The press in the room began to shout questions and Senator Hayes just shook his head. “No questions. This is too serious for questions.”

“This human male is absurdly stupid.” Rebecca sniffed, clearly indignant.

“We have learned there are demons. You can all recall they denied the existence of demons in front of my committee in the United States Senate.”

Not true. Molly denied that Others called demons. Not that there were actual demons. But Hayes was on a tear, the light of a zealot in his eyes. Demons didn’t give a crap about humans or this plane of existence. They had their own world and their own complicated set of rules and organization. Earth was far too loosey-goosey, as his mother would say, for most demons. They liked order.

But he knew there was an ingrained fear of demons based on totally incorrect folklore about them. He understood that ingrained fear and that’s why the Others had kept the Veil and anything on the other side of it secret.

“These patriotic creatures exposed to my office a world of vice. Of evil so strong it made me sick to my stomach just to hear about it. Private armies in training to kill all humans. Bloodletting and Satanism. These creatures are not Americans. They are a threat to our very existence. And now the Others who’d been helping us have all disappeared.”

Helena lifted a shoulder and a surge of desire rushed through Faine at the sight. Mmm, vicious.

“It is imperative that we pass the Domestic Safety Act and as soon as possible. We must identify and place every last one of these abominations in secure facilities they can no longer harm humans. If we can’t do that safely, they need to be eradicated.”

The room, instead of getting loud, went very, very quiet. There was so much magick in the air that the hair on Faine’s arms stood.

“I will personally be taking this to the floor this coming week. I urge all Americans to call their senators and representatives to tell them to vote this bill into law so that we may deal with this threat as soon as possible. We have left this long enough. The Others are a threat we cannot overlook another moment. We will also be urging an investigation into the disappearances of the Others who had been helping us.”

He turned his attention to Carlo Powers. “Mr. Carlo Powers, a fine American and a guardian of our way of life, has a few words.”

Powers stood forward, sending a smarmy smile out over the room. “We’ve tried our hardest to turn the other cheek with these monsters. If you all recall, it was PURITY who began the first steps in uncloaking the so-called Others. Though it was only from the goodness of our hearts and the purest of motives, they decided right then to try to destroy us and any who got in their way. You saw the way their minion, Molly Ryan, stood up on camera and threatened all of humanity.

“But we are righteous and none can harm us. We must unite to take care of this threat. And make no mistake, these creatures are a threat. They will breed into our communities until there are no pure humans left. They will eradicate our way of life, the very thing written into the soul of this country. Every last one of these abominations must be rounded up and dealt with. However that needs to happen. No American should ever have to tolerate sharing the same air with these things. Go to your phones and your computers right now and tell your elected officials what they need to do. Our very soul as a nation depends on it.”

He stepped back and after the two waved one last time, they were hustled from the room as reporters shouted questions.

Molly, Meriel and the rest of the folks up in Seattle showed up on the video screen. “Why was this even allowed? That wasn’t a press conference, that was a speech! They just gave those fascists free airtime for their hate message.”

“Did they just say they were going to kill us?” Gage nearly growled the question.

“Yes.” Rebecca took a steadying breath. “Molly, what’s the plan?”

“I’ve got some airtime of our own in the making right now. I’m going to one of the local stations and that will feed to the national affiliates too. I’m going to do some televised remarks that will also be broadcast on the radio and Internet. I’ll reiterate the talking points we’ve already discussed. Just remember this is exactly what we expected. We’re as prepared for it as we can be.”

Helena broke in. “I’m going to advise that all hunters be on heightened alert. This will spill over into violence against Others. Both men just called for our deaths. We’ll need to step up our security and the security at all the enclaves and our offices.”

“Definitely,” Lark agreed.

“Make it happen.” Rebecca nodded in Helena’s direction and Meriel did the same up in Seattle.

Meriel spoke again. “I’m going to check in with the COO to see where they’re all at and I’ll update when I get that information.”

Rebecca made quick notes and then looked back to the screen. “Thanks, Meriel. I’m going to issue a press release here as well, denouncing the hateful speech of Hayes and PURITY. Of course we have no idea what they’re talking about regarding the disappearance of these Others who were supposedly cooperating with them. If there was such a thing, how could one trust the word of a being who’d do that anyway?”

“Exactly. I’ll do the same, as will other covens and clans.”

The call ended.

Helena waited for a quiet moment with Rebecca. “Sasha will coordinate with your assistant on the details of all your appearances. We can handle the pre-recorded message here, but I’m adding two more people to your personal security and more to your home.”

Rebecca’s mouth tightened a moment.

“I know you’re an incredibly powerful witch. I’m personally totally sure you can handle pretty much whatever comes your way. But you have a family. You have a right to be safe in your home, as do they. You’re our public face and you need to be as safe as possible. Don’t make me frown at you, it’ll give me wrinkles.”

Rebecca’s mouth curved into a smile, and not for the first time, Faine realized how good she was at gauging people and how to approach them.

“And what about you? Hm? Who protects you, Helena?”

“I do.” Faine bowed to The Gennessee.

One regal brow rose. “Is that so, Lycian?”

“Yes, ma’am, it is my honor.”

“You and I clearly need to have a long lunch and catch up, Helena. In the meantime, I will assent to more security and I appreciate your attention to detail. It’s a weight off my shoulders to know how adept you are at this.” Rebecca paused. “I’m going to need you to come up with some contingencies to eradicate Hayes and Powers. They’ve declared war and we already have. We will not allow this nonsense to continue.”

From the corner of his eye, Faine watched Helena square her shoulders and stand straighter.

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Keep me posted on that and everything else. This eradication is on a need-to-know basis. Keep it quiet.”

Helena nodded.

The room emptied and Helena turned to Faine with a sigh. “I was going to see if you wanted to grab a coffee. I can see that is not in the cards now.”

“Do your work. I’ll bring you some shortly.” He pulled her close and held her for long moments. She sighed, holding on, and he felt better.

“Thank you.”

“Your wish is my command, so keep that in mind when you want really dirty stuff.” He kissed the top of her head and stepped back, heading for the door.

She blushed and he liked it a lot.

* * *

TOSH waited to see President Sullivan. He’d met her on many occasions, and while he wouldn’t say they were friends, he thought her heart was usually in the right place.

She had a big job, he knew that. But this situation was far overdue her guidance and presence.

Joe Porter, her chief of staff, stepped into the room. “I’m sorry, Toshio, but she’s been called away and asked me to take the meeting on her behalf.”

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