly.

‘Could you tell us newbies?’ Slvasta asked impassively.

‘The preliminary report shouldn’t take more than a year.’

‘A year?’ Slvasta couldn’t believe it. Aside from his attempts to try and spot any sign of Nigel within the myriad of reports he could request, Slvasta had devoted all his efforts to engineering a switch to terrestrial horses. It was the first stage in what he considered the essential modernization of regimental practices. ‘Why does it need a year? And why involve the National Treasury? This is a matter for individual adjutants, surely? My own Cham regiment was instigating the change when I left.’

‘That’s very commendable of them,’ Rennart said. ‘But if we start to issue advisement notices that involve any sizeable purchase, those same county adjutants will send the bill back to the Treasury. And, believe me, young captain, you do not want to be held responsible for annoying the Captain’s Chief Chancellor.’


‘I’d advise you to listen to Major Rennart,’ Colonel Gelasis said. ‘We have a way of doing things here. I understand that they are slow and irritating to any serving officer recently brought in from the field, but nonetheless this is the way that three thousand years of government has produced as best method. You cannot argue with that much history. Now, captain, you have an excellent opportunity to see your proposal move forward towards enactment. If it is not approved for Treasury review, I will have no choice but to strike it from Council policy. How do you wish to proceed?’

Arnice didn’t move. He wasn’t looking at Slvasta, and his face was perfectly impassive. ‘Take it,’ he ’pathed privately. ‘For the love of Giu, Slvasta, be practical. The more paperwork you create, the harder it is for the administration to ignore it.’

Slvasta nodded formally to Major Rennart. ‘My apologies, I meant no disrespect. I am indeed accustomed to faster decisions. But, given this opportunity, I would like to second the proposal for Treasury review.’

‘Splendid,’ Colonel Gelasis said. ‘Vote, gentlemen, please.’

Everyone raised a hand.

‘Excellent. Major Rennart, kindly see that through. Now, item fifteen, provision to increase sweep deployment remuneration for reserve forces’ daily food consumption.’

Slvasta didn’t even bother to listen. Once again he hated himself for being beaten, for playing their game. He hated Arnice for being right, too. There was only one way to do things – the same way there’d always been. Friends of the Treasury officials who owned stud stables would be brought up to speed about the proposal, allowing them to prepare their responses to the official request to purchase bid, when it was eventually issued. In about ten years’ time.

‘You did well,’ Arnice assured him as they walked down the stairs together afterwards.

‘It doesn’t feel like it,’ Slvasta told him.

‘Nonsense. You’ve only been here eighteen months, and you’ve already got the Lord General reviewing a proposal.’

‘I suppose . . .’

‘Well, not the Lord General himself, more like his staff.’


‘Actually, if we’re being realistic: his staff’s clerks.’

‘You’re always such a comfort, aren’t you?’

‘Look at it this way: I’ve never had an item moved up to that level.’

‘All right. So what happens now?’

‘They’ll spend a year and a vast amount of money messing it about and watering it down, then it’ll be shown to one of the Chancellor’s junior under-secretaries, who’ll add his own notes and send it back for further review. After it’s been bounced around for a while with everyone contributing to show their own worth and importance, it’ll be sent up to the National Council financial review board for a final vote. Oh yes, and you’ll be the one who presents it to them. A wife like Lanicia will give you greater kudos when you do.’

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