“I can see that.”

“Right. Well, I came home tonight and you were…”

“Dead. The word is dead,” Dylan said.

God, I wanted to smack him.

“Dead?” Ethan squinted at me.

“Yes. Ethan, everything I said to you earlier, it was all true. I’m not crazy. I’m not hallucinating. I came back wrong. I hid it from you because I was afraid of how you’d react. And I didn’t want you to think I was ungrateful for getting a second chance. I know you went through a lot to bring me back.”

“Wait. Are you sure you didn’t hit your head?”

“Yes, I’m sure. I need you to listen carefully. Dylan is in the kitchen. He’s been following me around, right?” I paused. A thought slammed into me. Hard. Ethan didn’t know Dylan. He had no clue who Dylan was before Dylan broke into our cottage. If Ethan had gone to the coven to bring me back, Dylan hadn’t been part of it.

I rushed to the kitchen, standing just outside the salt. “Ethan doesn’t know you.”

Dylan nodded, but he grabbed his head and cringed. He was still bleeding. Nora had been right. Healing himself required a lot of energy, and he was too weak to do it right now.

“You’re finally catching on,” he said.

“Ben, Shannon, and Rebecca, it was them, wasn’t it? But you weren’t part of it. I knew there was something about you—”

“Try again, Sam,” Dylan said.

“What do you mean? Not all of you did the spell? Was it just Shannon? Is that why she hates me so much?” I turned to face her, and she shook her head. I didn’t believe her for a second. She knew what I could do to her, and she was scared.

“Ask your boyfriend,” Dylan said. “You don’t seem to want to listen to me, so go to someone you trust.”

That made sense. Ethan had the answers. He’d had them all along. I walked back over to him, still lying on the counter.

“Is that guy seriously in the kitchen? My kitchen? Where I work every day?”

“Forget about him. Ethan, you have to tell me what happened. How did you bring me back? I know you went to the coven. I’ve met all of them. I know it was witchcraft that brought me back. So there’s no reason to try to hide this anymore, to try to protect me from the truth. I can handle it.” I squeezed his hand in mine. “Please, tell me which members of the coven helped you.”

“I didn’t go to a coven, Sam. I went to one person. A witch someone from school knew.”

“Who was it?” My fingers tightened around his.

“This girl. I don’t know her name because she never told me.”

A girl. So it was Rebecca. It had to be. Ethan knew Shannon from school. He would’ve named her if that was who had helped him.

“Rebecca,” I said. “Her name is Rebecca. Or at least it was.” “What do you mean was?” He lifted his head slightly to see me better.

“I killed her, Ethan. Just like I told you. My body can’t maintain itself. I get weak, and I need to feed off the life of others. I really did kill that guy from the gas station. And Trevor. They were accidents. I didn’t mean to do it. My body takes over, and I can’t stop it. I’m a prisoner to this thing that takes over when the life is draining out of me.” I started crying. “Please, don’t hate me. It’s not my fault. I didn’t ask to be this way. I don’t want to be this way.” I buried my head in his leg, sobbing huge tears.

He slowly sat up. “Sam, I—”

“Before you say anything, there’s something you need to know.” I looked up at him, afraid to see the expression on his face. Afraid he’d never look at me the same again. “Dylan was right. You died tonight, and I had to get a witch to bring you back. Nora helped me. But now you’re going to be like me. You’ll have to kill people to stay alive. I’m so sorry, but I couldn’t lose you. I couldn’t let you stay dead.”

He stared past me, not saying a word.

“Ethan, please say something. Please, don’t hate me.”

“You’re Nora?”

“What?” I turned to see Nora, now standing behind me.

“Hello, Ethan. Nice to see you again.”

“Again?” I looked at Ethan. “You know her?”

“She’s the witch who brought you back.”


NO. That couldn’t be true. Ethan was confused. He’d just come back to life, and he was confused. When I came back everything seemed different, off. That was all this was, Ethan not being able to make sense of things.

But Nora knew him. How would she know him if she wasn’t the one who’d helped him bring me back?

Ethan sat up on the counter, and I backed up next to him, facing Nora.

“You dyed your hair,” Ethan said. “Was that so I wouldn’t recognize you?”

“Is it true?” My voice cracked. “Did you bring me back?”

“Oh, Sam. It was too easy to trick you. To make you believe Dylan and the rest of the coven were the bad guys, the ones who were trying to kill you.” She stepped closer, and Ethan slid off the counter, so he was blocking me.

“Don’t come near her,” he said, sounding more alert.

“Always trying to save her, aren’t you, Ethan? You were so desperate when I met you. All serious and heartbroken.”

I glanced at Shannon, still imprisoned in the corner. She shook her head at me, and even though she couldn’t talk, I knew what she was thinking. I was an idiot. I’d been played by Nora. For once, I agreed with Shannon.

“Why did you do it?” I asked. “Why did you lie? You could’ve told me you were the one who brought me back.”

“Told you I was the one who used black magic? I was the one the coven threw out? You wouldn’t have trusted me.”

She was right. I would’ve been afraid of her at the very least. “What else did you lie about?”

“See, that’s the beauty of it. I barely had to lie. You already know most of the story. Just substitute my name for Dylan’s—and in a few places Shannon’s—and you’ve got it.” She smiled, obviously proud of herself.

“She poisoned you against us, Sam,” Dylan said. He was on his feet now and looking a little better, but he was still trapped by the salt. “She told you we were trying to kill you, but we never were. We didn’t like that you were alive and killing people. That much was true, but we never tried to kill you. The fact that you came back like this is her fault.”

“How?” I stared at Nora, my supposed friend. I wanted to hear it from her.

“Dying for love—it’s romantic, don’t you think?” Nora smirked as she circled around Ethan and me.

“I didn’t die for love. I died of cancer.”

“You did. Yes.” Nora stepped in front of Ethan. “But he didn’t.”

That’s right. Ethan had exchanged his life for mine.

“Did you know that by helping her bring me back, I was stealing life away from you?” I asked him.

Ethan turned away. He’d known. He’d willingly given his life for mine.

Tears spilled down my cheeks, and my body shook with anger. “How could you do that to me? After everything I’ve been through. You were the only good thing in my life. The one thing I clung to while I was fighting to stay alive just one more day! I loved you! How could you bring me back, knowing it would kill you? Knowing you’d leave me here alone?” I pounded his chest with my fists. I’d never been this angry with him, but this was unforgiveable. No wonder he’d refused to tell me the truth. He knew part of me would hate him for this, for making me watch him die.

“Sam.” He choked back tears and wrapped his arms around me. “I would’ve died on the spot to bring you back. You’re everything to me. You didn’t deserve to die so young.”

I pulled away from him, feeling the bile in my stomach rising. “I’m nothing without you, Ethan. You know that.”

“I can’t apologize for what I did. Your life means more to me than my own. I’d do it all over again if I had to.”

Nora clapped, like she was enjoying the show. “Do you want to know my favorite part?” Nora asked with a huge smile.

This was going to be bad in an earth-shattering sort of way. I was sure of it.

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