“I, for one, always appreciate more dessert.” Another clearly Warner son came into the kitchen wearing a smile that looked a great deal like Jonah’s. “You’re Raven and I’m Toby. Nice to meet you at last. I’ve been hearing a lot about you.” He stuck a hand out and she took it.

“You can all leave the kitchen. You’re underfoot.”

“Don’t mind her,” Toby said of his mother, “she has trouble speaking her mind. It’s very sad.”

Carrie laughed and hugged her uncle, who kissed the top of her head and set her back from him, assessing her. “Christ, kid, you have to stop being so beautiful. Jonah’s uptight enough, he’s going to have a stroke when the boys come around.”

Carrie blushed and Toby tipped his chin in Jonah’s direction. “We’re watching the game in the other room. Eli just finished making up a few batches of sidecars if you’re parched. Soda for you, missy.”

The living room was just beyond and also had a fabulous view of the water, along with comfortable couches and a large television some football game or other played on. She wasn’t a football person, though most everyone else she knew was.

Carrie went in and her uncles all cheered to see her, standing up to give her hugs and exclaim over how lovely she looked and how amazing her grades had been.

Raven hung back at the entry and Jonah turned to her. “You all right? I know it’s overwhelming. I’m sorry about the weirdness over what you brought. I promise you she was happy you did. She’d have thought you rude if you hadn’t. She likes a no-win.” He shrugged.

“It’s fine. I’ve got it. With your mother, I mean. I’ll give her leeway. If she takes too much, I’ll let her know in a hopefully appropriate manner.”

He grinned. “You’re so sexy.” He said it so that no one could hear and it warmed her insides that he’d see what most thought of as her biggest flaw as being sexy.

“Still, should I offer to help your mother in the kitchen?”

Jonah shook his head. “She and my grandmother are in there, battling with cutting words and stuff. I don’t want you anywhere near that.”

“Seems to me your dad should step in and take her side.”

“He does when my grandmother goes too far. It’s good for my mother to get a little of what she dishes out so regularly.”

Raven shrugged. “Or maybe she’s that way regularly because her mother-in-law is a mean-spirited harpy.”

He laughed then and people looked over.

“Guys, this is Raven.” He then indicated the men in the room. “Raven, you know Levi and Daisy and you met Toby in the kitchen. The guy with his arm around Carrie is Eli, he’s Toby’s fraternal twin. And you, um, know Mal.”

“Sort of.” He’d been too busy essentially calling her a lying whore at the time to really be formally introduced. Raven was proud she’d kept that last bit in her head.

“Yeah, about that. I’m sorry. My manners were atrocious.” He stepped forward and held a hand out. “I’m Malachi. Jonah talks of you often. I’m pleased to meet you and I apologize for what went down last month.”

“Apology accepted.” Was she supposed to apologize for his divorce? Congratulate him? She had no idea so she just kept quiet.

“And the guy in the recliner over there is my grandfather. His name is also John, but everyone calls him Jack.”

She nodded, waving. He grinned and waved back. “Come over here, girl. Jonah, get her a drink. Carrie, come give me a kiss.”

Raven did as he’d asked. He patted the couch next to the recliner. “Sit here. Those pretty shoes have to hurt and I figure you need a drink after meeting my wife and seeing Liesl too.”

She tried not to smile, but it was impossible.

“I’m old,” he said jovially. “It means I get to say whatever I like and people chalk it up to that. I figure it makes up for actually being old, which is a bucket of garbage. Nose hairs. That’s what will happen to Jonah when he’s my age.”

Jonah handed her a drink and sat next to her on the couch. “Thanks, Grandpa Jack.”

“Girl should know what she’s getting into with this family. She’s already met your mother and grandmother and she’s still here. I figure some nose hairs are the least of it.”

Raven smiled brightly at Jonah, who rolled his eyes.

She took a sip and tried not to cough. “What on earth is this?”

Eli grinned. “That, gorgeous, is a sidecar. Cognac, Cointreau, some lemon juice, sugar and a cherry.”

Her eyes watered. “It’s, um, hearty.”

“You’ve met everyone, right? Tell me after two of these if things don’t get just a little easier.”

She laughed then. “Two? I’m sort of a lightweight. Let’s see if I can finish this one.”

It was a nice afternoon, and yes, it certainly seemed easier after she’d finished the first drink. Jonah sat with his arm around her shoulders, laughing and talking easily with his brothers. Daisy seemed to get along with them too. But really it was pretty much impossible not to like Daisy, who’d cleverly avoided the sidecars.

“Time to eat.” Beth came in and everyone got up immediately. Mal discreetly helped his grandfather up from the recliner and they all made their way to the dining room.

“I changed the cards earlier to put you at our end of the table,” Daisy said in an undertone.

“But that’s Liesl’s end.”

“Dude, it’s not Beth’s end. Please trust me on this.”

Jonah pulled her chair out and she sat. Grace was said and the food began to make its way around the table. There was no shortage of it, that was for sure. A turkey, a ham and a beef tenderloin, three different kinds of potatoes, creamed spinach, corn, sweet potatoes, bread. It was a huge feast.

“I can’t see why we needed the beef. But I hope you all like it.” Beth sent a look to Liesl, who took a deep breath. Raven pushed her wineglass toward Liesl.

“It’s quite delicious.” Levi smiled at his mother.

“Tenderloin is my favorite. She makes it for me every year,” John lifted his glass in his wife’s direction.

“There’ll be leftovers. She makes too much every year so she has to send food home with everyone.”

Jeez. Who thought that was a bad thing? Turkey sandwiches the next day was like part of the whole thing. Hell, Raven hadn’t even grown up with regular Thanksgiving dinners and she knew that.

Everyone talked around it and soon enough it died down, but it agitated Raven because it wasn’t something without filters, it was meant to make Liesl feel bad.

“Oh man, I think I have a mashed potato baby.” She rubbed her belly as she said it in an undertone to Jonah, who laughed.

Of course Beth had to speak up. “What was that? It’s rude to speak in whispers.”

She blinked several times and Jonah put a hand on hers, which enabled her to keep her comments on the non-napalm side of the spectrum.

“I wasn’t aware I was whispering.” Raven smiled and went back to eating.

“Well, you were.”

Good god, this old woman was a sharp-tongued bitch. It was admirable to a point.

Jonah reached for his glass and raised it. “To mother and grandmother for all this delicious food.”

Everyone raised their glasses for the toast.

“I did most of it. Liesl’s strong point isn’t cooking.”

Raven leaned closer to Liesl once the conversation had started again. “Wow, so here’s the thing. I was sort of annoyed at you for the dessert comment you made, but now that I see what you have to deal with I’m giving you a pass. Feel free to insult my cherry walnut bars to your heart’s content. That offer is only open for today.”

Liesl laughed, nearly choking.

“More whispering?”

Raven smiled sweetly. “Don’t worry, it’s all about you.”

The entire table got very quiet until Liesl just kept laughing.

Beth’s eyes widened and then Jack started to chuckle. “She’s got your number, duckie. Jonah, your lady will fit in here just fine.”

Jonah took her hand, kissing it. “Yes, I agree.”

The rest of the dinner was fine. The ease of conversation returned. Dessert was really good and served with hot coffee and brandy, though she skipped the latter.

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