Once she did that, even as she felt herself falling toward sleep, she couldn’t help recounting the last several days. One skirmish after another. Like a horror movie.

An assault by four kids at a high school in Fountain Valley. The shifter they’d attacked had handled it himself but they’d had to stop a near riot when the human parents of the bullies had shown up at the kid’s house, demanding blood.

Vandalism in Garden Grove. A restaurant had had its windows broken out; anti-Other graffiti had been spray painted on the walls. The interior had been totally destroyed and the food ruined.

A car set on fire in La Habra, which was where they’d been when they got the call about the community center in Whittier and had rushed over, only to have to engage in an actual, no shit, pitch battle on the street with crazy people who thought it was totally okay to kill kids and old people.

She hated this world. Hated that people wanted to kill her simply because she was different. Hated that her friend Molly had been attacked and was now in two casts because of the rising threat of the human separatist groups.

These were her former neighbors. The kids she and her sister, Lark, had gone to school with. People she used to think were her friends. The dividing lines had been drawn and the gulf between them got deeper by the day.

And now that Molly had given an ultimatum to the humans to leave the Others alone and stop trying to harm them or strip them of their rights as Americans, those lines kept getting drawn.

They were in a brief limbo period as Molly recovered, but soon they’d be on the road again and Helena would most likely again be on the security detail for those Others who were traveling all across the country addressing crowds of humans, Others and legislators of all types. Trying to educate. Trying to mediate. Trying to stop an all-out war before it broke out.

But the edges of the world were torn and frayed. Helena wasn’t sure how much longer things would hold before snapping.

Chapter 3

HER ringing phone woke her up just a little more than four hours after she’d finally fallen asleep. Still heavy with exhaustion, Helena managed to grab it and answer.


It was Lark, Helena’s little sister and the Hunter of Clan Owen. “I’m so sorry to wake you. I know you probably just got to sleep after all that insanity last night.”

For years she and Lark had run Gennessee’s hunter team together, but over the last months things had changed. Lark had left, moved to Seattle to run Owen’s team. She’d also nearly been killed during the battle to defeat the Magister. But the best part of the last months was that she and Lark had finally gotten past the things that had been keeping them apart and were once more as close as they’d been.

Another high point was that Lark had found love in an unlikely place, Faine’s older brother, Simon. It made Helena feel a lot better that Lark had someone so tough at her back. But she missed her sister fiercely, especially during such dark times.

Helena sighed, managing to sit, stacking pillows at her back. “It’s fine. Hazard of the job. What’s up?”

“We need to get together. A videoconference call. Can you be at Gennessee in thirty minutes?”

Helena noted it was nine in the morning. “I’m not at my apartment. I slept at Faine’s last night. I can probably do an hour, or an hour and a half depending on traffic.” But it wouldn’t be pretty. All her clothes and stuff were at her place, though she had some in her office, so that would work too.

“Really now? I figured it would be Tosh.”

Sato? “You what? Never mind. Your brain works in mysterious and twisted ways. As for Faine? Don’t get excited. He gave me his bed and slept in the guest room.”

“Bummer. You should give Lycians a try. Just sayin’. Big and braw. Totally know their way around a lady. Centuries of being hot dudes serve a gal well. Though they are bossy. Especially royal ones. That’s a drawback.”

“I have enough people trying to manage me on a daily basis, I don’t need to go adding more. Also, a little busy saving the world right now.”

Lark snorted. “There’s always time for nookie. That’s Simon’s motto, though he says it in a more smooth and genteel way than me. I’ll link you into the call in two hours. Bring Faine, he’s needed too. And Dad.”

Helena blew out a breath. “I take it the road show is about to start again?”

Helena and Lark referred to the group of Others who’d been traveling all around the country and addressing humans and Others about legislative and civil rights issues the Others Road Show.

“Yes. Some changes. So be ready.”

“Changes? Lovely. All right. See you in two.”

She got out of bed, realizing she had no change of clothes but her dirty ones from the night before. At least the shirt Faine had given her came to her knees.

As quietly as she could manage, she went into the bathroom to clean up. She kept some disposable toothbrushes and a makeup kit in her bag. Too many nights like last night in the past few months had taught her to be prepared.

But once she’d gotten into the bathroom she noted her clothes from the day before had been laundered and folded, left on the counter with a new toothbrush.

She smiled. He was a good host and a nice man. Lycian. Whatever. He was welcoming and took care of her when she needed it. It was blessedly appreciated.

She managed to clean up into some semblance of humanity with some mascara and lip gloss, rebrushing and braiding her hair before she went out into the main room. She had split ends and was in dire need of a cut. Helena avoided even looking at the wreck of her nails. She usually spent time at her stylist and time at the range. No time for her stylist at all, though sadly, a lot of real-life experience with fight preparedness of late.

As much as she hated it, she’d have to wake Faine up, as he was expected at the meeting. She had the car he’d driven, which was from the Gennessee fleet, but they might as well drive in together since they both needed to be there.

And. Well, she could admit she liked being around him. He smelled good. He was huge and battle hardened so it was nice to have him at her back.

But he was already awake. Standing in his kitchen with a mug of coffee in his hand and a smile on his face.

He looked good. Like so good her libido stood up and saluted him. Stupid libido. Didn’t it know she had shit to take care of and jumping on Faine Leviathan was not on her to-do list? This was Lark’s fault for putting the idea in her head.

“Thanks for washing my clothes. I appreciate it.” She waved at herself, hoping he couldn’t tell how awkward she suddenly felt.

“Not a problem. Mine needed washing too. Nicer to have clean ones than to trudge around covered in soot and blood.”

“Or a T-shirt so big it could have been a dress.”

He looked her up and down slowly and she couldn’t have moved if she had to.

“You’d have made it look like a designer outfit. You have that way. I heard your phone.” His tone changed back to business. “I figured you’d need some breakfast before you have to rush off to work. Coffee is done and I’m nearly finished with all the ingredients for a breakfast burrito.”

She got herself a cup of coffee and freshened his as well. Now that she could smell breakfast she was aware of how ridiculously hungry she was. “I was trying to be quiet, though I was going to have to disturb you anyway, I’m sorry to say.”

“Sit.” He indicated the table. “I only need about three hours’ sleep a night. I’ve been up about half an hour. Let’s eat and you can tell me about what I’m needed for.”

“Wow. I wish I only needed three hours. I could get so much more done.”

He pulled a chair out and waited until she sat. He befuddled her sometimes.

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