“Who sizes you up?”

“All the women who figured they’d be making a play for Levi.”

“So there you are all vibrant and young and really hot. My god, they must flip out.”

“You’re really good for my ego.” Daisy grinned. “The artist thing helps. I know many of these people in my own right. But the whole society thing? That’s Levi’s neck of the woods.”

“Which makes you . . . What do they call it? A power couple. I mean, he’s the money and you’re the talent. Both of you are easy on the eyes. You’re all charming in that way only a very few people are.”

“I am?”

“Um, yes. Unlike me. I’m just going to try really hard not to say anything at all tonight.”

Daisy’s eyebrows flew up. “For god’s sake, why?”

“Look, I like Jonah. He’s a lovely man and he’s good to me. I know I’m . . . an acquired taste. I don’t want to embarrass him.”

Daisy’s expression softened as she reached out to pat Raven’s hand. “You’re who you are. More than anyone else I’ve ever met. And that’s a good thing, believe it or not. I’m just saying, sure, sure, don’t blurt out that such and such has clearly had her lips done no matter how much she tells you she’s just got that youthful glow or whatever, but you’re not going to embarrass Jonah. He wouldn’t have invited you if he’d had any worries at all.”

The ballroom was glittery and lit with what seemed like a zillion candles. The awesome thing was that candlelight hid a multitude of sins and made everyone look lovely.

Jonah handed off her wrap and his overcoat to the person at coat check and they waited for Daisy and Levi to do the same. She’d never admit it out loud, but having Daisy there made it better. Oh, not by comparison, because Daisy wore a bright smile and waved at people who seemed delighted to see her.

That wasn’t Raven’s wheelhouse. At all. But she knew Daisy, and Daisy had been very nice to her. Raven didn’t feel so totally alone.

People did look though. In fact many of them did a double take when they noted she was on Jonah’s arm. Inside she told herself, “You are Raven Smith. You are beautiful and amazing and these people can fuck off sideways.” As affirmations went, it was useful and one she used more than once. It helped her keep her back straight and her eyes up off the floor. She’d vowed a long time ago that she’d never let anyone make her avert her gaze again.

Daisy seemed to float through the crowd and Levi followed, nodding and saying hello.

“Usually Carrie is my date for these things. It’s nice because I can use it being a school night or something like that to leave early. But there are definite plusses to you being my date instead.”

She paused as he grabbed a glass of champagne for each of them. “Yes? And those would be?”

“Well, when I get bored and start to daydream I can imagine all the things I’m going to do to you later. Also, I can laugh inside and be smug every time one of these men looks at you and has to stop themselves from drooling. Oh, and I like to imagine your mental dialogue. I’m guessing it’s priceless.”

Off balance, she laughed. “You’re trouble.”

“I am. I didn’t get kicked out of as many schools as Levi did but I had my share of trouble.”

“And yet you went to college and law school and now you drive a sleek black car with heated leather seats.”

It was his turn to laugh. “I know. It’s pretty awesome.”

He nodded at a passerby. “That’s my brother Mal’s mother-in-law. Want to meet her?”

“Do I?”

He shook his head. “You really don’t.”

She clinked her glass to his. “All right then. No.”

“That’s her, by the way. Gwen, Mal’s wife.”

She was beautiful on her husband’s arm. Mal was certainly Jonah and Levi’s brother. A younger version, yes, but he had the same masculine features. Handsome. He wore his tuxedo perfectly. As perfect as the champagne-toned cocktail number his wife wore. Gwen clearly knew how to look pretty. Her hair was done well and her makeup job—most likely a professional had done it—was exactly right for the evening and her outfit.

Her ring was so huge Raven could see it from where they stood.

And then she noted Gwen’s expression when she caught sight of Daisy. Her eyes narrowed and her lip curled. She really, really didn’t like Gwen Warner. Not one tiny bit.

They moved through the crowd, Jonah introducing her here and there.

And then there was Liesl.

“Ah, Jonah, there you are.” The Warner matriarch paused to kiss her son’s cheek and then turned to Raven. “You’re Raven.” She held a hand out and Raven took it, shaking, hoping she wasn’t too soft or too rough or wrong in any way. She wanted to be perfect for Jonah.

“I am.”

“I’m Liesl Warner, Jonah’s mother.” The older woman gave her the once-over. Jonah moved closer to Raven, putting an arm around her waist.

“Raven Smith.”

“I know Smith is a common name, but I can’t tell you the last time I actually met someone with that name.”

“I took it on when I emancipated myself from the state. I was seventeen and had been bounced around from home to home for so long I didn’t really belong to anyone or anything and had no affinity with the people whose biological stock I carried. I figured Smith was generic enough so I took it on. I belong to myself.”

Liesl drew herself back, narrowing her gaze for a moment.

“I apologize. I meant no offense.” And it was genuine; though she had when she said it, she was sorry at that moment and that was what counted. God knew Raven said things all the time that offended people.

Raven nodded. “I’m probably the one who should apologize.”

Jonah squeezed her to his side. “No, you aren’t. It’s fine now. We’re moving on and changing the topic.”

Liesl actually smiled at Raven and then her son. “Indeed. Jonah tells me you’re an artist.”

Raven laughed. “Well, I’m not like Daisy. I do tattoos.”

She’d half expected Liesl to frown, but she didn’t. Instead she nodded. “Daisy is one of a kind, I agree. As for art in general? One of the pieces on sale this evening is made of spit and gum. Art comes in many forms. Jonah says you’re doing one on his whole back and that it takes several sessions, each taking many hours. He wouldn’t show me what you’ve done so far, but he assures me you’re quite talented.”

“I wasn’t going to remove my shirt in the middle of the restaurant, no. But yes, she’s very good.”

“He says you have a wait list.”

Raven looked toward him quickly, so surprised by this entire exchange. “I do, yes. My boss is the draw, but I have a decent client base. People like my work. It’s good because I like doing it and it pays my mortgage.”

“Making a living with your art is a good thing.” Liesl turned to her son. “You should figure out how we can put Raven to work for the next auction. If Levi can convince Daisy to donate her art, I’m sure you can be equally persuasive.”


“What auction is this for?”

“Created Families. We raise money and awareness for adoption and foster care support.”

Jonah made a cute, frustrated sound.

“Quit that, Jonah. The woman has a history in the system. Why shouldn’t she want to help?”

“Have you ever stopped to . . .” He clamped his lips closed. “We’ll talk about this later.”

“If you’ll both excuse me. I need the ladies’ room. Then you can talk about me while I’m gone. I’ll give you about ten minutes.”

She stepped out of his grasp and he started to speak. She placed her finger over those talented lips. “Shh. I’ll be back.”

Jonah turned to his mother. “Did you ever stop to think her experiences in the system might have been terrible?”

“I assume it was, given the way she spoke about how she changed her name. And my, the girl has some spunk. Put me right in my place.” His mother was impressed, Jonah could see it, and frankly, he was too.

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