Lark was handling the questioning of the witches that’d been identified as leaks. Money seemed to be the main factor for them. But if there was more to it, Lark would find it.

Helena blew out a breath. It was over and done. All they could do was root out anyone left and tighten up their security.

Delilah Sperry came back in and Helena nodded to Meriel, who rapped her knuckles on the table to get everyone’s attention.

“Clan Owen, along with Gennessee and our confederation of covens and Clans, proposes a declaration of war.”

“Lycia has declared war and will sit on your council.” Simon spoke, his voice rumbling through the hall.

Helena narrowed her eyes at Faine. Clearly that’s what he’d gone and done while she’d flown back to Seattle. That he hadn’t just told her was an issue they’d have to work through, because right then she wanted to punch him for it.

Not the going back home part. Not even the declaration of war part. But the not telling her what he was up to part. Partners her ass.

“I have been declared a Liaison between Lycia and your Council,” Simon said.

“Why? What’s your involvement here?” Rebecca Gennessee spoke from her place via the video screen.

“My mate has been threatened on multiple occasions. My home—my den was attacked while my mate, my brother and his protected were there. The male who shot Lark is dead. My honor is satisfied there. But this is not to be taken lightly. No one threatens my family this way. I can be part of your solution or not. But war has been declared and regardless of how you all choose to move, we will not stop until Carlo Powers and those he’s working with are no longer a problem.”

Lark’s gaze shot to Helena a moment and then back to Simon. She hadn’t known either. Simon was in trouble too. Ha. Helena looked to Faine, who sat, back straight, regal and strong.

Helena realized she’d forgotten that Faine was a prince. A Lycian wasn’t a werewolf. He was something entirely different and she’d lost sight of that. This underlined it. His protected? What did that mean?

She didn’t want to look too closely at the way it had made her feel when Simon had said it. She liked it, damn it. She shouldn’t. Faine was a handful and he’d decided she was his before she’d even agreed to it. Though, frankly, she obviously had because he wasn’t maimed and she’d let him sex her up. Ha, let him. She’d sexed him up right back and she knew before he’d touched her that he’d had some imprint thing happening. He’d been up front and she’d been playing with fire like a fool.

But it wasn’t the time to obsess on that because there was more to do.

“Fair enough.” Rebecca shrugged slightly. “Lycia has been a solid ally. We welcome your assistance.”

Cade Warden nodded. “Earlier today the wolves also made their declaration of war.”

Max de La Vega lifted a finger. “The jaguars as well. And through us, the other cats are also on board.”

Franco Pendergast lifted a finger before he spoke. “As you all know, the Vampires declared war the moment a car full of Elders and our protected was blown up. We have been holding off as a courtesy as these last steps were being explored. The Magister is a threat we cannot take lightly. If they find a way, they can’t be allowed to continue to draw breath.”

Cade spoke up. “More than that, that they’d plan it means they are a threat we cannot continue to let go unanswered. PURITY will stop at nothing short of our total annihilation and the human government is doing little to stop it.”

“If you all have questions, Helena, can you speak to the issue of our safety steps in general?” Meriel asked.

She stood. “Our people are working on the investigation of spies in our groups. I’ve been in touch with various enforcers, hunters and law enforcement. Our efforts will bring to ground these traitors and they will be dealt with.” She knew the shifters had rough justice for this sort of treason. As did The Gennessee.

“At the same time, we need to move forward on several fronts. The witches are urging their members to relocate to guarded enclaves. The designer of several enclave communities already in existence has volunteered to speak to you individually. We’ve tried to work with the situation already in place but the fact is, we cannot protect people. Not from the threat as it is now.”

Many nodded heads.

“There will be no return to the way things were. There will be a new normal. I’m sorry, but we can’t ignore it any longer.” Meriel sighed heavily.

“At the same time, we’ll need to create a militia. Our own army. We can get patrols up to protect our communities as well as enforcement groups to show up at crime scenes. The human police are not getting the job done in about fifty percent of calls now. They’re not protecting us so we have to.

“We need to train our people. If we can create teams that include fighters from different backgrounds we’ll be better off. Investigation, magick, defensive magick and also fighters.”

“Why shouldn’t we just go back and do our own thing? After all, it was one of your people who gave them the information they might be able to use to bring the Magister back,” one of the Vampires said.

“This network of spies and traitors seems to span across many Other groups. Money is a powerful motivator apparently.” Max de La Vega spoke. “My own brother Carlos was one of these spies. Vampires can do what they want, but the cats are happy to work together with other shifters and witches to create a militia and enforcement teams. It’s the only way. If we’re going to make a stand, let’s make it so strong the first bloody lesson can be the last. Or at the very least, make it painful enough they’ll think twice before attempting it again. They can fear us, or hate us, as long as they leave us alone.”

“I can help train soldiers.” Faine gave Helena a look and she nodded. His help would be important.

“The Vampires will join this militia.”

Well, that would be really good. Vampires kicked ass and they were practically indestructible. “All right then, let’s break down into groups and get some work done.”

* * *

SHE was very quiet on the ride back to the hotel. But he knew he’d have some answering to do when they got back. He bided his time through the checkpoints and didn’t speak until he turned into the parking garage and headed to their assigned spot.

“You did a good job tonight. I know it wasn’t easy.”

She kept her gaze roving. Constantly assessing. “It shouldn’t be easy to plot the possible assassination of someone.”

Hm. Terse.

But also correct.

“Yes. It’s never anything that you should do lightly. You’re making the right choice though. He can’t be allowed to survive. Anyone who could look at the evidence of the Magister and think to bring it on purpose isn’t someone safe for the rest of the planet to be around.”

She shrugged. “Killing him in a battle is one thing. This is another. I hate it. But I don’t see a way around it.”

“If it was easy, it would happen more often. You make tough choices to protect the people who need you to make tough choices.” He pulled into the space and killed the engine.

She turned to him, her eyes narrowed. Dangerous, his woman. “Is that what you did? By sneaking off to Lycia behind my back to have your daddy declare war?”

“That’s beneath you.”

“Is it? You don’t know me very well after all to think that’s below me. You should have told me.” She got out, slamming the door extra hard. He followed, pocketing the keys.

But she didn’t head to the doors leading into the hotel. Instead she pulled her magick to herself. He saw the shift in her aura as she did. The surge in her scent held him fast as she began to work a spell.

There was something so fierce about her when she worked magick. It was one thing to watch her in battle, but this was something else. Otherworldly.

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