“Perhaps to your way of thinking,” I responded quietly. “But not to mine.”

Antas gave a great snort and stood, his armor rattling as he threw his arms in the air. “What cares she for our ways? She has brought nothing but death to—”

“Enough,” Essa spoke, and Antas was instantly silenced. “We will continue the ritual, and then the questioning can begin.”

Antas sat down heavily, scowling.

Essa waited for quiet before he began again. “Xylara, Daughter of Xy, do you wish to return to your land, to the arms of your people, to your home?” He paused, considering me closely. “The ties of one’s own tribe are very strong. Speak, and it will be as you wish.”

Again, it flashed before me. Home, a place of safety, with strong walls and all that was familiar and com fortable. Anna’s cooking, Othur’s warm hugs, Heath’s teasing. Kalisa in the market, with her cheese and crackers. Remn’s book shop.

But the cost of that comfort was too high, for it meant turning my back on the man I loved. I lifted my chin. “I am here to claim my place as Warprize, and my Warlord.”

Antas leapt to his feet. “Yet all you bring with you is chaos and death. The army entrusted to Keir of the Cat has been decimated by your hand.”

“We do not know that.” Essa seated himself on his stool. “We have only words brought by the wind.”

Antas turned to Wild Winds. “What say you, Warrior-Priest?”

“I would hear her truths.” The man replied in a soft voice. It was my first chance to really look at him, when my eyes weren’t blurred with exhaustion. He was fearsome looking, even in the light of day. A tall man, he wore only trous and a long cloak. But he had the multi-colored tattoos all over his chest, and a staff with three human skulls and feathers dangling from the end on leather strips. His hair was dark, and matted in thick ropes that hung down to his waist. His dark eyes studied me, in turn, but I didn’t see any hostility there.

I didn’t see friendship, either.

“What does she know of truth?” Antas growled. “A foul city-dweller?”

“City-dwellers tell the truth,” I spoke up, indignant.

“HAH!” Antas shouted, making me jump. “You lied to a warrior of the Plains, we know of this. Do not deny that!”

“I didn’t lie.” My temper flared, and I snapped at him, not impressed with the weapons he carried. “I may not have told the entire truth, but I didn’t—”

“You cannot deny it. She will appear before us, and then all will know,” Antas fired back.

She? I sat there, my mouth open. She? He wasn’t talking about Keir?

“Your so-called healing skill. You lied to a warrior of the Plains in order to work magic on her leg.” Antas bared his teeth. “She will tell us her truths, and then we will see.”

Was he talking about Atira? I’d set her leg when she’d broken it in a fall from her horse. But that had happened back in Xy, in Keir’s camp. I frowned, puzzled. When had I lied to Atira? I opened my mouth to deny it, then snapped it shut. Atira would tell her truths? Did that mean what I thought it meant? “Is Atira here?”

“The Council has summoned those whose truths will be heard. Others have asked to speak before us.” Essa spoke calmly. “But your truths come first, then our questions can begin.” He gave Antas a hard look. “Without interruption.”

Antas sat back down with a grunt.

“Begin, Daughter of Xy.” Wild Winds spoke this time. “Tell us your truths, from the beginning.”

I drew a deep breath, and started to speak.

The telling took hours. Facing those Elders, with their blank faces and unresponsive eyes, drained me of my strength. Even Antas stayed silent and still, boring a hole in me with his gaze. In the coldness of that tent, I struggled for the words that would explain my feelings for Keir.

But whenever I looked in her direction, Keekai’s eyes were bright with support. And as I spoke, in my mind’s eye I could see the love in Keir’s eyes, the fierceness of Marcus’s protection, the other Firelanders who had become so close to me so quickly. And while my truth may not have had the strength of a Singer’s words, it was my truth. So I spoke, telling them everything, including the details of the ehat hunt.

When I stopped, Essa stood. “Courtesy demands that we see to all our needs, and the needs of the Daughter of Xy.”

With that, the tent flooded with warriors, carrying kavage and hot food. I was offered water for my hands, and food and hot kavage. Everyone ate and drank, and then stretched, seeing to other needs.

The group began to settle back down when a warrior-priest entered and spoke to Wild Winds. He seemed familiar, and I stared at the tattoo over his eye, trying to place him. It took me a moment, but I recognized the warrior-priest that had come to our camp at Wellspring and befriended Iften. My heart beat a bit faster. He’d been with Keir at the camp the last I knew. Could it be? Could Keir be here?

Wild Winds inclined his head and listened for a moment, and then gestured for the younger man to leave. He did, but only after shooting a heated glance toward me.

Wild Winds then approached Essa, and Antas joined them. The room grew quiet, even as the three debated hotly. I seated myself and tried to prepare for the questioning that was to come. But my insides were shaking, even if my hands weren’t. I smoothed down my skirt, and then folded my hands in my lap. I risked a glance at Keekai. She caught it, and gave me a slight shrug.

Finally, they seemed to resolve the difference. Or at least, Wild Winds and Essa seemed to agree. Antas had a permanent scowl.

Essa turned to face the Elders. “Those who have been summoned have arrived. We will hear those truths before questioning the Daughter of Xy.”

This seemed to surprise a number of the Elders, but by the number of heads nodding, it seemed a popular decision.

Essa turned to me. “Xylara, Daughter of Xy. The Council has arranged a tent for your use, as well as a warrior to serve you.” He glanced at Wild Winds. “You are now under the protection of the Council of Elders. You will have a guard at all times, to insure your safety.”

Just as Keekai had predicted. I inclined my head. “Thank you, Eldest Singer.”

“You may go where you will, Daughter of Xy. But you will not be permitted to see Keir of the Cat. Do you understand?”

“I understand, Eldest Singer.” I stood, and from nowhere, four young warrior-priests appeared around me. My new guards.

“This senel is over,” Essa announced.

The stars were out when we emerged from the senel, and I yawned as I followed my guards to the new tent. It was close, for which I was thankful, and appeared to be just a bit smaller than Keekai’s. As long as it had a private sleeping area, it would be good enough for me. The flap opened as we approached and a woman stepped forth, her brown hair tied back in a braid. Her brown eyes seemed kind. “Greetings, Daughter of Xy.” She held the flap open and I ducked inside.

I stepped into a meeting area, much like Simus’s tent, back in the camp outside of Water’s Fall. My saddlebags were there, laying off to the side.

“I am Amyu of the Boar.” She nodded to me, and gestured for me to take a seat at the table. “I will serve you while the Council debates your status. May I provide kavage? Or something to eat?”

I heaved a sigh, and took off my satchel. “Amyu, if it would not offend, I think I just want a wash and to sleep.”

She nodded and stepped off to the side to open another flap. “Your sleeping chamber is within.”

I stepped forward to look inside. The bed looked familiar, with red and gold pillows. But what gave it away was the fat, happy lamp on the table. The flame danced a welcome.

“Is this bed from Keekai’s tent?” I asked.

Amyu nodded. “She offered, and the Elders agreed. All these items have been donated for your use, Daughter of Xy.”

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