He didn’t answer. He just smiled. I watched the life drain out of him as his power left his body and filled mine.

Chapter 31

By the end, he was too weak to give me any more power, so I had to take it from him. I pulled those last traces of Ophi blood to me. I lowered to the ground with Chase. Alex supported his shoulders to keep him from slumping forward on me or accidentally breaking our connection. When it was over, I let go of Chase and nodded to Alex. He eased Chase’s body to the floor. I was proud of Alex for not just letting him fall in a heap. He must have found some sympathy for Chase after all.

“How do you feel?” he asked me.

“Amazing.” I felt guilty for saying it. I’d just taken Chase’s life, but his power was inside me, and I was ready to find Medusa.

“Lead the way.” Alex held his arm out, motioning for me to go first.

I walked out of the entryway and off to the left. That’s where I’d seen Persephone go earlier.

“It has to be around here somewhere.” We passed a few locked doors, but none of them seemed right. Hades loved Persephone, even if she didn’t love him in return. He’d give her the most beautiful room in the palace. We came to a door with a gorgeous, shiny embellishment. It was a swirly design that reflected the light in a way that almost looked like the sun. On instinct, I traced the design. It was an elaborate letter P. “This is it.” I raised my hand to knock.

“Wait! Are you just going to trust what Chase said? Hades could be in there.”

“I killed Chase. I owe him this.” I knocked.

Soft footsteps sounded on the other side of the door. I held my breath, and Alex and I exchanged a look while the doorknob turned. Persephone stared back at us, her long, white gown trailing behind her.

“Are you lost?”

“I don’t think so. We’re looking for Medusa.” I tried to peer around her into the room, but she was blocking my view.

“What do you want with her?”

“Honestly, I want to put her soul inside my body, so we can put your tyrant of a husband in his place.”

She smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Then come in.” She stepped aside, and I saw Medusa’s soul sitting on the edge of the bed.

I rushed to her. “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”

“No, my child. I’m fine. Persephone has been a very gracious host.” Medusa looked comfortable, like she’d been visiting with an old friend instead of being held against her will. Even her snakes looked peaceful.

“Did they do something to you? You seem awfully calm.”

“Nothing of the sort. But I find Persephone to be very good company. For the moment, I’m almost content. And now that you’re here, I suspect we can move forward with our plan.”

I swallowed my guilt and told her about Chase.

“I suspected the prophecy about you two wasn’t what everyone thought. That it wasn’t even as Hades interpreted it. But this, I did not see.” She placed a hand on my shoulder. “You did the right thing. Do you not know that?”

“I do, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I killed him.”

Persephone walked over to us with her arms crossed. “Hades was using that boy as a slave. It was awful. I don’t blame him for preferring death over that kind of existence. I’ll see to it that he is fairly judged and receives an afterlife that suits him.”

“You can do that?”

“Sweetie, I’m queen of the underworld. I can do whatever I want. Hades won’t go against me.”

A nervous giggle escaped my lips. “I don’t suppose you want to demand that he free us and leave us alone for good.”

“I rarely get involved in the lives of mortals. Souls are another story.”

“Fair enough. Thank you.” But I couldn’t help wondering if she wasn’t getting involved in our lives. “Why aren’t you with your mother? You don’t have to be down here now.”

“My father asked me to come.” Zeus? “He thought I’d be a good distraction. Hades didn’t question it. He was just happy to have extra time with me.”

“But why would you do that? You hate him.”

“Yes, but I’m not like him. I couldn’t stand how he attacked you. The judges weren’t wrong. You’re a good person, Jodi, human or Ophi. Just because Hades hates the Ophi doesn’t mean the other gods feel the same way.”

Not all the gods were against us? I couldn’t believe it.

“Jodi.” Alex tapped his wrist, even though he wasn’t wearing a watch. “We need to move a little quicker.”

“You must be trying to save your friends, the ones in Tartarus,” Persephone said.

“Yes.” I hated to ask, but I had to. “You don’t think you could buy us some time, do you? I’m not asking you to save us. I just need a little time to unite with Medusa before I—we—can go after him.”

She bit her bottom lip as she thought. “I might have an idea. Let me see what I can do.” She walked toward the door and then disappeared in a silver swirl of smoke.

I immediately turned to Medusa. “Ready?”

She stood. “Ready.”

I knew this would still be painful, even with Chase’s power inside me, but I also knew I could handle it. I wouldn’t let Chase’s death be in vain. I took a deep breath and called Medusa’s spirit to me. Like last time, she fought me as I brought her into my body. I didn’t want to be forceful, but the gentler I was, the more her soul fought.

“Jodi, you have the power in you. Use it,” Alex said. “I can tell you’re holding back. Medusa will understand, and you’ll end the pain for both of you sooner if you just get it over with.”

I hadn’t thought of it that way. I allowed the power to take over and shove Medusa’s soul inside me. It was like being suckerpunched by a giant. All the air escaped my lungs. I fell backward into the dresser, but I kept pushing her soul down. It wanted to find a way out—that or take over. I had to show it I was in control. I pushed it down, sandwiching it between my Ophi soul and my human soul. Finally, it settled in.

Alex reached for me as I pushed off the dresser and stood up tall. “Is she—?”

“Yes. I feel her.” Medusa had said she’d be able to hear my thoughts, so I spoke to her in my mind.

Medusa, are you okay? In any pain at all?

I’m fine. Thank you for making that as quick as possible.

Thank Alex for that. I was trying to do it slowly until he pointed out I was only causing us both more pain.

I’ll thank him later. For now, let’s go save the others.

“Let’s go.” I took Alex’s hand in mine. Part of me wanted to tell him to stay here. I might be all juiced up on the power of not one but three Ophi right now, but Alex was still himself. If Hades attacked him…

“I can handle myself, Jodi.” Damn him for knowing me so well.

“I know.” Total lie.

“Then quit gripping my hand so hard.”

I eased up as we passed the judges. They stared at us knowingly, but they didn’t say a word or try to stop us. Maybe they weren’t exactly happy with how Hades had been running things either.

I really wished I had a swirling cloud of silver or black smoke to carry us to Tartarus right then. Running was too slow. Hopefully Persephone had bought us the time we needed.

“What’s the plan? Run in there and…” Alex waited for an answer.

“Save the others. That’s as far as I got.”

You can stop Victoria’s group from torturing your friends. Medusa’s voice in my head made me jump. It wasn’t like when she appeared in my mind. I couldn’t see her at all. I only felt her presence, and when she spoke, it was like I was thinking in her voice.

What if Hades is there? I mean, he must be, right? He won’t stand there and do nothing while we save the others.

Medusa was silent, devising a plan. It was odd that I couldn’t hear her thoughts. We were nearing the entrance to Tartarus, and she still hadn’t said a word.

Medusa, do you have a plan? What do we do about Hades?

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