“Your life isn’t really your own. You borrowed it from Ethan. That’s how the spell works. He can’t borrow his own life back from you.” She hesitated. “We’d need another life.”

I let go of her and placed my hands on Ethan’s lifeless body. How had I been draining his life from him without even knowing it? “Then get one.”

“I’m talking about killing someone.”

“I know. Dylan’s probably on his way here. We’ll use his life.” I looked up at her, hopeful that this would be the answer to our problem.

“No.” She walked away, chewing on her nail as she thought. “He’s angry right now. That makes him too powerful. I’d never be able to control him and do the spell at the same time. But I have an idea.”

“What? We need to hurry. Dylan’s going to be here any second.”

“I need to do a locator spell to find him and Shannon.”

“Why Shannon? Nora, what are you talking about? We have to focus on saving Ethan.”

“I am. We need to find Shannon so we can steal her life.”

“Oh.” I thought about it and nodded. “Yeah, okay.” She was one of the ones who had done this to me. It seemed fitting that she’d be the one to sacrifice her life for Ethan.

“She won’t be expecting an attack, so I can catch her off-guard and bind her powers. I’ll be able to do the spell then. It’s not going to kill her right away; you know that.”

But it would over time. Just like my being alive had slowly killed Ethan. My God, the coven had taken Ethan’s life without telling him. I hated them even more for that. “Ethan and I will run away. Somewhere Shannon and Dylan can’t find us.”

“They can find you anywhere. The exact same way I’m going to find them now.”

“With a locator spell.” That left us with only one solution. “We have to kill them, don’t we?”

“Yes. I can bind their magic until you and Ethan need to feed again. Once they’re dead, you’ll both be safe.”

But we’d still be monsters. I glanced at Ethan again. Monster or not, I had to do this. “Do the spell.”

Nora grabbed some things she needed from the cabinets and got started. She pulled the wooden box from under the sink and gave me a strange look. “What are you doing with a witch box?”

“A what?”

“A witch box. This is supposed to protect your house from witches.”

I narrowed my eyes at it. “I found it when we moved in.”

“Well whoever did this is definitely an amateur. It’s not working. I wouldn’t be able to be here if it was. Something must be missing. A personal effect, probably.”

“There was a ring inside it. It looked just like the one Ethan had given me for my birthday. It was a ruby, my birthstone.”

Nora reached for the ring sitting on the edge of the sink. “This one?”

“Yeah. I forgot about it. It’s not my ring. Ethan said he put my ring in a storage facility to keep it safe. He—” I stopped. My ring wasn’t in the storage facility. I stood up and joined her in the kitchen.

“What?” she asked.

“We went to get my ring one day, but it wasn’t there. Someone had stolen it.” I eyed the ring in Nora’s hand. “That’s my ring. But how did it get in that box? Ethan didn’t put it there.”

“Another witch did.”

“But who? The only witch helping me is you.”

Nora shook her head. “I don’t know. Maybe it was a trap, something to make you feel safe. It could be a decoy. I’ll bet Dylan made it. It was probably how he planned to win you over, pretend he was trying to protect you when really it was him after you all along.”

“Speaking of Dylan, shouldn’t you get moving with the locator spell? He should be here soon.”

She put the ring back on the counter. “I don’t think he’s coming here. He’d be here already.”

“So where did he go?”

“My house, most likely. He was bringing the fight to me. When he doesn’t find me, he’ll come here next.”

“Should we move Ethan? Do this somewhere else?”


“The diner. I know the keypad number to get us in. At least, I think I do. I’m pretty sure Gloria uses the same number for all her passwords and stuff.”

She nodded. “I can get past a lock no problem. Let me locate Shannon, and then we’ll move Ethan to the car. You can drive him to the diner while I get Shannon.”


As she did the locator spell, I stared at the ring on the counter. It was my ring. The one Ethan had given me. Now that he was dead, I wanted it back. I slipped it on my finger, and tears welled up in my eyes. “I’ll bring you back, Ethan,” I whispered. “I’ll bring you back.”

“Let’s go,” Nora said. “I found her, but we need to move fast. She may not stay in one spot for long. Not if Dylan calls her.”

We each grabbed hold of Ethan and carried him to the car. Nora gave us a magical boost so we could move faster. We laid him across the back so no one would see him while I drove to the diner.

“Where’s Shannon?” I asked, strapping my seatbelt.

“She’s at a spot in the woods where we used to meet as a coven. I’ll surprise her there. With all the trees, I should be able to sneak up on her pretty easily. It’s not far from the diner. See if you can get Ethan inside. Bring him to the counter and lay him across it if you can.”

I nodded.

“One way or another, this all ends tonight,” Nora said.

I pulled out of the driveway behind Nora and drove to the diner. I looked around before getting out, making sure there was no sign of Dylan. This was where I’d left him, so I was pretty sure he didn’t expect me to come back. I ran up to the keypad on the back door and punched in Gloria’s code. The door buzzed and then opened.

I ran into the dining room and grabbed a chair to prop the door open. I wouldn’t be able to work a keypad and carry Ethan at the same time.

His body was stiff and hard to move. I ended up having to wrap my arms under his armpits and drag him. It was easier to move him across the diner floor since Jackson had just buffed it. I sat Ethan down on one of the stools and leaned him back onto the counter. It took every ounce of strength I had to get his entire body on the counter, but I did it. I had to have him ready when Nora got here with Shannon.

“Soon, Ethan. You’ll be back with me soon.” I kissed his forehead.

The back door opened, and I heard footsteps coming down the hallway.

“I’ve got him all ready, Nora.” I turned to face her.

But it wasn’t Nora.

It was Dylan.


HE glared at me. “And what exactly do you plan to do with my brother?”

He thought I had Ben. I stepped back, giving Dylan a view of Ethan’s body.

“I told you what happened to Ben. I wasn’t lying. Unlike you, I actually told the truth.” I kept the counter between us, afraid of what he was going to do to me. “Did you follow me here?”

“Locator spell. I’m sure Nora was doing one to find me.”

“Not quite.” We hadn’t had time to worry about locating Dylan; besides, we knew he’d eventually find us.

“Where is she?” He looked around. “Let me guess, waiting in the kitchen to ambush me?” He moved toward the kitchen, and I backed around the counter so he didn’t have to walk right by me. He flung open the door.

I looked around for a weapon. Anything to use against him. I wasn’t about to leave Ethan’s body, so I needed something to defend myself. At least until Nora showed up. I reached for a glass sugar jar. It was heavy, and if it broke, the jagged glass would be a decent weapon. If not, at least I could hit him over the head with it.

Dylan came back into the dining room and eyed the jar in my hand. “So Nora told you about the salt, huh? Let me guess, you were planning to draw a circle of it around yourself so I couldn’t hurt you? Is that what she told you to do?”

Salt? He thought I was holding the salt. My mind flashed back to the time I refilled the salt in front of Nora. She had been adamant that I move away from her. Witches didn’t like salt. I made a mental note.

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