Minds have been changed through something as simple as a conversation. And that’s why I tried to remain out of the fray. Real change can be complicated and emotionally painful, and you have put in the time and effort. I’m proud of that.

But the insidious facts are that some Americans were not satisfied by the free exchange of ideas. They wanted to use violence to silence those who were different. This has, I’m sad to say, been part of our history too. But we have attempted, time and again, to be better people. Better Americans. And so during the debate on the Domestic Safety Act, my office, along with offices all along the Hill, was inundated with calls and emails and letters, the overwhelming majority opposed to this legislation.

But some are never satisfied with the will of the people. Some, like those terrorists who have been attacking Other communities for months, will never stop. And so, while this national dialogue continues, I want something to be completely clear.

An hour ago I signed an Executive Order extending the status quo to all Others. What this means is that if you were an American citizen before the revelation, you are an American citizen now. The same rights and responsibilities you held before the revelation are yours.

There will be no more discussion as to whether or not you are Americans. You are. You were before and you are now.

There will be no concentration camps. No GPS chips. No roundup of Others. Go about your lives, ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy the bounty you have as a citizen of this great nation.

We face challenges in this new reality, yes. But they do not need to include violence. I’ve declared a nationwide curfew until the unrest has ended. Those not employed in jobs or mandated activities taking place after seven in the evening will keep to their homes until five the next morning. There will be an increased military presence in the cities where rioting is taking place. Looters and rioters will be arrested and prosecuted under federal law.

Lay down your arms. Go home and accept reality. You don’t have to like the werewolf next door, but you are not allowed to kill him or harm his family. Be better people.

Our national dialogue on this issue will continue. I look forward to hearing from you as we move ahead into this new and fascinating future. Thank you.

The president nodded once and turned, walking away.


Six months later

“THIS is the first vacation I’ve had in years.” Helena watched her husband swim in long, bold strokes, cutting across the lake.

“The weather here will be good for you.” Lark adjusted her bathing suit top. “Mom will finally calm down a little. Maybe.”

Helena had needed a hip replacement of all things. The bullets had shattered the bone to hell and so there she was, not even thirty, with a brand-new hip. But the real problem had been the secondary infection that had kept her in the hospital an additional two months.

She’d been pissy about it. Had felt like, hey, with this new strength from the binding and all her magick and being in such good shape, she should have been out and running around in days.

Then they’d found out the bullets had been treated with biological agents and a normal person could have died. One of the guards shot that day at the enclave had died from a terrible infection. The one shot with regular ammunition had been in the hospital for two weeks and was now back to work.

Tila came out and smiled when she saw them. Her mother-in-law was just as pesky as Rain when it came to making sure Helena was taking care of herself. But it pleased Faine to see it, and Helena liked Tila so it wasn’t really a trial to be here in Lycia, soaking up the sun all day as she healed up.

The violence continued on and off, but after the riots had ended and the country faced a death toll that numbered in the thousands, humans and Others alike had sobered and resolved to work things out better.

The humans finally understood that the Others could and would defend themselves and quite ably. But they also seemed to realize that while the Others had a great deal of power, they hadn’t used it in all the time before they were outed, and so maybe they weren’t the monsters some had said they were.

Of course it wasn’t all peace and love. There were several counties and towns that had declared themselves independent Other-Free zones. Others weren’t in any hurry to move to any of these places and there’d been a general feeling of, well, at least they’re far away from here, so while the states and federal government weren’t pleased, they had enough on their plates to deal with.

In the meantime, she and Faine were going to spend the next two months in Lycia. He had a house there and had been making it into a home for both of them. Their days so far had been filled with lovemaking of the gentle sort. He spent endlessly creative hours on her body and she had no complaints. He helped with her physical therapy with the new hip, as did Tila.

Lark and Simon had joined them the day before and they’d stay for a few weeks as well.

“So when were you going to tell me?” She sipped her juice and looked over her sunglasses at her sister.

“Tell you what?” Lark then burst into giggles, blowing her act.

“When are you due?”

“I just got the plus on the stick yesterday. It’s early days. You’re the only one other than Simon who knows.”

She squeezed Lark’s hand. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks. I’m excited and freaked the hell out.”

“Gonna be an auntie. I like that. A whole new world coming up for them to be raised in.”


She shrugged. “Exciting. This is a beautiful thing, Lark. Imagine how gorgeous this kid will be. How powerful. How loved.”

“You’ll have to give him or her cousins.”

Helena laughed. “Not for a while. But yes. That will happen someday.”

They looked out at Simon and Faine, who’d stopped swimming long enough to shove each other and enter into some sort of brotherly dunking and splashing thing. Two more Leviathan brothers jumped in and joined the fray.

“A girl could get used to watching hot dudes splash around all day. I think it’s got to be part of your recovery. Good for the heart to see it.” Lark nudged her with an elbow.

“Hell yes.”

Glossary and Characters


Clan—an official organization of witches run matrilineally

Clan Gennessee—holds territory from parts of Mexico up to Southern Oregon. United with Clan Owen. Same origins tracing back to the original Owen witches who traveled west with the gold rush.

Clan Owen—largest and most powerful clan of witches in the United States. Holds from middle of Oregon up into Canada.

The Owen—The witch in charge of the Owen Clan. Currently Meriel Owen (see also The Gennessee).

Hunters—The law enforcement arms of witch clans

Dominic Bright—married to and magically bonded to Meriel Owen. Runs the Owen Clan at her side. Co-owns an Other nightclub called Heart of Darkness.

Edwina Owen—Deceased. Meriel’s mother and former head of Clan Owen. Was killed by human servants of the Magister.

Gage Garrity—Witch. Hunter for Clan Owen. Involved with Molly Ryan.

Helena Jaansen—Witch. Hunter for Gennessee Clan, mated to Faine Leviathan.

Lark Jaansen—Witch. Hunter for Clan Owen. Sister to Helena. Mated to Simon Leviathan.

Meriel Owen—The Owen, a witch living in Seattle. Married and magickally bonded to Dominic Bright.

Molly Ryan—Witch. Head of media relations for Clan Owen and the Council of Others. Involved with Gage Garrity.

Rebecca Gennessee—Witch. The Gennessee. Runs the Gennessee Clan of witches. Related to Meriel Owen.

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