The three women watched him amble over to the group of men Levi was part of.

“Well now.” Gillian clucked her tongue, amusement on her face.

Raven rolled her eyes.

“So things are serious now. I knew you’d been seeing him, but you brought a date to a family party. That’s special. I quite like that. Come over this week. Adrian is off to Los Angeles and he’s taking Miles. It’s just me and Poppy and we’d love to have you for dinner and some gossip. Mary brought enough food to feed me for months.”

“Let me see what my week looks like. Brody is down a few people at the shop. I’m helping out there and then I have an evening appointment on Thursday. I’ll call you. I promise.”

Levi looked him up and down as Jonah eased into a chair near the cider.

“Wasn’t expecting to see you.”

“My lady brought me along. I figured you’d be here with yours.”

“Indeed. Couldn’t stop her if I wanted to. She’s helping Miles with something or other. I just bring her and she squeals and giggles and runs off. Like I’m going to complain?”

Jonah snorted. Raven wasn’t giggle-and-squeal material. But he sure did like that she’d invited him along.

“I’ve got three messages from Mother. I went kayaking with Eli earlier and she’d called there looking for me too.” He’d wanted Raven along but she’d had to work.

“She called me a few times too. I’m going to guess she got wind of what happened with Raven, Daisy, Mal and Gwen last night.”

Brody, who’d been sitting across from them with Adrian, leaned in. “What happened?”

If Jonah meant to make a relationship with Raven, he knew he had to deal with Brody as well.

He gave them a brief overview.

Brody sat back, shaking his head. “She’s lucky Raven didn’t pop her one. You know she does kickboxing, right? Four days a week. She’s really strong.”

He didn’t actually. He knew she worked out, but not more than that.

“She tried very hard not to make a scene. But she defended Daisy. Daisy would take a bullet for her for that.” Levi shrugged. “So of course I would too.”

Adrian didn’t say much as Jonah had spoken. “So what are you going to do? Seems to me Raven probably told you she wasn’t the society type. Gillian loves her; I don’t want to see her hurt.”

Jonah took Adrian in. “It’s been handled. My mother and Raven had a”—he paused, trying to remember how Raven put it—“a come-to-Jesus. My mother was rude. Raven put her in her place. I think this situation is going to be more about my brother and his wife and their marriage than Raven.”

“There were cracks before, but I think this might really be a point of no return for them. I don’t know.” Levi nodded. “Anyway, we’re on Raven’s side here. I promise you. Even if I wasn’t on my own, Daisy would never let me touch her boobs again if I didn’t back her up.”

Both Brown brothers nodded, easing back.

He wouldn’t tell her about this conversation. She’d be uncomfortable and that’s not what she needed. He grabbed two mugs and stood. “If you’ll excuse me, I promised Raven some cider.”

Levi stood as well. “I’ll come along with you.”

She smiled as she saw him approach and give her the cider. “That hits the spot, thanks. I’m just about to go in and help Alexander get his costume on. I’ll be out in a few.”

“What’s he going to be?”

“That’s a surprise, Jonah. Sheesh.” She turned to Levi. “Hey, Levi.”

Levi tipped his chin at her. “Hey, Raven, nice to see you.”

She went into the house after a quick kiss from Jonah and his brother gave him the eye. “So you’re not limping. Is that necklace the collar you mentioned?”

Jonah nodded. “Yesterday . . . last night . . . all of it. A lot of emotions. We talked for hours. It felt right this morning and it was.”

“Okay then. She’s okay then? I could tell how tense she was, though she was pretty good at dinner. I guess I just misjudged her, thinking she was sort of bitchy. But she protected Daisy and I owe her. You love her too, so I can admit I was wrong.”

“Oh, she can be bitchy. But people take one look and make up their minds. She’s a lot more than you see at first glance. She had a hard time, but she’s resilient. I’m ass over teakettle with that prickly woman.” He shrugged. He usually shared most everything with his brother, but he knew how difficult it had been for her to trust him and he didn’t ever want her to regret it.

“I get it. If you need to talk about it more, you know I won’t tell tales out of school.”

“Appreciate that.”

“Do you want me to do a background check on her? I mean, you’re getting serious about this woman and you don’t know much about her. It might be better to be safe than sorry. You’ve got a trust fund and a big bank account. Attractive to some women. We know she hasn’t been very constant in the past.”

Of course it was then that Erin Brown came at them from the left. She must have been walking around the porch. Her eyes were on fire and he flinched at the rage in them.

She pushed him away from the steps and Levi hurried to catch up.

“I can’t believe you!” She kept her voice down but the rage radiated off her in waves.

Jonah put his hands up. “I was going to say no.”

“You are the first person she’s let into her life this way other than me and Brody. She’s not some whore you fuck and throw away because you’re worried she’s going to steal from you. She never, ever took money from me, and I can guarantee I’ve got more than you. You asshole.”

He took her hands. “Erin, I don’t think that about her. I swear to you. I love Raven. She’s independent and strong and the last thing I’d believe about her is that she was using me.”

Levi put himself in the line of fire. “Christ, it was all me. I’m so sorry, Erin. I didn’t mean it as an insult. I want to protect my brother. But it was my suggestion, not his. I’m protective of him and my family.”

Erin rounded on Levi and Jonah felt sorry for him. “Protective? You mean how she was of your family last night? You think I haven’t heard how your sister-in-law acted? How your mother acted? You think you’re so much better than her? She’s not constant? Fuck you. She’s in there helping my little boy change into his Halloween costume. One she made for him. He wanted to be the Doctor from Doctor Who. But the one with the scarf, Tom what’s-his-name. She knows his name and he does too because she watches the show with him. No matter where she’s been or what she’s doing she will always be back here for his birthday. Don’t you fucking talk to me about constant. That woman is my best friend and no one is more constant than she is.”

Levi lost the tension in his spine and he shook his head. “I’m sorry. I was wrong. But it’s me, not Jonah. Don’t hang him with something I did. He had nothing to do with it.”

“Erin?” Raven called out from the back porch and Erin tossed such a look of malice over her shoulder that Levi flinched.

“On my way.” She turned and walked away without another word.

“Holy shit. Do you think she’s going to tell Raven? Oh my god, I’m so sorry, Jonah. Jesus. I would never want to hurt her. I swear to you. After Charlotte . . . I’m sorry.”

Jonah felt sick, but he understood where Levi was coming from and he also knew his brother got how wrong he’d been.

“All I can do is hope she won’t say anything. If for no other reason than to spare Raven’s feelings.

“Everything okay?” Raven asked Erin when she came back from the yard.

“Yes. Fine. What’s up?” Erin’s smile was brittle at the edges.

“I’ve known you an assload of years, Erin. What’s wrong?”

Erin sighed. “Nothing. I was just thinking about stupid stuff that got me wound up. I’m fine.”

Raven looked her over carefully but let it go. “If you say so. I’m looking for the hat. Have you seen it?”

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