Randy inhaled loudly. “When I first saw my dad after Victoria brought him back, I wanted to…I wanted to kill her. I wanted to make her pay for the way she’d mangled his body.”

I remembered all too well how wrong Victoria had been to try raising the Ophi. It was a power reserved for me, but she wouldn’t listen. She insisted on using my locket, the one Medusa had given me with her blood infused in the bloodstone, to raise those poor people. All she’d succeeded in doing was creating an army of living dead Ophi. I reached my hand up and touched my bare neck. The locket lay broken in my dresser drawer now. I hadn’t been able to part with it. It didn’t hold Medusa’s blood anymore, but it still had special meaning to me.

No one had said a word for several minutes. We all waited to see how Alex would react to this. Finally Randy said, “I’m sorry, man.”

Alex shook his head. “I don’t blame you. Victoria was a monster. She acted without thinking about any consequences. I’m sorry for what she did to your dad, and to Leticia’s parents.” Alex was talking about her in the past tense. He’d already written her off as dead, and even though she was really serving Hades, I guessed she was as good as dead.

Randy leaned forward. “But she was only trying to help. I realize that now.”

“You’re saying you don’t blame Victoria anymore? You’re not upset that your father’s soul was ripped from wherever it was and forced back into a body that was so mangled you barely recognized it?” I was on my feet now and practically yelling.

“Jodi,” Tony said. “Please.” He nodded slightly toward Alex.

“I’m sorry. Alex, I know they were your parents, but Victoria and Troy were awful.”

Tony put a hand up to stop me. “Jodi, it’s still Randy’s turn, so why don’t we—”

“I don’t care about the hand or whose turn it is right now. You wanted us to share and get to know each other better, so I’m sharing.” Tony nodded, and Alex looked up at me with pain in his eyes.

“I watched you eat mac and cheese at every meal, trying to get her attention, but she wouldn’t give you the time of day. And when it came down to choosing sides in the end, your own father put a knife in your chest.”

“Is this supposed to make me feel better?” Alex asked.

“I’m sorry. I’m trying to tell you you didn’t deserve that. You didn’t deserve any of it.”

“So your big secret is that you feel sorry for Alex?” Chase asked.

“No!” That was the last thing I wanted Alex to think. That I was with him out of pity. “My big secret shouldn’t be a secret at all. My big secret is that I think Alex is the greatest Ophi I’ve ever met, and I wish his own parents could’ve seen him for who he really is.”

I sat back down, worried that my outburst had only hurt Alex. I hadn’t meant to go off like that, but I couldn’t handle listening to Randy forgive Victoria for what she’d done.

Alex stood up. “I’m going to call it a night. See you all in the morning.”

“Alex,” I said.

“In the morning, Jodi.” He walked away, leaving me staring after him.

Chase got up and sighed. “Well, if Alex gets out of sharing, I’m going to bed, too.”

“I think it’s best if we all turn in for the night,” Tony said.

I turned to him. “Sorry. It was a nice idea to get to know each other better.”

He nodded and picked up the severed hand. I followed him up the stairs and said goodnight when I reached my floor. I saw Chase walking down the hall to his room, and I ran after him. It wasn’t too late to get the answers I was looking for.

“How did you do it?” I called after him.

Chase stopped and turned around. “Do what?”

“Mason was dead set against coming. How did you change his mind in a matter of minutes?” I stopped dangerously close to him. Something told me Chase wouldn’t be willing to shout the answer or risk anyone overhearing us. I had to be close enough for him to whisper.

He leaned into me. “Chase Baxter charm, I guess. You know all about that.” He inched closer until our faces were almost touching. I tried to turn away, but I couldn’t. Being this close to Chase was making my blood go crazy. My arms tingled with the desire to touch him. My brain told me to stop him, but I stayed frozen as he leaned in to kiss me.

Alex’s bedroom door swung open. “What’s going on?”

Chapter 8

“Alex!” I jumped, breaking free from my trance. “What are you doing?”

“I was coming to talk to you.” He looked back and forth between Chase and me. “The question is what are you doing? Because it sure looked like you were going to let this creep kiss you.”

I backed away from Chase and shook my head. “No! I wasn’t. I mean, he wasn’t.”

“Oh, I was.” Chase smiled at me.

“Jodi, go to your room. I don’t think you’re going to want to see this.”

“Go to my room?” I shook my head. “Alex, you can’t send me to my room.”

“Fine. Please, go to your room. I’d rather you didn’t see me kick this guy’s ass.”

Chase laughed. “Jodi, stay. This should be funny to watch.”

Alex lunged at Chase, but I stepped between them, putting my hands on Alex’s chest. “Enough.” I leaned into Alex, hoping my touch would have some sort of calming effect on him. “He didn’t do anything. He only made a stupid comment to get a reaction from you. Let it go. You’re better than that.”

Alex backed off slightly, but not much.

I reached up and kissed him softly on his lips. “Let it go.”

Alex wrapped his arms around me, kissing me harder. He pulled me through the open door and into his bedroom. The second we were both inside, he slammed the door on Chase, locking it tight.

“What are you doing?” I asked, breathing heavily.

He shrugged. “Nothing.”

“Nothing? Oh, really? So, you didn’t pull me in here because you wanted Chase to think we’re…” I couldn’t say the words. I really liked Alex—loved him—but well, our relationship hadn’t exactly reached the level of spending the night in each other’s rooms.

“Let him think what he wants.” Alex moved closer and kissed me again. The kiss was so passionate, my head spun. My body tingled. No wait. Not my body. My blood. My blood was mixing. Why was kissing Alex making me use my powers? I tried to control it, tried to calm my blood, but something was wrong. I pushed my hands against Alex’s chest and forced my way out of his arms. Out of the kiss.

“What’s wrong?” He looked hurt.

“I don’t know.” I stared at my hands and arms. “My blood is mixing, but I’m not doing it on purpose. It just happened when you kissed me.”

Alex raised an eyebrow and smiled. “I knew I was a good kisser, but man.”

If I hadn’t been so freaked out, I would’ve rolled my eyes. “I don’t think it was you.” I couldn’t tell him this happened every time I was near Chase. The power was overwhelming me, bringing me to my knees.

“Jodi!” Alex helped me up, supporting most of my weight. “What’s happening? Can’t you stop it?”

“No. It’s like I have no control over it.” Mumbled voices filled my head, like screams of agony. I pressed my hands to my ears to drown it out, but the sound wasn’t coming from outside my body. It was literally in me. My mind was tuned into something. What was it? “Medusa,” I called out with my thoughts. “Can you hear me?” Sometimes she popped into my mind. I couldn’t make her do it, but if she wanted to communicate with me, she could. Was this her?

“Jodi, let’s get you over to the bed so you can lie down.” Alex was practically dragging me now. The second I felt the bed, I fell forward onto it. I couldn’t support my own weight. I couldn’t do anything.

I watched my veins ripple under my skin, looking like a bunch of snakes slithering down my body. Then, it stopped. All of it. My blood calmed. The voices hushed. I was me again.

I sat up slowly, expecting to feel dizzy or drained of energy, but I didn’t. I felt normal.

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