What I really wanted was a moment to change, to put on that red dress, to arm myself against the foe. At least I had my satchel. I adjusted it on my hip, tugging the strap into place between my breasts.

We’d been told the summons was urgent, and Liam had offered to escort me, along with Amyu and my warrior-priest guards. I accepted gratefully, although I couldn’t help but wonder if he didn’t want to try to get a glimpse of Marcus.

The Council tent appeared, looking even larger and more imposing. I trotted to keep up with Liam. We entered the tent to find the area filled with people. Liam headed toward the main area between the fire pits and I followed close behind. He stopped, and I stepped to stand beside him.

Off to the left, I saw Iften and Wesren, standing with the warrior-priest Gathering Storm. Their faces were not welcoming, and I turned away, grateful that Liam and Amyu walked with me between the fire pits.

The Eldest were ahead of us, standing on the base, the tiers behind them filled with Elders. I looked around, and suddenly familiar faces filled my sight. Atira, with a wide smile, and Heath just behind her. Joden, his face still so filled with pain. I gave him a smile, and then behind him—


Joy rang through my entire body, and I ran toward him without thinking. “Keir!”

My arm was grabbed by one of the warrior-priests, who jerked me to a stop. My satchel shifted, and I lost my balance, stumbling a bit, as one of the other guards grabbed my flailing arm.

“Take your hands off her!” Keir’s voice cried out, and there was movement around me, but I was still trying to find my feet.

“Hold.” Essa’s voice boomed out. “HOLD.”

Everyone around us stopped moving, and I managed to look up, to find a furious Keir being held back by Simus and Liam. I made eye contact, and smiled, trying to reassure him.

“Release her,” Essa directed, and my guards obeyed. “Xylara, Daughter of Xy, are you hurt?”

“No,” I answered, readjusting my satchel on my hip.

“There is to be no contact with Keir of the Cat,” Essa chided.

“As if a hug would hurt. Or a word of greeting,” Keekai said as she walked past, heading toward her seat. “Foolishness, if you ask me.”

“Then it is well you were not asked.” Wild Winds appeared, to take his seat beside Essa. “Still, the treatment of the Daughter of Xy was too rough. It will not happen again.” He gestured, and my guards melted away.

“Lara, are you alright?” Keir asked, still seething.

“I’m fine, belov—”

“As if you really care!” Antas stood, and walked over to face Keir. “You, who have dallied with another, even as your so-called warprize attempts to claim you.”

Dallied? Did that mean what I thought it meant? I flushed, and then went cold at the idea that Keir would turn to another while—

“Lower your hood, and show all how true you are to the one you would bond with.” Antas pointed at Keir. “Do it now, warrior.”

There was absolute silence in the tent as Keir glared at Antas. But then his expression changed slightly, and his eyes crinkled in silent humor. Keir lifted his hands and lowered his hood to reveal a small purplish bruise on his neck. A love bite.

Oh Goddess above. I blushed bright red, heat flooding my face. My love bite.

Keir arched an eyebrow as the Elders reacted to the sight.

Antas, however, was nearly foaming at the mouth. “You see? You see? He has broken faith with this Xyian even before she—”

It took everything I had to say the words aloud before the entire Council of Elders. “I put that there.”

“Eh?” Antas twisted to face me.

I drew a deep breath, and raised my voice. “That is my mark on his neck.”

As the group reacted to that, my blush deepened, if that was possible. Then I made the mistake of looking at Keir, and had to cover my mouth to prevent myself from laughing. He looked so smug.

Simus was under no such handicap. He was howling with mirth. Antas was scowling, as were Essa and Wild Winds. “How so?” Antas snapped. “You have been kept apart from—”

“Her bath.” Amyu spoke. “It had to be during her bath.”

I looked over my shoulder to see that she was none too happy either. I turned back to face the Elders. “It was in my bath,” I admitted. “Keir snuck in to see me.”

As one, the Eldest turned to glare at Keir.

Keir shrugged.

Simus laughed and slapped him on the back. “The skies favor the bold.”

Antas paused as a ripple of laughter swept the room again. “So you talked to Keir, despite our rules, de spite our—”

“We didn’t waste time talking,” I snapped right back, glaring at him. Then I realized what I’d announced to the room, and blushed bright red.

“HEYLA!” Simus shouted. “Truly, the attraction between Warlord and Warprize is as the heat of the summer!”

Joden’s head jerked up at that, and the movement caught my eye. He gave Simus a startled look, and then looked at me, as if seeing me for the first time.

The Eldest were all talking among themselves. I saw Keekai up on the tier, and she gave me a bright look. I looked over at Keir again, and he gave me a warm smile, full of reassurance. I flushed a bit under his approval, and smiled back, content.

Essa stepped forward. “Daughter of Xy. You speak the truth when you say that you did not talk to Keir of the Cat?”

“I did not. We ...” I kept my eyes on him, resisting the urge to look down. “We spoke only with our bod ies, Eldest Singer.”

“What does she know of truth?” Antas growled. “She lies at any time, as she sees fit.”

“I do not!” I replied hotly, stepping forward to face the Eldest Warrior.

“You lied to Atira of the Bear.” Antas folded his massive arms over his chest, and sneered at me.

“How so?” I demanded.

“Atira of the—” Antas bellowed, but Essa cut him off.

“Before you bawl out for a truth, we will call this senel to order.” Essa turned to face the Elders, who began to settle down. He turned back, and gestured to someone behind me. Amyu appeared, with a folding stool, that she set up for me between the fire pits.

I adjusted my satchel and sat. Amyu remained at my shoulder, standing just behind me. Essa stood before all, watching as everyone settled down. As far as I could see, the tiers were full, almost crowded. Those that stood on the edges were clearly warriors of stature. Keir had taken his position as close to me as he could, on the other side of the fire pit. Liam and Simus stood with him, with other familiar faces just behind. I drew a deep breath, tried to relax my shoulders, and turned back to face the Elders.

“I call this senel to order,” Essa announced in a strong voice. Everyone quieted magically. Essa turned to me. “Daughter of Xy, welcome to our tent. May we offer you kavage?”

“No, thank you,” I answered.

“Daughter of Xy, we have now heard the truths of those that we have called before us, all but Joden of the Hawk. We delayed his truths, because Iften of the Boar and Eldest Warrior Antas, also of the Boar, have asked that his words be given the weight of a Singer, although Joden cannot yet claim that status.”

So Antas was a pig, too. I wasn’t surprised.

Essa folded his arms over his chest. “We have kept you out of these meetings, for you are not of the Plains. But now, a decision must be made, and we have decided that you should be heard on this matter.”

“First, she must prove that she knows what truth is!” Antas jumped to his feet. “I say that she has lied to a warrior of the Plains.”

“I deny that,” I responded calmly, as my heart beat in my chest.

“Atira of the Bear,” Antas called out. Atira stepped forward to stand before them, moving well. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Antas as if she wished to slaughter him with the sharpest weapon she could find.

“Tell us again, how the Xyian lied to you,” Antas demanded.

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