“Do you think that sort of silliness was allowed when it happened to me? My mother didn’t just say, come to your true place on the council whenever you feel like it. I had responsibilities and so do you. I—”

Meriel made a cutting motion with her hand. “But I am not you.”

Dominic knew there was some difficulty between mother and daughter. Meriel had been very diplomatic when she spoke, though her jokes sometimes were sharp enough that he understood there was a lot of history there. He didn’t like it at all that this woman sought to make Meriel do something she didn’t believe was right. But at the same time, he knew Meriel wouldn’t do anything she didn’t believe was right.

And she did this for him. Because she wanted him to have that space and she’d fight off this strong woman across the table tooth and nail if she had to.

For him.

Which only made him totally sure he wanted to ascend.

HE ran a fingertip down the long, sexy line of her spine. He liked the way she looked, naked, mussed, glasses perched on her nose as she checked her email.

“I hope Edwina realizes you work pretty much all the time.”

She rolled, putting her phone down on the nightstand. “I’m sorry.”

She apologized to him a lot. Wondered if she saw it at all.

He kissed her quickly, still sated — for the moment — from the marathon session they’d just ended a while before.

“For what? Running the legal department of a very busy corporation? You spend the evenings with me at my business, why would I begrudge you your work?”

Her mother had left and things clearly remained tense between them. But he’d seen the love between mother and daughter even through the strain.

“I should be paying attention to you. You’re far more interesting and entertaining than work.”

He laughed. “Good to know. But I seem to recall some very intense concentration just a few minutes ago. My legs just got some feeling back.” He pulled the sheet back enough to take a look at those breasts. “These are so amazing.” He bent to kiss the tip of each nipple gently.

She raised a hand to touch him, needing that. His being there in her bed felt like a gift and one she planned to continue to appreciate. He’d stood next to her the entire time her mother had been visiting, backing Meriel up and charming Edwina. Her mother wouldn’t admit it, but Meriel could see it anyway.

He was fairly difficult to resist. As her naked and totally boneless state could attest to. They’d spent the afternoon with William and Nell instead of having a dinner so when her stomach growled she stretched and leaned out to kiss his shoulder. “How about we go to dinner before you go to work? Downtown? Then when we’re done you can head to Heart of Darkness and I can go in to my office for a few hours to get some work done.”

“Always happy to squire you around. But are you sure you have to go to the office? You work a lot, baby. Is that sustainable?” He kissed her forehead. It was nice to be worried over, made her all gooey inside.

“It’s not usually this bad. I don’t usually go in on weekends or at night. It’s just that I’ve been a little … distracted this week.”

He grinned. “Should I be sorry? Because I can’t really find it in my heart to regret all the time we’ve stolen this week.”

She traced a thumb over his cheek. “You should talk about working all the time. You work more than I do.”

“Yes, but darling, my work includes bringing you along when you’re indulgent enough to wear the little bits and bobs I give your way. This isn’t really work.”

Little bits and bobs. He spoiled her utterly with gorgeous clothes she’d never had bought for herself in a million years, but she felt like a goddess when she wore them.

“Giving me presents shouldn’t be. Though you know I don’t expect it.”

“I find myself unable not to shower you with presents. I like making you happy.”

“You do make me happy. I’ve never been so happy.”

“Even though I haven’t done the ascension?”

She took a deep breath, thinking it over. “Yes. Certainly I want that very much. But you’re here with me and that’s what matters most. The rest we can handle as it comes along.”

“Even if it weakens your position in the clan?”

“I already told you that was my mother spinning stories. She’s the only person who knows other than Nell and Gage so how can I be weakened unless she’s the one doing it?”

“But will she?”

“No. I can’t believe she would. Not as my mother and not as The Owen.” She sat, resting against the pillows and he settled, head in her lap.

“Is that what they call her?”

“It’s the official title of the leader of Clan Owen.”

“It’s pretty epic.”

He made everything better.

It wasn’t that she’d never had a relationship before. There’d been boyfriends before. But nothing like this.

“I think so too. I love your hair. So thick and soft.” She began to lightly knead and scratch his scalp until he groaned and relaxed totally, eyelids sliding closed.

“Show me something,” he murmured.

It delighted her the way he’d reacted to learning more about his magick.

She moved to straddle him.

“Or that. I’m always up for that. Though …” He paused and then grinned as he ground his reviving erection into her. “I was about to say something about how I wasn’t sure if all of me was up for that. But you continue to amaze me and my cock.”

“Incorrigible. I meant this.” She touched his belly, the hard, flat muscle there. He was so delicious she frequently forgot what she was about to do or say when she caught sight of him.

“You look like you’re about to take a big bite.”

She sent a cockeyed smile and went back to his belly. “Give me your hands.”

He did and she put hers around his, guiding his fingers.

“Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Slowly. Then let it go.”

He obeyed.

“Your magick lives here.” She drew circles with his fingertips over the spot just above his belly button and her own magick stirred within. “Sometimes mine feels like a curled-up cat. Nose to tail. Know what I mean?”

He smiled, his eyes still closed. “Yes. I see what you mean.”

“You can reach out and stroke it. Coax it, bring it to the surface. Use your mind and connect with it.” His breath hitched and she knew he’d caught it and brought it closer to the surface.

“When you get what we like to call a gut feeling, it’s oftentimes your magick flaring up in response to a perceived need.” She let go and moved back, watching him discover it himself.

“That is wicked cool.” He opened his eyes, smiling up at her. “You’re smart, you know that?”

She rolled off him, dipping down to kiss his lips before padding into the bathroom to brush her teeth. “The more you’re familiar with your magick, the quicker it responds. And thank you.”

“I imagine you’re used to being told how smart you are. I’m not talking about book smarts, which you are as well, but you get your magick, you understand it. I’m envious. You’re good at showing what you mean. I’ve learned more about my magick in the week I’ve known you than in years. You’re patient with me.”

He always knew what to say.

“You’re a powerful witch. You felt it now, right? Do you see what I mean?” She was so proud of him but afraid to say it, not knowing how to give him the words that wouldn’t sound patronizing or weird.

He pulled her close, her back to his front as he spoke to her reflection.

“I got the wings on my back because I was foolish enough to tell the tattoo artist to do what he thought I needed. I never understood why he decided on something so intricate.”

“The ladies must dig it though.”

His quick grin told her she was right.

“They may have before, but you’re the only lady I want digging it from now on. But as you’re my angel, maybe it was his way of telling me one day the tat would mean something more. I think we should do the ascension.”

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