He felt it like a tsunami building. Massive, rising up and up. Filling him. He never worried or feared. He just knew that as long as they stayed together they’d weather it.

Then her mouth curved up just the smallest of bits and she said, “I am open to you. I am ascended.”

He repeated the words and the intent wrapped around them, strengthening their bond as what felt like raging rivers of magick knocked him off his feet and he had no choice but to hang on and trust that Meriel would keep him from drowning. Her eyes told him she had that same feeling.

And then, a while later, she leaned forward and kissed him. His knees ached from where they’d been kneeling but he didn’t care. He kissed her back as someone undid their bindings.

She put her forehead to his as they both fought for air. “I’m a little dizzy right now,” she said for his ears only.

“Me too. Thank God, I was hoping it wasn’t just that I was a pussy.”

Her gaze met his and everything clicked into place with total, utter certainty. This was right. What he should have done. He simply knew it.

He helped her to stand. “We are ascended,” she announced and there was much clapping. Dominic felt part of something far bigger than he ever had before. He was part of this other person. She stood at his side, her hand in his. He tasted her magick on his tongue. Each time he breathed in it was her scent on the breeze. She was everything all at once but he never felt as if he’d lost part of himself. Just more of something else added to that. She hadn’t made him whole, she’d simply snapped all the missing pieces together and in doing so he was whole.

Magick crackled around him as he looked around. His vision was altered as the othersight he’d only recently learned to open up seemed to layer with his normal vision. Meriel told him it might happen like that sometimes right after an ascension, and that he’d get used to it.

Edwina broke the circle and everyone moved back to the house where there’d be some mulled wine and light appetizers.

“Welcome to Clan Owen.” Edwina bowed to him.

“Hear, hear!” Abe raised a glass in agreement.

Chapter 17

MERIEL sat and drank tea with Gia Kelly down in a bright, cozy corner. “This is pretty swank back here. I’m sorry I’ve never seen it before.”

“We keep it a secret so people leave us alone.”

Gia had called her down to talk about the scrying angle and had met Meriel with a cup of tea and the promise of cookies. Which she’d made good on. Snickerdoodles even.

“You like it that everyone’s afraid to come down here.” Meriel laughed, delighted.

“It’s our secret. If they weren’t afraid, they’d be here all the time asking us to research things they should do themselves.”

“Kudos to you. I wish I’d have thought of that.”

“Given all the information you’ve provided and that Nell and Gage have supplemented, we feel what you experienced was indeed someone scrying to watch you.”

Meriel frowned.

“Since, in general, witches don’t need to scry because they have othersight and seeking spells, it’s usually something mages use.”


“I’m going to guess this is connected in some way to the alert Nell sent out about mage activity on the East Coast?”

“Yes, that and more I suppose. I wanted to hope it wasn’t, but it’s hard to imagine why anyone would scry me except for that. How do I protect myself?”

“I was hoping you’d ask.” Gia gave her a sly smile. “I have a spell that will work. It’s not exactly traditional but it does the trick.”

“I’m wary, but intrigued.”

SHE got the text from Nell while meeting with Gia so Meriel headed straight upstairs to Nell’s office.

“So Gia says yes, it’s scrying.” Meriel grabbed one of the donuts she spied upon entry. “Why do you rate donuts?”

“I’m the great and terrible Oz. People bring me things to keep me placated. Sit down and let me brief you on this mess.”

“I need to be scarier if it nets me donuts.”

“Don’t whine, it’s not cute.” Nell winked. “I’ve been in contact with Arel. He and I are in agreement that the incidents with you being watched are connected to the mages. Gage is working with some other hunter folks from Gennessee and Rodas on putting together a database. Identifying these mages who’ve messed with us. Tracking them.”

“Eliminating them.”

“I do like the way you think. Yes, that too. We’re going to need to step out of our comfort zone here. These mages are fueled by their addiction; they don’t care that they’re hurting and killing to do that. The only thing they’re going to understand is a fist in the face.”

“If you’re expecting me to tell you no, you’ve got a long wait ahead of you.”

“Good. My gut tells me they know an awful lot about us. So they’ve possibly tortured some of the witches they’ve taken for info. But I don’t really think that was the goal, though I do think they may have tortured for the power of the pain they’ve inflicted. The missing witches we’ve found to be likely targets were mainly non-clan witches.”

“Turned witches?” She saw red a moment.

“Given the apparent move toward snatching witches who are at the higher end of the power scale, I’m going to say yes, I think they’re getting inside information from turned witches.”

“Are we keeping track of them in any way?”

“No. And I should have thought of it so I apologize. Gage is on that now.”

She waved it away. “Yes, so totally loserly of you not to know every single possibility ever. Anyway, in our history they’ve usually just burned themselves out and ended up dead within five to ten years after they get stuck. How the hell are you supposed to know they’d start working with bigots and other junkies to traffic our magick?”

“It’s my job to think about every possibility.”

“Make it happen and keep me apprised.” She stood. “Gia taught me a spell that renders the caster invisible to scrying. She’s agreed to teach it to anyone who’d like to know it.”

“Good. Good. All right, I’ll work with her to get my people trained and then take it outward. Be careful, Meriel. I’ve put a guard on you. He’ll stay in the background, but your mother told me to and I agree.”

“Nicely played.” Meriel rolled her eyes. “Not gonna argue with it. Good to have an extra pair of eyes. It’ll hopefully calm Dominic down too.”


Dominic had made the time to call his foster father to arrange to come down.

“Dominic! I was just thinking of you. I’ve actually had a few dreams about you while I was out last weekend.”

It was best to just get it out quickly. “I’ve met someone special. I want you to meet her.”

“Have you now?”

He heard the wary interest in Tom’s voice and smiled. Crusty old man.

“I did. You’ll like her.”


Then he laughed. “She’s nothing like any of the women I’ve dated before. She’s a lawyer. A redhead. Gorgeous. Hyperintelligent. Works in the family business.”

“Really? Well, this is good to hear. You know the door is always open to you. This is your home too. I’d like to meet her. What’s her name?”

“Meriel.” He avoided saying her last name, not wanting to get into the whole ascension/bond-mate business over the phone.

“How old is she?”


“She marriage material?”


“She one of us?” He meant a witch.

“Yes.” Dominic left it at that. Once he met Meriel, Tom would feel differently and he didn’t want to have her prejudged.

“All right then. Bring her down. Spend the weekend so I can get to know her. She’s not fussy, is she?”

“She looks like she might be.” He snorted. “But she’s tough. Hard as nails. Ruthless when she has to be. She’ll love the house.”

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