She tossed herself on the couch next to Nell. “You need to go home.”

“William is coming to pick me up. Gage has my car. Anyway, I need to talk to you. Are you all right?”

Finally, after everyone had gone it was finally safe to let it go so she just turned and buried her face in her hands and let it go. Nell rubbed a hand up and down her back, not saying anything, just letting Meriel get all the tears out.

She cried until she got the hiccups and then slowly pulled herself back together again.

“She knows he’s alive. I think we should be expecting a call very soon.” Meriel tapped her knee. “But the good news is, she’s weak. Her magic is hollow, brittle in places. I don’t know how she’s made it this far. But I will make sure she doesn’t do it again.”

“We’ll make sure. Leave the hunting to the hunter please. And don’t assume she’s the only turned witch working with these mages either. You’re what they call a high-value target, Meriel, don’t forget that. You’re like the big bank job or whatever.”

“Pfft. She tried to take him from me. She tried to take his will.”

“We’ll get her.”

“He thinks he was weak because of what happened. But he was so strong. What she did would have taken over a weak man inside ten minutes. From what I can tell it had been cast at least two hours and all it had really done was make him aggressive. His defensive magick was working even though he had no idea. I’m the one who was weak. I didn’t even think about possession. It’s my job and I failed.”

“Really? Well, forgive me for thinking you saved him. I’m sorry you seem to think you need to be omniscient. Even Edwina isn’t all knowing, sister.”

“It’s my job to know.”

“You did your job. You can’t possibly think of every single outcome of every single thing. Even you can’t do it. No one can. Anyway, are you going to let this low-rent bitch ruffle you? Girl, you beat her. Over and over.”

This made her feel infinitely better, as she knew would happen when she laid it all out for Nell. “I have her taste now. I know Gloria Ochoa. That was a big mistake on her part. Now I can find her easier and remove this problem for good.”

“She’s gonna be calling you. You know that, right?”

“Looking forward to it. My best guess is she’ll be on my phone at work bright and early. And I’ll be waiting.”

“Good. There’s my girl.” Nell’s grin was vicious. “Calls will ring in here like we talked about. I talked to Simon. He told me you were amazing with Dom, said your skills were off the charts. You used the Latin exorcism rites? That’s pretty Hollywood.”

“Once I got inside him I could see what it was. It just came to me to try it. Seemed to me that sometimes holy men and women are shamans in a sense, their rites and rituals have meaning too, so I gave them intent. Worked out.” She let out a long breath.

She could do this. She would do this.

William showed up at the door. He gave Meriel a hug and went to Nell. “I’m here to collect my wife.”

Nell smiled up at him. “Hello there.”

He shook his head. “Is everything all right?”

“It is. I was just giving Meriel an update. Dominic is sleeping. He’ll be fine. No lasting effects. In fact he’ll come out of this stronger, Meriel’s mother said.”

William helped Nell into her coat and they headed out. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning. First thing. You can work from here, I get that. But I want to be here if she calls.”

“Fine. Just please rest. If she calls before you get here, you’re only a few minutes away.”

DOMINIC woke feeling better than he had in a few days. Refreshed even.

Her side of the bed was still warm and the scent of coffee filled the air. Meriel was there and awake. He rolled to stand and stretch and when he turned, she was standing in the doorway, smiling.

“How are you feeling this morning?”

“Better now.” He pulled her into a hug. “Damn, you feel good.”

She tipped her head up to look him in the face. “Coffee and some breakfast can be had if you’re up to it.”

“I figured I’d have to scrub the goop off. But it’s gone.”

“Gage’s mom said it would soak into the skin. You smell good. Clean and fresh.”

“Well, that’s a plus to having your friend’s mom rubbing goo all over you. Don’t know that I’ll be looking her in the eye anytime soon.”

She laughed. “Come on out then. I’ll make you something to eat.”

“Meriel?” He caught her hand in his.


“I love you.”

Her smile widened. “I love you too.”

He followed her out and settled in at the table. “So tell me. Fill me in.”

“You sure you want that first thing? Before you even eat?”

“I can do both. Do you mean to tell me you went to bed right when I did and only woke up five minutes ago?” He looked toward the spare room where she’d set up her office.

“My body clock wakes me up at five. No matter how much I try to sleep in. She’s going to call today. I want to be ready.” She began to pull a breakfast together and he watched, content to have her there.

“Nell will be by in about half an hour so you’ll need pants or she might die from how sexy you look with no shirt and those snug boxer briefs hugging your butt and your package.”

“I’m flattered that you think she’d notice any man but William.”

“Puhleeze. He’s handsome and sexy and all that. But he’s no Dominic Bright. Also, a girl can look. Doesn’t mean she’s gonna touch.”

“You’d break her fingers if she did.”

Her smile brightened as she put some toast and eggs in front of him. “Yes, and other parts of you if I thought you enjoyed it.”

“Come sit with me, my pretty, vicious witch.”

She kissed him before putting the Tabasco out and sitting with him.

“I’m going to work from here today. My phone will be forwarded here. Nell has the hardware already set up so when the call comes in a trace will start. She’s also got that spell to break through any confusion spells Gloria tries to use.” She looked at her watch. “And once we’ve got that, Nell will plan to bring her in. She’s a possible way into this group of mages here in Seattle. Let’s hope she’s a weak enough link to lead us straight to them. We’ve got her in my hallway and in the same cities where witches have disappeared. She’s with them, I know it.”

“I want to say up front that even before last night I knew Gloria was too far gone. It’s not just what she did to me, it’s the way you were risked too. Don’t think I didn’t hear your mother ask you all those questions.”

Edwina had interrogated Meriel while searching her for any signs of damage. Plunging into someone’s magick while they were being possessed was dangerous in and of itself.

“Then you heard her say I was just fine.”

“No. I heard her say she was proud of you and that she thought you showed cunning and skill.”

Meriel blushed. “Yeah. That part was cool.” She hugged her cup and then looked to him. “I will always risk everything to save you.”

He let out a long breath. “Yeah. Right back atcha.”

He took a shower and did some of his own work. Nell showed up and gave him an impromptu magick lesson, which he appreciated. And, he had to admit, it made him feel totally that he was all right. Nell wouldn’t have trusted him to learn anything from her if she thought he was weak or tainted in some way.

So much pent-up energy was the impetus to working out at home. He usually liked to go to the gym, just to get away, but he didn’t want to miss it when Gloria called.

MOUTH suddenly dry, Meriel sat at the desk, body turned sideways so she could watch Dominic do pull-ups in the door frame across the hall. Wide, muscular shoulders gleaming with sweat, muscles trembling with exertion. His tattoo looked nearly alive as he moved.

She’d work from home a lot more often if this was what her view would be.

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